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Posts posted by BaconProcurement

  1. After I had downloaded the 101% Run album and was drawn to this track. This is such a beautiful track. The piano sections are really down well and enjoy the overall chill nature of this piece. The guitar work towards the end by Guitar of the Vikings blends in really well. Awesome work here.

    If you had a hard days work, pop this song on your radio and relax for a moment. It will melt that stress away. ;)

  2. Here's how to make surfing less tedious:

    5) Make more mons visible when surfing, like Lapras in X/Y. Better than that whale-turtle shadow we always seem to get.

    Definitely this. My prediction is that they will only have fully evolved Pokemon visible on the over world when surfing. (Which is fine by me if they did it that way.) It would look weird if I have a Psyduck that knows surf and all my character is doing is standing on it's head in order to get across water.

    Also, I want speedy water Pokemon to move faster while surfing. Never understood why all of them moved at the same speed. And a surfing mini-game in the style of Waverace 64. They had water Pokemon races in the anime so why not in the games.

    All we can do now is what for whatever update on the next Nintendo Direct.

  3. I enjoyed Ruby and Sapphire so this news is exciting. Too bad that there wasn't any additional info besides, "We have remaking Ruby and Sapphire for the 3DS!"

    Hopefully, we'll hear a bit more regarding the game before the Nintendo Direct during E3.

    Perhaps Grovile and Swapert are going to have mega evolutions too. I wonder what other features that will be revealed. I wonder if they are going to bring back the secret bases that you could have and customize it our hearts content. Pokemon: Cribs Edition.

  4. I sure hope their is a talk-back tonight.

    Since I'm going to work right now, I'll leave my question here.

    Which is your favorite ninja turtle?

    Has there ever been a remix (posted to OCR or on youtube or whereever) that made you go "WTF?" after hearing it? (This can be a bad or good thing.) For me, Everclear Hangover got that response out of me.

  5. I absolutely love this album! <3 After listening to it on repeat at work, I still can't decide which track I like the best.

    This album is rad, tubular, radical, awesome, um... outrageous, gnarly, groovy, funky, what other 90's term am I missing... *shrugs*

    Anyway, amazing job putting this together KyleJCrb! What's next for you now? Possibly, one of the NES TMNT titles? Or will you direct something crazy like Battletoads? Whatever it may be I will look forward to it.

  6. I could definitely hear the similarities of this track and Fei Long's Theme. Never noticed that before.

    Anyway, after listening to this, I really love how this song progresses. The somberness at the beginning was a great lead up to main riff. Then it takes a bit of laid back approach towards the end. So much awesomeness into one song. <3

    Viking Guitar always impresses me with his work, this is no exception.

  7. I have to say that this is one of my favorite tracks on Balance and Ruin. This is surprising as I have a bit of a bias toward spanish/latin music. (In spanish radio stations, I think it's the same song playing over and over again. Then at some points J. Lo, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, or Marc Anthony jumps in for two minutes then its back to whoever else was singing. I know, I'm bad.)

    Anyway, I really enjoyed this song a lot. The guitar work is sublime and makes me want to dance. I'm a white guy, I don't dance.

    Amazing work here. I will look forward to whatever you have cooked up in the future.

  8. Right now I'm currently enrolled in a web graphic design course that I started this year and add my two cents to your website design. I don't think I'm qualified to take on the job as I just started out but from what I've learned so far I've see a lot of problems to your overall design.

    First, the background is pretty bad. It's very distracting against your text. As a matter of fact, some of the text is being "blocked" by the drawing on the front page making it somewhat difficult to read. That isn't a good thing to do. Also the font style of the navigational tab clashes with the informational text. The font used as your heading of the website and tabs have a old-timey feel to it whereas the font giving information is modern and somewhat plain. It doesn't fit well with the background either. You need something that doesn't distract away from the text. The examples that you provided didn't have that problem.

    Also the picture you used of yourself makes you a bit too serious. You need to look like you are enjoying the work that you are doing. I don't know what it's like being a voice over actor, but I do know that the atmosphere tends to be more relaxed than the typical business setting. (I'm taking this from behind-the-scenes footage from various animated series I've seen.)

    Out of all the examples you provided, the best looking is the Brady Hales website. It's clean and straight to the point. Just looking at the background picture of himself tells me a lot about him before I even clicked on his voice samples. Look at his posture and clothes, what does that tell you about him? If you want something to go on, try to emulate that websites design. (Not too much though.) Remember, you want something to grab someones attention in a positive way within the first few seconds they entered the website. On the opposite end, the Steve Blum website is kinda crappy. Love his work but that was pretty bad coloring and a boring looking webpage.

    Hopefully, this information was somewhat useful and good luck with the future design!

  9. I was listening to the Tomb Raider Underworld soundtrack recently and loving some of the stuff I was hearing. Two tracks really stuck out:

    - (strange that it's calling "Payback" on my ipod)

    Definitely, need some Tomb Raider remixes.

    So um, mini-necro bump then?

  10. I definitely recommend this game for any South Park fan. The attention to detail is really astounding and you keep finding references from practically every season of South Park. Like the Mongolian side quest, collecting Chinpokomon, and apparently Tom Cruise is still in Stan's closet.

    Plus the battle system is really easy to pick up though I'm not sure about how the leveling works so far as I had just battle a crazed hobo that was difficult to defeat. (This was from the first few hours exploring the game.)

    Also the description of the Sword of a Thousand Truths is spot on.

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