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Posts posted by GallenWolf

  1. Hello mate!

    Thanks for the crit on SC :) Well appreciated.

    Also, the suggestion of adding different instruments, that is a very valid point that I will definitely keep in mind and use next time I work on the rhythm section.

    Yeah I was quite taken aback by how much energy most of the other mixes were in the compo. When I was arranging this I was at a loss at how to make things more engaging, as I truly believed this needed to be on the more melancholic side.

    I hope to re-orchestrate this as I just got vsl solo strings (like... yesterday...) and should be getting some brass & winds with proper legato in a month or two.


  2. Hi all!

    The FF6 compo is complete! Woo!

    I'm hoping to get some brutally honest, constructive feedback on this piece I worked on.


    Source: Final Fantasy 6, "Rest In Peace"


    I have little idea how to remix, and I approached this by playing the source, wiggle in some improv, then finish up with a solo fiddle playing the source. I had imagined, visually, this was several soloist playing a memoir for their friends.

    Libraries used were mainly Logic's built in stuff, Garritan World Instruments for the fiddle, and EWQLSO for the solo trumpet/oboe.

  3. Voters will be asked to consider the production values, arrangement creativity and overall enjoyment factor of each remix when deciding on their rating. A rating of "1" means that they feel there are major problems with production and arrangement and the mix is quite unenjoyable, while a rating of "5" means they feel the mix is perfect (or near-perfect) and extremely enjoyable.

    What if the production values and arrangement are good - but I personally don't feel the music is to my enjoyment? Do we just average it out internally? (5+5+2)/3 = 4?

  4. Hola!

    I just re-did a big portion of my mix with your tips, this time with EWQLSO. The overlapping of the notes plus attack time did *wonders*! Thank you very much!

    Cheers for hunting down the GPO legato mode - I have used it, however, the legato segments sound very mechanical to my ears. I think I'm going to look into using more of SO. SO's quite re-verby, even with the close mics. I find it more challenging to fit together in the mix with my other non-SO instruments.

    Thanks again!

  5. Hi Moseph! Thanks for the clarification. I don't think I got attack timing there, but I will take another look at the sampler.

    In GPO, the velocity of the note determines how much attack it has got, and the mod wheel determines volume. Maybe it's one of them CC controls...

    That said, I am pretty sure I saw attack time on the Play sampler, perhaps it is time to make the switch to symphonic orchestra....


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