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Posts posted by BaconProcurement

  1. ;_; omg, so I wake up and do my usual thing in pokemon, go to a pokecenter and
    ! This is so awesome! And the music!


    It definitely caught me by surprise last week. I wasn't expecting that at all and couldn't help but smile. The reinterpretation of the Pokemon Center theme sounds like a soft lullaby that you can fall asleep to. I had to spend a great deal of time just listening to it.

    After my many play-throughs of playing Pokemon, today I somehow have gotten a Pokemon with Pokerus. :shock: With super training, it's kind of silly to have it now. Still haven't found a shiny though. Also, I wish I could get a Misdreavus but they aren't in the games. Not even in the Friend Safari. :(

  2. So I sort of had this discussion with a co-worker today about people who are waaaaay too good at games. The game in question was Call of Duty, but I think it can apply to any game.

    I'll start my little rant by saying I used to be fucking hardcore at fighting games when I was 18 or so. I played them all and had most every combo under the sun imaginable memorized for the characters I played as. I recently decided to get back into Street Fighter IV and picked up Tekken Tag 2. Now, I'm still pretty good as Chun Li in SFIV because her strategies and combos are pretty much burnt into my mind at this point. However, I was in practice mode in TTT2, trying to pull off some of the more complicated juggles with Jun and then I realized something:

    "Who the hell cares? I don't have time for this and when I do, I could spend it doing more productive things. Like recording more guitars."

    I obviously don't believe that games rot your brain or other bullshit like that, but now that I'm older and have more responsibility I question what the point of being able to juggle some noob's ass all day long or hit some whiny twelve year old from across the map with the throwing knife is when it gives you almost no benefit outside of the game. I mean, sure. I guess I found Street Fighter and Tekken more fun when I felt I was getting better at the game and seeing that all my practice had allowed me to go toe-to-toe with people who would previously destroy me in ten seconds. The thing is though, that's only thing being good at fighting games or call of duty style shooters does. I wasted how many years of my life so far with music, but getting better at it has made me many new friends, allowed me academic opportunities I otherwise would not have had and even made me a few bucks here and there. I have more to show for all my dedication I guess.

    I suppose that what I'm asking is this: Do you think that, as an adult, putting in mountains of time and effort to become really good at a particular game is actually worth it outside of the game? If so, how?

    Viewing any activity as "a waste of time" is entirely a personal opinion. One person could view video games as a waste of time while another could view building model cars in your basement as a waste of time. Doing something that you enjoy is not a waste of time.

    Here is something about why we do what we do when we play video games:

    It's very insightful.

    For me, I always felt that watching any sporting event, a football game, a baseball game, etc. as a complete waste of time as you get absolutely nothing for watching it. At least with video games you can actually apply some sort of application in your job to get things done but with sports all you get is mindless and dull "entertainment". Since it's such a sacred activity and imbedded in our culture, there's a pretty good chance I get a lot of shit for it so the less I say, the less likely I'll find myself arguing with someone.

    An example of gaming actually benefiting you, speed-running a game makes you analyze aspects of the game that you can avoid in order to complete it. You can do the same thing with your job by removing activities that will hinder your overall goal. I work in a giant cooler and actually find myself timing myself breaking down pallets and figure out how I can do it in a more timely matter. Don't knock on video games if it makes you do that.

    Speaking of model cars, I actually been to a modal car convention. The cars that people have made are really impressive and I admire the amount of work that was put into them. (Though it was a big ol' sausage fest. The women that were there looked like they wanted to jump out the nearest window.) I don't think it's a waste of time as they were very passionate with what they did.

  3. Really loving this album guys! Also the artwork for the album is quite beautiful to look at.

    Slow Your Roll, I think is my favorite track. That funk!

    Ahem, I'm not really familiar with most of the tracks remixed other than the Classic, X, and Legends series but grown to like a lot of the tracks despite my lack of exposure to the other series. The one that surprised me was Level 99's beautiful acoustic track. Them feels in that song.

    Also really glad that Bomb Man got remixed as he my favorite RM in MM1. Such an understated song.

  4. Here is my friend code guys and gals: 4983-5220-8737. I will try my very best to add all of you that posted already.

    I got Pokemon X and picked my homeboy Bulbasaur, he's gangsta. (Also picked Fenniken.)

