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Posts posted by YannickJason

  1. Pretty good mix! I find no major fault with the actual arrangement of the song. Almost on par with Brandon Strader's mixes (he has...well...a fetish for Splash Woman's source). ;-)

    I heard what seems to be a sour note at around 0:24. Check if you can fix that. It's not pleasing to the ears.

    The production of the song is where I start to see the cracks. As OfficialJab pointed out, the drum instrument you chose is rather mediocre, almost low res. It's especially going to hurt you since your piece relies heavily on the percussion (Hell, the intro is mostly drums). Find something better and the piece will drastically improve.

    I can see some of the judges not liking some of your synth choices, but it's fine by my standards, so I give it an A-Okay!

    Can't wait to see the next version.

    EDIT: Mixing is key. See if you can alter your piece so that the better, more melodic instruments have greater prominence.

    Thanks a bunch! I'm working on fixing some things, but I will definitely have to find a better snare for the percussion.

  2. I think at the moment that the drums are too much louder than everything else, or at least stand out too much. Nothing besides them is getting any spotlight. Are you going to go with vocals? They won't allow the originals, even if they're edited, so I don't know if I'd recommend using any at all... projects with fan vocals, even if the source has them prominently, are very risky. It's the melody most people like, not the words.

    True enough. I might just end up submitting a vocal-less version for OCRemix, while keeping another version just for me. I'll work on the drums and proper EQ soon. Thanks!

  3. I was planning on remixing this for my own introduction, once I get a mic and midi-board to go with my audio converter, so I'll be frank - the track needs a vocal line. It's not as iconic or as powerful without vocals. Don't get me wrong, the instrumental version was cool and all, but I always loved the original - No. 1 most played video game song on my iTunes at 99 plays, followed by Oh No You Didn't from Mercenaries 2 with 31.

    I'm not saying that tracks like this need a vocal line - take a look at Sonic '06's iconic final boss theme, Solaris Phase 2, and the vocal version - His World by Zebrahead. Nobody is willing to remix that, because it's too iconic. Either version, I mean. Live and Learn, on the other hand, I never really picked up on as an instrumental, but Crush 40's version was awesome. Not quite as good as some of their later tracks, but still awesome. The drums are alright, I guess, the bass could be toned down a little, and there still has to be the intro, because that straight-away tells you the source track.

    Good to know. Thanks for the advice! To follow up on your point about Solaris Phase 2, yes it is FAR too iconic for anyone to really try and take a stab at remixing. I'm contemplating on vocals for this because, as you said, it needs them. I intended for this version, by all means, to have them. I just want everything in it to be a completely original remix, so I won't add the vocals from Crush40. I might sing it myself, or get someone else to.

    And the bass; yeah... in my revise, I'm toning it down. Seemed a tad to harsh for the track. I'll see what I can do about everything in the next edit.

  4. I like the sound of this so far, nice job. The only complaint is that the bass in the intro is a little distracting, if that makes sense. I also think the hat during the intro is a little harsh, but once the main melody starts up, everything sounds solid. It seems like I'm nitpicking, but I guess that's because the rest sounds good.

    Nitpicking or not, it helps me make better music when I get feedback! Thanks.

  5. sounds rather interesting. I'd like to see you continue it. But you're not going for vocals are you? If so, I feel the song is going to have to feel a bit "stronger", and I'm not a music critic so I don't even know what I'm trying to say >.>

    No worries, I know what you're trying to say. I am trying to find a way to make the leads a bit stronger. As for singing, I am trying to leave it open because I'm still considering putting vocals over it. I want it to be able to stand alone, while still sounding fine if I added the lyrics.

  6. I think MIDI instruments aren't generally well liked around ocremix, as the sounds don't seem to compare to other samples around...Also, as awesome as those low sounds and drums are, they seem to overpower the melody a bit too much imo. The mix as a whole is really cool though :nicework:

    Alright. I've been trying to find better suited instruments. It's beginning to sound strange with the ones I've chosen. To be clear, I haven't used ANY MIDI instruments in this track, just oscillators and other instruments in FL Studio.

    And the drums I can change as well. It did sort of swallow up the song.

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