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Status Updates posted by MindWanderer

  1. I have had a few requests now... perhaps next month. I need to think about reformatting it, make it a little more convenient, a little less commitment-dependent.

  2. It might be a while before I start RWTS up again. Compo interest seems to have been way down for several months now, and the nature of RWTS makes matchmaking unusually hard. I also don't have a lot of free time myself these days.

    If and when things pick up again, I really just look for the basics. You've made something using a DAW and MIDI instruments. Just so that no one's wasting their week trying to figure out what software to install, how to get plugins to work, how just putting an extra drum over a recording of the OST is not OK, etc.

  3. Rating scales are a very complicated topic.

    Wider scales allow for greater granularity and stronger effect sizes, but at a cost of reliability and speed. A wider scale can be very useful when you expect someone to rate lots of things and compare them, especially if you expect unbalanced ratings overall.

    Also, even-numbered ratings scales make ambivalence impossible, which is handy when you're trying to force distinctions between things (although you have to label them properly, or else people think a 5 on a 1-10 scale is "average").

    For a more fun fact, there a confounding factors involved in how people rate things. For instance, the lower your IQ, SES, and education level, the more likely you are to rate things more extremely. I haven't seen a study to this effect, but I would wager that if you make people write reviews before rating things, it will cause their ratings to become more moderate because they're putting more consideration into it.

  4. I'll skip next month, since too many people will be too busy with SZRC, and start the next round in March, around week 5 of SZRC (so 3/4 of its participants will have been eliminated). Thanks for your interest!

  5. Interesting, the same synth leads all the way up through 2:05, but I guess the jarring aspects of it get buried under a different instrument (probably the bass). Well, that synth was Funxion anyway, which I haven't at all figured out how to use properly. Thanks!

  6. Hey, thanks for the feedback on Hiryuu vs. Strago. Glad you enjoyed the arrangement, and yeah, I drew some writer's block on that ending. Question: Which synth exactly is the one you found overly piercing/grainy? I assume it's one of the two leads; is it the one used in Strago's theme near the beginning, or the one for Hiryuu's theme near the end?

  7. I was going to, right after WCRG, but then HoboKa posted a new compo as well. I'll see how that goes for a little while before starting up yet another competing compo.

  8. Darke has done Street Fighter and a bit of Sonic, too. Besides, I don't have a hankering to do a compo in general, I want to see one with FF battle music in particular. If you want to do that then more power to you, but one way or another I want to see that happen.

  9. Ah, wow. OK, I'll hold off on my idea for the immediate future. Probably WCRG, then Sonic, then yours, then probably another Mega Man tournament, and I'll try to step in after that. We may need to start up a waiting list at some point.

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