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Posts posted by YannickJason

  1. I like where this is going, but it definitely needs some work.

    As previously stated, the piece needs some humanization. The guitars in the beginning need some variation, as well as some reverb. Those kicks get a little scattered too. For something with a little more punch to it, try some layering, mess with the EQ and volume and see what you like.

    This is a nice direction you're going with this song. It's been a while since I've heard an arrangement of Gerudo Valley. The synths seem fine to me, just the execution needs a bit of work.

    Keep going though, I'd love to hear this one finished.

  2. I've never tried out this thread before...

    I think It'd e a cool idea to see this song remixed. Now, I am aware that this game was released (officially) today, so if anyone does decide to take this remix on, there's no worries.

    Style? Hmm. I think a good one for this would be some hard Electro House.

    What do you think? :)

  3. Lol, "more of a calming feel"?! Not sure DnB was the way to go for that!! I didn't get that at all, it seemed to be pretty high energy still. Which is fine! Love me some high energy. But even just the progression of the thing gives off a VERY strong feeling of tension. If you DO decide to go higher energy, Will pretty much hit the nail on the head; more bass in the drums, and personalize instrumentation more. I'd LOVE to hear a version of this that knocks me flat on my skinny ass, and I'm sure you could accomplish this quite easily (not because I'm easily knocked on my ass, but because of the music you've already got :P )

    There are a few sour harmonies too, like the last half of :42 and to a lesser extent, :45. Also some of the chords during the 1:16 segment. Love the drop-out right after though, makes a great building section. EDIT: well shit, I listened to the first version you posted for these time markings. A lot of the sour harmonies have been fixed, but most of the other stuff still stands. Also, thanks for finding another host other than YouTube :D

    This is a GREAT. FUCKING. Attitude to have. Quite refreshing from some of the recent "FUCK OFF I MEANT IT TO BE LIKE THAT" mentality that I've been seeing in the forum lately. Which, btw, will get you absolutely nowhere as a musician.

    Anyway, hope that helps out a bit. Best of luck


    Lol, think I'm gonna take the drums up more and add to them to make this more intense.

    This is all great stuff. Thanks so much for the feedback! :D

  4. If you're trying to get this on OCR, then I'd suggest that you don't sample from the original song. Sampling from the original source is basically a no-no :P

    Ok so going down the chiptune route is pretty cool. Drum and 8-bit :P

    Its hard to tell the exact feel you're going for with this, mainly because the drums lack any sort of bass content. I can't tell if this is suppose to sound like pendulum crossed with chiptune or if you're going for something a little more on the softer, yet still energetic side of things. Either way, you need a bit more of a bass presence than what you've got. Boost the level of the kick a little. The arrangement is actually pretty cool because you've managed to add some sweet variations but this does sound like its close to sampled from the original based on the instrumentation you used. You can certainly afford to personalize the track a little more and still keep it sounding close to the source, but there are some really cool personalized bits throughout that I really like.

    I'd focus just a tad more on personalization with the more conservative bits, with instrumentation if nothing else, and boost the kick a tad, then message me back and I'll have another look at what you've done :)

    Oh btw, Youtube isn't a good source to put your music on for critique. Post it on tindeck!

    Thanks so much for the feedback. Yeah, I wanted this arrangement to have more of a calming feel as opposed to the atmosphere it usually carries. I'll be sure to add in some more of my own flavour to it in the next version.

    I'm still deciding on whether or not I want to submit this when it's done. I'd really love to make this mix the best it can be though.

  5. I think besides when you have the chippy stuff, it's a little tough to define the song, and is that the original theme sampled into the song? I think you could get creative with that, and stray from the original sixteenth notes for some variety.

    Since it's a WIP I'll wait for the full arrangement to criticize structure and such.

    I do like the sounds you use for percussion

    I'll just have to wait until the finished version is out to fully crit!

    Thanks for the crit so far, anyway! Anything at all helps, really. :)

    I'll be sure to post up a newer, more complete version soon.

  6. I like the sad feeling of this song. I also like that it's a piano arrangement.

    You've got some good progressions going on here.

    Not much that I can say is bad here, there are very few songs like this that I've critiqued that are badly composed.

    You definitely know what you're doing. Is this song finished, or are you planning on adding more?

    Either way, I like what is done. Keep it up! :)

  7. I don't know, I think it sounds pretty good. I like some of the little changes you made (like around the 1:50 mark) and some of the other modifications you made on the melody, at least from what I can remember (I didn't go back and listen to v4 again).

    My crits from earlier still hold though. I'm not terribly fond of the bass sample and at times the lead just doesn't seem to pop, especially in the first 30 seconds or so (not sure if that's intentional). I think overall it just needs to be EQed a bit better, so it stands out more. Maybe boost the high-frequencies a tad?

    It's a shame you weren't able to join the Sonic compo in time, I would've liked to have heard what you could've come up with! Nice job on this though!

    EQ is definitely something I have trouble with. I'll be sure to fix that in my next update.

    Thanks for the crit, man. :)

  8. It's got lots of potential, just not the best execution. Follow what PokemonEinstein said; he knows his stuff. One thing I've learned doing orchestral music is that you can't rely on one VST's samples, nor can you go through a song once and call it done. When you finish a song, wait a few hours afterward and listen to it again. See if you can find anything you really want to change and go back to it. Also, your own personal flare is important; make the song your own and throw in some new elements.

    Hope I could help a bit. Keep going!

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