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Posts posted by GallenWolf

  1. Heya!

    Yeah, I love baroque pieces, especially with the harpsichord :)

    Cheers for the notes, I think you are very right - a trill right before the end would work perfectly. I need to listen to more flute pieces :-/ Currently writing another sonata with the proper form, but just can't find a place to put triplets in :-/


  2. I'm... not exactly a remixer or vgm composer. Yet. I think along the way figuring out remixes I got sidetracked into the baroque side of things but I will be back!

    I definitely start with Finale before bringing the midi into Logic. It will take far longer to figure out counterpoint in Logic etc as Finale provides a better environment to label chords and write notes, for example.

  3. Since this is still on topic, does anyone have garritan's world instrument collection?


    Is it any better, even marginally, than their other products? I really want to get EW's world instruments but that spans a few different libraries and would cost a small fortune to get.

    I always thought play had a cool looking GUI but i've had so many problems with the player bugging out for no apparent reason that working with it has become extremely cumbersome once I load up a project. Usually I have to create a different project just for the instruments I want to use play for.

    I do have garritan world instruments, sadly some of the patches have a fair bit of noise in them. On the whole I found them quite lifeless, but this is comparing against libraries several times more in cost running in kontakt, engine etc.

    I also have some of Eduardo's libraries (epic world, forest kingdom and others) and that's a good place to put money down for world instruments IMHO, among others. If you go over to vi-control.net, sometimes there are ppl selling these libs used.

    Play works fine for me, but I don't use it as EWQLSO is not a good match for what I write atm.

  4. Other alternatives for mixing is to look at include Ardour, as well as the Harrison Mixbus. I have also tried renoise on linux. It's a tracker, but I never got far enough to do a mix on it. I never got on with FL, and whilst lmms works on my box, I just can't figure it out.

    Personally, I've given up on music on linux - apart from kdenlive for vids and audacity - with no native samplers e.g. kontakt or vsl (dare i mention play lol), and once you figure in dongles..... very limiting as I want to do orchestral stuff down the road.

    I also forgot, no daw on the level of cubase/logic/dp/your favourite daw - makes doing midi mockups quite a challenge.

  5. Do you know how to form the basic triads? Back when I started I only knew how to form major/minor triads (you should have seen ppl's faces when I asked what's the diff between a C7 and CMaj 7 lol), and picked chords that contained notes of my melody in it, and just gave it a test to see how it sounded.

    E.g. if I had a phrase C, E, C, E.....

    C and E could be used in the C triad (CEG) or A minor (Am) triad (ACE) - I then experiment with either of these chords on my keyboard and see which sounds better in relation to other chords around.

    If you'd be interested to pass me a section of your melody, I'd love to see if I can harmonize it. Been practising on inventions lately, not touched harmony in awhile.

    Also, I'd suggest this book if you want something to work on for basic harmony.

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