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Posts posted by GallenWolf

  1. Bearing in mind that I'm really new to this... I thought that the flute (or whistle?) didn't stand out against the distorted guitars - but I'm thinking that they are going to be harmonizing with the vocals right? So that may fit well. I think I need to hear it with the vocals, difficult otherwise, as I think I'm listening more to a pure backing track with no lead. hths!

  2. Hi guys! Good morning from the uk!

    @Calum: That is a marvelous post, thank you for the feedback. Indeed, only the sax is live, the bass and evp were recorded using my midi keyboard :D It's interesting the point you bring up about how muddy the evp is, and how the bass is in its place.

    Originally the bass was supposed to be an octave lower, I brought it up an octave to "overpower" the evp as I had no idea how to do a proper accompaniment/harmonize with the main line, and decided to just play the main chords, but push the piano down. Will know better next time :) Good thoughts on the spatial setup as well, I'll have to give that a go :)

    @Nonamer: I must admit improvisation is a skill I am still learning :D This recording was take 3, though I did overdub one bar as I missed a note :) Cheers for listening on headphones :) From what I read, I only mixed but didn't master (no idea how) or test on the laptop speakers, will definitely remember that for future items. Ah, the drums samples I used were Addictive Drums, and the loops from groove monkee. Having a hard time finding 3/4 loops for AD :-/

    Thanks remixers! Will work harder :)

  3. http://soundcloud.com/gallenw/silent-night-holy-night

    I started on the saxophone about a year ago, and earlier this month finally got logic, and came up with this arrangement for "Silent Night". I thought the mix sounded ok through my headphones, but it is quite dreadful on my laptop speakers. Need to test more on different platforms, I think :)

    Also tested a new microphone position for this recording, close mic'd the sax and it came out very thin :banghead: A good previous recording was done from 2+ feet away, and that sounded much better. Ah well, live and learn :)

  4. Hmmmm bits of both I think. On one hand I find it fascinating to listen to e.g. zelda/FF/chrono mixes, as those are fond memories of my youth, so a fair bit of nostalgia there.

    On the flip side, the intepretation of mixes - sometimes stands heads and shoulders over the original. Case in point there is this Red XIII mix (gah can't find it on my mp3 player) - that I thought that was brilliant. The artist passed away, sadly.

    I tend to have difficulty listening to new mixes - but after listening to the the lucid dreaming album, I think I've developed a fondness for Nights. :) Would love to try the game now if I had a chance.

  5. I'd go with AD. I've got Superior Drummer, which is ezd's big brother. I prefer AD, and I've only got the demo. Sure, SD is a bigger package with more mics, more effects, more options... except the fun creative ones, and it's quite a memory hog. I reckon SD is more suited towards high-realism work, which isn't really what I do. The sound design options in AD make it more in line with what I do anyway. Envelopes, pitch control, and a much more intuitive interface. Bigger buttons too, which is good when you're working on high resolution screens.

    Nice deal, thanks for pointing it out. :D

    Hey Rozovian, thanks for the thoughts! I went ahead and bought AD, can't wait to check it out - and get some grooves from groovemonkee too :3

    Addenum: Addictive Drums have just put up a notice on the website as well, it's a crazy good deal for the north american folk, AD + two ADPaks for USD149! It's till Dec 2011 though.

  6. I have been doing some recordings with an Onyx Blackjack audio interface, so far I've tested on Ubuntu + Audacity and OSX + Garageband/Audacity and it works great. I keep reading about how bad the drivers are on windows.

    The headphone amps on it are definitely leagues ahead on the headphone outs on my laptop, and with my 55ohm headphones, roughly 5% on the volume knob is sufficiently loud. I'm thinking this interface can probably drive higher impedance headphones.

    Something to consider for non-windows folk :)

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