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Posts posted by YannickJason

  1. I really like the overall groove you have going on here. It's really upbeat and got me into the song quickly. There are enough change-ups throughout to keep things interesting too.

    Now a few critiques... the dubstep elements throughout sound pretty weak. The bass in particular, feels reserved and bland. It needs something more to make it pop. Not sure if it's the sample or how you're doing the effects, but it just doesn't feel as "in your face" as I would expect from the genre.

    The lead synth could use some filter lovin' as well. It sounds like it could be EQed a bit better so it has a crisper, cleaner sound. Also some additional LFO effects, like vibrato, tremolo, or some pitch bends, could serve it well to make it sound more dynamic. I hear some of that going on already, but I feel it could use more.

    Overall though, I enjoyed this. Nice job.

    Thanks! Just the advice I needed. I'll be sure to go over this again in a few days. *I'm a little tired of listening to it, lol*

    Anyway, this one's a smaller update. I changed some of the lead and percussion, but not a noticeable amount.


  2. It's not a bad start, some nice sounds. I just feel it needs more impact and needs to build that half beat dubstep feel. Maybe try adding a nice full power kick and a big reverberant snare alternately on the 1st and 3rd beats of the bar (that's assuming you're already at a tempo around 135bpm?)

    I say just start with that if that all makes sense and see how it evolves from there?

    Thanks! I'm glad to know that I'm off to a good start. I'll be sure to upload an update as soon as possible.

  3. I'd have to agree with Nonamer on the point of the drums being not very natural. It's mostly notable in the beginning but not so much later on in the mix. I think what might fix it is if you vary the velocity of the notes more and slightly miss-align some of them/humanize it. Maybe give it more of a dynamic range? The crashes sound kind of weak too. Maybe layer it with some others or pull up the volume or turn down everything else and let the tail drag a little longer perhaps. The backing strings sound too quiet in the mix. Maybe experiment with compression on different instruments to make it sound more full. I think the kick could have more of a punch too. Maybe try layering it with another and EQ'ing and compressing. All of these things are pretty minor though. The song sounds full and almost finished. My favorite part is at 3:24. I love the drums and synth you used there.

    I like how it slows down in the :38 mark and then takes off! I really like the bass melody too. It's a fun song :) I hope that helps.

    Thanks! I think I might just take out the into and use it in another song though... I've reworked the beginning and tried something new with the EQ.

  4. Definitely a Sonic meets Mega Man style going here, I like it. Well done. I agree with TheRexAsaurous, it does seem to lack energy, especially towards the end. The drums seem weak, I'd say they need some more punch.

    Good work so far.

    I'm glad people are liking the mix of styles I'm using. I'm here to learn, so thanks for the advice! :)

  5. bass at the beginning sounds eh sample-wise. overall, the samples are average.

    Try adding some velocity changes on these; right now, it's lacking some energy.

    arrangement wise, this is pretty conservative IMO, but its got its good parts. Try some more variation; this is a very recognizable source, and right now there's nothing popping out at me that's saying "hey, check out what I did"

    I enjoy the megaman style though. Keep up the work.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely work on making it more dynamic.

  6. Yeah, I am totally getting a Mega Man vibe here. :)!!

    The best part was at 1:12. Whatever you do with this song, you have GOT to keep that section in there. Transition into it differently if you want, but I think that section is awesome.

    Jeez, that kinda makes me wanna try my hand at a Chemical Plant Zone remix now...:tomatoface:

    Thanks! I'm going to for a more Generations type of feel. I've also been into a lot of Mega Man lately. Any advice on instrumentation?

  7. I like it, It's a coherent, fluid piece. I don't often hear that from early compositions. It shows that you've taken or at least know some musical theory. Props!


    The beat gets a little jumpy, even for a progressive song such as this. Try and keep those kicks simple; it'll take ya farther!

    I can't say much in the ways of EQ because I'm currently listening to this on my laptop, but the grainy frequency at the beginning wasn't too bad, it just needed some tweaking. Nice use of Oscillators; I often use them. Try to create different sounds with them though, a default noise is very obvious and can be easily picked out.

    Really experiment before you dive into a song. One thing I like to do before I start a tune is listen and take reference to how songs of the aspired genre sound and think of how I can use them together.

    Overall, I like it. Very catchy. Keep going.

  8. Not sure which lead I like better actually, the new one still sort of sounds like it's coming from a SNES. The mixing has drastically improved, though, things are coming into focus. Can't tell how much the drums have changed, but at the beginning at least, they're still not too strong. We could really use some stronger bass percussion I think, a good kick drum or something to make the song hit a little harder in general.

    Bear in mind I have about no technical knowledge here, but strictly as a fan, that's what I'm hearing.

    Still fiddling around with the lead synth. I can't seem to find one that works well in this song...

    The beginning is also kind of iffy for me. I might change it completely to suit the rest of the song; maybe something progressive (?)

    Also looking forward to Live & Learn still, find a good guitar for it?

    Yes! I'm going in a new direction with the song as a whole though. Lower tone, new instruments, etc..

    Thanks for asking! :)

  9. I can tell you one thing I thought from the first time I heard it... The drums need more variation for this song to work well. Its very D n B sounding too, but its hard to hear the loops over all the sounds playing. Try to tone them down slightly. The song also loses interest after the first minute and a half because nothing really stands out with the bass or the melody for the matter.

    I'd love to hear an updated version though.

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