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Posts posted by BaconProcurement

  1. While working last night, I was listening to this album several times. Holy cow, the first part of History Repeating is just simply amazing. I really can't get enough of it, so I would recommend submitting that song through the panel, Don't Mess with Magnet Man is a close second. The overall album is great so I'll eagerly await for the second part as I look forward for whatever you guys have cooked up (particularly for Shadow Man's theme).

  2. The first Pokemon Pinball game. I think the game is programmed to play against you as you try to catch a Pokemon. You can spend an hour in the outer loop but if a Pokemon you have to catch appears there, it seemed impossible to get the ball back in that loop. And the ball would always magically line up so perfectly down the middle that neither flipper would be able to touch it. Thanks to this game, I no longer have the original Gameboy. Why? Because I punched the screen out of frustration due to those two points happening way too often.

  3. Man, this is somewhat hard as I have so many.

    First off, managing to beat the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the NES was no small feat. I think it was more of luck than skill as I attempted to do it again only to get creamed by Shredder. Beating Battletoads was another one, though the most trouble I had with this game was that snake pit level but I persevered. By the way, both of their endings sucked. With Battletoads, I was hoping to be able to play as Pimple, the third Battletoad, after beating the game but I was only disappointed.

    Mega Man 4 will always have a place in my heart as defeating Dr. Wily and listening to the epilogue song overwhelmed me with a sense of accomplishment. Even though I didn't really get anything for beating it, I was really glad I played it till the end.

    A bit more recent moment was partnering up with a co-worker to tackle Wesker in Resident Evil 5. We stayed up to 3am emptying every weapon we had in order to kill him only to find out all we had to do was run up to him and do a couple of button pressing cutscenes. (facepalm) The game is definitely more enjoyable playing alongside another person you know.

  4. I really enjoying The Wettening. For some odd reason, I'm really drawn towards Splash Damage as I can't get enough of that song. It's so soothing to me. Excalibur is also really great, the Spring Man portion really stands out over the GRMRB's version. Overall, I'm enjoying this album.

    If I was to get to magical 40th post of this thread, I would pick The MInks (Stage 7) of the U.N. Squadron soundtrack as I feel it would compliment well to your musical style. (Hell, anything from that soundtrack would do.)

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