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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Mac makes things easy for you, and comes with GarageBand so you can start making music right away. GarageBand isn't the most advanced music software and doesn't come with a huge array of realistic instruments, but it's a great place to start, and nothing's stopping you from advancing to other, more advanced DAWs, including Logic which can open GB projects so you can continue working with the same sounds and stuff. It all hinges on whether you can find a decent mac for under a grand, thatis.

    The price would be key. Most decent music making macs run above the 1000 mark. I run a Toshiba A505 that I got for either 600 or 800 bucks (can't remember).

  2. Keep the 8-bit part... but please move the texture that pervades the track to the right place. I think the original MIDI was wrong, so if you followed that then it'd be off, as well. Listen to the source and make the mooooooove.

    (I know I said I wouldn't give the constructive crit, but... I can't help iiiiiiit)

    Which texture? :S It's hard for me to work without sheet music (read: MIDI) to go off of. What exactly is the wrong part?

  3. OK, take two since my browser decided to swallow my previous message.

    After consulting the oracle, or rather, talking to people on AlliedModders, I found out that the Halloween map crash is due to when I'm switching Halloween mode on.

    Apparently, setting tf_forced_holiday 2 in cp_manor_event.cfg causes it to not load the Horsemann model and sounds, which causes the server to crash when the Horsemann appears.

    The fix? Bring back my plugin, which changes the holiday mode as soon as the server begins changing maps.

    You mean Valve isn't angelicly perfect?


    My world has been shattered...

    BTW I changed my screenname to [MLP]Fluttershythemaster. I hope I can do that :/

  4. Let me first say that we should probably give this man his thread back! Apologies to Zerothemaster if we hijacked your thread (though the discussion is probably worth hearing).

    Lastly, I'd like to honestly say that I'd rather see people get shat on in the WIP forums than see these happy-go-lucky back-patting posts. You see quite a bit of that here, and I think it's mostly because new people frequent the WIP forums much more than veterans, so they're really just supporting each other rather than giving valid advice. It really doesn't help when people leave it at "Great start! Keep up the good work, can't wait to hear more!" Even if my mix was good I don't want to hear that, there's always something to be said about the mix, even if it's subjective. Ideally the feedback has both support AND criticism, but I'd take the criticism over the support any day, that's the whole point of the forum.


    I'll admit, even though I come here for actual advice (and I sure got it here lolz), I don't think it's a bad thing for people to simply give a noob a pat on the back. Because even constructive criticism is still criticism, and it hurts just a little bit to have your baby poked and smacked around. That's where the guys who don't have any "real" assistance musically but just stop by to say "hey, this isn't so bad! Keep it up!" come in handy because they give you enough of an ego boost to say "okay, I'm not completely gone for the dogs, I can get through this! Now, lets start editing..." And then we noobs feel like we can try again and get better. So I don't think one should discourage it: I don't know if I would have continued with this song (even if I should) if it hadn't been for HoboKa's encouragement (and everyone else's too... metaphist and OC, of course) I don't know what I would have done.

    IN CONCLUSION thanks everyone for your input, I hope to improve it. I'm going to overhaul it MAJORLY sometime soon... change the drums samples, instruments, wobbles... everybloodything. except the 8bit part. I love the 8bit part. X3

  5. If you are indeed just starting out I'd highly cherish OverCoat's advice. It's kind of hard to get an OG to come in and comment on your WIP, and his harshness is a good thing to get NOW instead of on the panel.

    I will add my 2 cents by saying that the theme you chose to remix isn't a very good one if your starting out, since it lacks a solid melody. It's perfectly fine to scrap it if you can't get it to go anywhere, or better yet - do what you want with it but don't make it "for OCR", then move one to something better suited to OCR for an actual submission.

    It wasn't really a "choose"... I made it for a compo, and was curious if anyone thought that I might have a chance to be posted with it, since I like it quite a bit... perhapz not XP I've got some others on the horizon, so that's good. It is a horrid song to remix, because it gives you all of two motifs to utilize in a remix (remember kids, using important sounding musical terms makes you sound like you actually know what you're doing :P)

    You guys could also check out the rest of my soundcloud, its got some more recent stuff on there (which isn't that great, a remix of Sonic 3 and Link To The Past), which spam voice samples, something that I'm wont to do.

