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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Two Minds Without A Single Thought - You have some good ideas in here; the part around 3:30 is probably the strongest part of the song, when the pads are complementing everything and sounding decent. You get serious props for giving this a shot AND attempting the most ambitious song of the lot. Unfortunately, the song has timing issues and could definitely be stronger. Hang out in the WIP forums- everyone is super friendly and helpful, and you'll improve in no time. Keep it up!

    I wish I agreed, but my one experience with the WIP forums was less then decent. :/ I couldn't really tell if everyone hated me or if I was just overreacting :/

  2. Hah I probably didn't beat you man, I don't think there is a bracket anyway.. i wasn't up against you... not in this competition anyway... :twisted::shock:

    Anyway I'm right there with you in the losing stack I bet, trying to go up against halc and chth at their own game :-P Internet is as slow as dialup, 24 minutes left on the download for the zip. So annoying.. :-x

    I was under the impression that we all are up against each other...

    Eh, screw it, I had fun ^.^

  3. Well, Strader beat me by miles. :/


    *hears halc track*

    I should just give up. ;_;

    *hears NutS track*

    What have I gotten myself into...

    *hears Main track*


    One of my favorite remixers

    from my favorite fansite

    crushing me like a small insect...

    Oh well, at least I wasn't the only person to use Wily laughing samples XD

    *hears Lidawg track*

    >.> I am the wimpiest person here

    *hears AMT track*

    Dayng. I'm screwed.

    Kudos for taking Pirate Man, I love him.

    *hears Covenant track*

    I am so not worthy to be among these godlike people.

    *hears my track*


    *hears briggs track*

    *puts gun to head*

    *hears SupX track*

    :/ I have no clue what I'm doing.

  4. Personally, I think voting for more tracks is better. Otherwise, too many of the unanimously lesser tracks end up on equal footing and you might end up with a bunch of ties in the lower half of the ranks.

    Also, Geoffio is Cold Steel's second mixer.

    I prefer this method, so that people like me can get a vote or two.

    But we all know the rules here. Darke will decide whatever his whimsy makes him decide, and we can't do a bloody thing about it :P

  5. Well, now that I'm in an official thing, I don't care about you guys anymore. *turns up nose*.

    MWAHAHA just kidding.

    But, I am working hard on my Wily Castle song, but will probably throw together a quick tune in the next two weeks for my match w/ Silv. Are we still on? does that work for you?

  6. I was actually really surprised ANYBODY picked Search Man; it's a pretty complex theme. Not that I didn't think anyone could do it, it's just a rough one to analyze. That and Cold Man... And both were picked. Both great themes, but pretty complex in nature. Good luck, fellas. At least one of you has bourbon on their side ;)

    The difficult part is that it utilizes a lot of pitch-shifting that's very hard to replicate. I love the theme (#10 of all robot masters for me :3). but there are some notes I just cannot get a nail on... like they're microtones inbetween notes. If someone has a really accurate sheet music or midi showing exactly where the pitch shifts end up at, would really be appreciated :P

    In the meantime, I need to figure out how to convert it to C minor. :/

  7. Searchman is one of my favorite underrated Robot Master themes. Whomever has him better not disappoint.



    I'm slowly discovering that this theme HATES ME. God, trying to track the thing in midi... its almost impossible >.<

    Needless to say, there'll be more Wily than Search theme in mine. I love his theme, but man, it's a cruel beastie.

  8. Hah, sorry, I wasn't trying to be an ass. :P

    Search youtube for "icosahedron dubstep bass"

    That's a pretty solid tutorial of a guy making an above-average dubstep bass from scratch, and he explains every step from init to final product. Very helpful. The only problem is he does it on zebra2. If you don't have zebra2, it's still a good video because so much is explained rather than just shown.

    Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that :P

    I just need to figure out how to do that :P

    And Neblix: too bad I use Ableton. :(

  9. You can get wubs with simple filters. I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Are you just asking how to make wubs or what else you can add to a wub bass to make it "decent"?

    The decent part.

    I don't have sampler, analog or the other synthesizer program for Ableton, so I'm basically limited to Simpler (uber basic sampler) for it. I can get it to wobble, but it doesn't have that "punch" that I try to get. It sounds weak.

    Yknow, when the bass drops on your standard dubstep track, the wobble bass usually is the "punch your subwoofer out" type feel, but I can't seem to get it to do that.

    Thanks :)

    (I've kind of abandoned the dubstep idea, in favor of something more hip-hop, but the advice is still appreciated :) )

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