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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Darkesword needs a lollipop. First Party in the Snowland, and now THIS!!! WOOHOO! For being only the second person in the history of OCR to remix a Gamecube game, (The first was DJ Carbunk1e with 'That Balcony Thing' From Luigi's Mansion) This is some awesome stuff. An absolutely epic piece that I think surpasses the original in every way. Excellent stuff. Now if you could only remix Dragon's Roost Island... Anyhoo, Good job, Darkesword!

  2. This is da good schytte, gentlemenz!!! This song rocks! And since I usually hate anything remotely close to jazz, that's saying something. This is my new favorite mix. Awesome job, Darkesword. I really liked how you sort of interlaced the two songs together, and that conga (Djimbe drum?) is just addictive. Might we squeeze a whole Mario Christmas album out of you? If you haven't downloaded this yet, you are in sin, and you will be smitten. Get it!

  3. This is a wierd mix, when it starts. The first several minutes are very reminiscent of the music you'd hear in a Charlie Brown cartoon. To be blatantly honest, although it evidenced incredible piano skills, I'm no big fan of the first, oh, 3 1\2 minutes.


    The last two minutes and 47 seconds of this mix are so incredible, I darn near peed myself. Mixes like this are the reason you should always listen to a mix all the way through before passing judgement. This last part is incredible stuff. My props to JonT for setting a new standard!

  4. As well covered as the series may be, Pretzel should really do more Final Fantasy Remixes. It has a very distinct Reggae sound to it, but also a lot os synth\techno flavor too. Very interesting use of a lot of different instruments in this remix. I especially like at the 1:50 mark, when the flute part begins. It adds a slow, contemplative few moments to an otherwise very upbeat and fun remix. Props to pretzel for another gem. Highly recommended!

  5. DJPretzel, if you ever get to read this, I want you to NEVER, EVER, be afraid to sing again. This remix flows in a very light, airy sort of way. Close your eyes, and the music makes you feel like you're flying. Really fast. But the vocals add a whole other dimension to this mix. In a song of this speed and almost surrealistic style, I feel it crucial that there be something solid to grasp and hang on to. Pretzel's vocals do just that. This mix is a must have. Honestly, I've only heard of Xenogears in passing, and never played it, but this is a must download. This is a

    +10\+10 Song of Pretty!

  6. This is, to be frank, the most stunningly beautiful remix I've ever heard. The water theme from Mario 64 has been my favorite piece of game music since my 10 year old hands first picked up an N64 controller in late '96, and to hear it remixed with so much care, beauty, and obvious talent is wonderful. I especially enjoyed the shatter\glitter effect at the 1:46 mark, right before the finale. I don't know much about remixing music, but I know that DJPretzel is the most talented Remixer I have ever come across. Excelsior!!

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