    I am quite honored at a longtime musician commenting on my little mix, but I'm torn between accepting it as good advice (which it is) and dismissing it as hate mail (for lack of a better term). While I'm very, very honored, OC's whole post gives off a feeling, less of harsh reality, but more of "silly noobs thinking they can make music". I'm sure that's not what you intended to say (right...?) but it did have that quality about it.

    Besides, how are you going to get better if you don't make a bunch of crap first? :D

  6. Thanks for the input!

    pH: I see what you mean about the meandering of it, and I think I can reign it in (solidify the wubs and bass drum) but could you elaborate on what you mean by the soundscape being thin? I'm curious what exactly you mean.

    HoboKa: There really isn't much of a "Lead" to go off of with this song... I've posted the source in the first post. There isn't really a melody at all, which makes it quite difficult. Also, if you (or anyone else) could direct me to some good, free drums samples, I'd be eternally grateful :D

    OverCoat: I didn't see your post before XP But, man, you don't pull any punches, do you?

    I seriously don't have any idea how to respond. From what you're saying, I might as well scrap it and not bother :/ Part of it is, a lot of the dubstep that I've heard, never has more than 3-4 instruments at once. For example, listening to Bassnectar's "Bass Head", it only has two instruments (from what I can hear) most of the time: bass and drum. And when you put too many instruments in there at once, it gets muddy. But, I am relatively new at this, so I don't know. But, heck, you ain't gonna get better unless you try, right?

    AND FOR THE RECORD: I only cut off two notes of the melody, and I thought they were echoes. :P

  7. Good morning, gents (and ladies, I guess :P)

    I have a song that I would really like to remix, but it's from a super-obscure game and there are no midis for it at all. So I was wondering if there was someone out there who is much better at hearing notes by ear who could help me with a midi file. I find it quite difficult to remix without a midi that I can plug into Finale and get the sheet music for. Soooooo is there anyone out there who can help?

    The song is "The End" from the flash game Mata Nui Online Game. here's the Youtube of the song:

    If there's a better place for this, put it there :) Also, if the motif is from a song I don't know and wouldn't be allowed at OCR, that would be nice to know ;) This soundtrack did do it before, so... yeah.

    Any/all help appreciated!

  8. Bots have an absurd Spy sense, or at least they did last time I played. Something to do with how they already know you're a Spy but are programmed not to do anything until you blow your disguise I think. They may have changed the behavior though, I haven't played against bots in a while.

    Since Bots are better than I thought...

    I couldn't backstab a blind noob who didn't have thumbs.

    THE POINT IS I can't play spy too well.

    I've never even gotten a domination.

    Well, one. But that's all.

    I can't even play my best class on this server (sniper) because i stink so bad :P

  9. As for going spy,

    Never believe people who tell you Frogg can not be back stabbed. I have done it on numerous occasions. Rather than hate and get discouraged and ragequit with how he turns around all the time, keep trying until you get it right. Strive for the Froggstab and you will feel like you've become a good spy.

    I can't even backstab a bot. >.<

  10. Just so you all know, I will not be showing up on the server again.

    I'm giving up on TF2, possibly for good.

    I just can't play well enough to match up with the regulars on the server.


    I, like, suck at this game.

    I get my arse handed to me on a silver platter every time I play OCR's servers.

    Any regular who's seen me can probably attest to that.

    But I don't care.

    I keep playing anyways.


    oh and don't listen to brush give me all your items :D

  11. Okay, so... I don't play this game but I have a bunch of preorder exclusive items that are just sitting in my backpack doing nothing.

    I know that Bill's Hat is pretty rare, but I don't really know the value on the rest, so I'll just assume that I won't get scammed or anything. I'd be okay trading them for Steam games or even paypal cash. :<

    Backpack is here.

    Even if you don't want any of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could at least take a look and appraise it so I know which items are rare. Thanks in advance!

    Well, you have a lot of vintage and genuine stuff, and a lot of hats... you could get quite a bit. Especially with the vintages. And hats.

    I would love the Deus Ex items, but, alas, cannot trade anything to you :(

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