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Everything posted by UnbridledApathy

  1. Another card that is on par, if not better, with the HD PVR is the Black Magic Intensity Pro. Here's a comparison video: They are about the same price and I hear better things about the intensity pro.
  2. If you don't want to spend too much on the HD PVR, although i will admit that it records beautifully, you should check out the Roxio Game Capture Card. *This is not as good as the PVR, just a cheaper suggestion* It records at 480p, but if you have skills with video editing this card gives you enough to work with to make the video seem like 720p. http://www.roxio.com/enu/promotions/landing/machinima/game-capture/console/overview.html That link is 70 dollars instead of 100.
  3. You beat me to fixing the lack of a GW2 thread! . I can't think of another game that I've been so stoked for. Already decided I'm starting as a Sylvari Ranger. Not many of my irl friends are into mmos so if you're looking for in game friends when it comes out, hit me up! Sad story - I never got to beat the original because I was quite young and my mom was watching me at the most inopportune moment. The only curse word I've ever seen in the chat box for that game showed up as she was watching and she made me stop .
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