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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I enjoy some dubstep, but having tried to make it, I know it's not as easy as you think. I listen to more trip hop and glitch now, like Slugabed and Kuedo, but like the occasional Wub here and there.

    I dunno if I'd qualify Skrillex as dubstep, while he uses wubs a lot, he doesn't usually subscribe to the rule I find almost more important than wobbles: half-step beats. He keeps a very steady four-to-the-floor beat on his wubs, unlike guys like Skream, etc, who keep that half step which gives it that off-feel. I like that feel best, which is why I like triphop and glitch and such.

    And yes, its very much more production than you think. I can make a dubstep track (I have, actually... I got so many peeps hatin on me for it) but I'm still learning production, cuz I has no monies XD It's far more than just a wobble and a half step, it's usually produced until dead. That's the best.

  2. Got some stuff since last time:

    Audiosurf Demo

    Champions Online

    Global Agenda

    Half Life 2 Deathmatch

    Half Life 2 Demo

    Half Life 2 Episode One

    Half Life 2 Lost Coast

    Half Life 2 Deathmatch: Source

    Team Fortress 2

    VVVVVV Demo

    War Inc.

    I got HL2E1 at a used game store for $5. X3

  3. I got my Strange Degreaser woo woo. Just need to find people with S30s and get cracking.

    I have a Non-Craftable Warrior's Spirit (Bought more than $20 worth of stuff from the store) that I'll give away to a good home if anyone still needs them. They're the bear claws for Heavy.

    I'm always open to gifts. :3

    Feel free to poke me on Steam.


  4. That was a rapper which makes this a real song!

    Dear god, I can rap better in my sleep. With a pillow in my nose. Drowning in a vat of butter. with bacon.

    I could go into all the reasons its bad (boring chords, god-awful singing, weak soundscape) but why bother? It sucks.


    Internet... what to do with you.

  5. According to the stats, you haven't even played in a month. >:|

    Someone, back in ages past, decided that people didn't know enough, and decided to educate them.

    This created a giant roadblock to playing TF2 called college.


    I just have NOT had time recently. BUT IF I DO I will try that new server out.

  6. If you use 7 (or Vista too, I think), WMP is really very difficult because you can't really edit the mp3 tags from there. You'll need to use a third-party tagging program to make it work. I think there's a "mp3IDtagit" or something out there, I can't remember.

    Buuuut I would recommend moving to iTunes, much easier to us, but whatevs.

  7. Define "classical music". :)

    It's very broad, and some people mean older orchestral instead of modern "classical" music.

    I'd say, look into Edgard Varese, John Cage, and Richard Wagner. Those are some of my favorites :)

  8. @Kanthos: Both. :P As I said, there's some good stuff there, but it's not nearly as memorable as the early stuff. And that's kind of the key thing. How memorable is the song? That's probably the best way to go about judging the songs. Sure, modern stuff is far better in a compositional way, but it's not nearly as memorable as the older songs, with some exceptions. There will always be exceptions :P

    (PS I actually came in on the Battle Network series. I've never played the Classic or X series :P)

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