    Last week, I had beaten this game and felt this Gen was so far the easiest Elite Four and Champion to beat. Other Gen's I had to get defeated several times and train my party significantly before being able to defeat them. Part of the reason they were easy, my level 77 Azumarill.

    Paul_Azumarill.png (pictured here without the blood)

    She utterly destroyed their teams. She laughed at their pathetic attacks and pretty much OHKO'd everyone that was sent out. It was a massacre. I actually started to feel bad towards the end. Right now she's at level 87 and might possibly become my first Pokemon I legitimately level to 100. Definitely has become one of my favorite Pokemon now.

  5. Prehistoric Xmas? Sounds more like it could be headlight fluid.

    Anyway, when I first heard this mix, it made me go "wtf did I just listen to?" because the style is so out there that I can't make heads or tails of it. Is it electronica? A space opera? Techno? The build up to the 1 minute mark when the song really starts to groove is really enjoyable. At times, the song feels a bit slow at certain points as it lingers between melodies before finding it's groove again. My only gripe is the emptiness of the sound-scape that others have mentioned. Not sure where Xmas is involved in all this as it sounds more space-like than Xmas-y.

    A trippy lighthearted remix indeed.

  6. Humble beginnings of a individual that loves video game music.

    Age has been kind to this mix as it isn't too jarring to listen to, nor is far from perfect. It definitely brings the funk but the flute (I'm assuming it's a flute) is a bit too loud that it oversteps the beats in the background. Other than that, it's a good head-bobbing song that will cause people to think you're weird for bobbing one's head. Somewhat cover-ish but it still does its own thing that it compliments the original source.

    Two things I find a bit weird (but not really due to the possibility of no one thinking of it before), no one has thought to remix this track (the source) ever since this was posted almost 14 years ago. Nor has the main man, DJP revisited this track after improving his craft. Just an observation I had after listening to this, that's all.

  7. I hope someone remixes this song from U.N. Squadron. It so deserves lyrics of some kind as it lends itself so well to it. Of course as a rock song.

    It is quite surprising about the lack of remixes this game gets considering all the composers of this game all have worked on a Mega Man Classic game at some point in their careers. There is a couple on the Dwelling of Duels that occasionally pops up so check those out if you haven't already.

  8. I think a lot of people forget the impact he has in our lives. If he hadn't decided on pursuing electronic games as a business venture, the whole gaming industry wouldn't have been as big as it is today. He had created a domino effect of artistic influences for many generations.

    Rest in piece, Hiroshi Yamauchi. I tip my figurative hat to you, sir and thank you for shaping many of our lives.

  9. I think DarkeSword is the Compo Commando.

    A tournament style or gauntlet style competition would work well for this idea. Since FF is usually known for it's story telling, a narrative approach should garner more interest. If you really want to be different, you could just have an even number of villain characters vs each other and the same with the hero characters and the the final match could be just good vs. evil. Or you could just rotate the themes like in the Sonic/Mega Man compo. Just talk with DarkeSword, Brandon. I'm sure you guys could mesh ideas to make something.

  10. Looking at the game play, it looks beautiful. I'm really digging the art style. I recently completed the original game on my 3DS and grew to like it though traveling area to area was a hassle but transversing the labyrinth was quite enjoyable. Right now I'm playing Risky's Revenge and this game fixed all the problems I had with the original, plus it looks gorgeous.

    This song is pretty damn awesome.

    I definitely pledged $200 for this. (I'm a sucker for art books.) :3

  11. Bought it, downloaded it, loved it! <3

    This album rekindled my love for rock music so thank you for that. Growing up, I always enjoyed rock and to me, this album feels like a bit 90's alternative-ish but still does it's own thing, kinda like The Offspring or Korn during that time. Your hard work definitely paid off! Now excuse me, I'm going to go listen to this several more times as I'm really liking the guitar work here.

  12. Wish that rumor of Rocksteady Studios making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game was true. I would say the TMNT mythos is as large as the Batman one.

    The Behemoth making a beat-em-up style game using Final Fantasy characters and magic.

    Square Enix tackling the Mario series again. This time make it a side-scrolling, platformer.

    Bungie making a Call of Duty game.

    Nintendo making a Mega Man game.

    Valve making a Final Fantasy game.

    Bethesda making an open-world game set in The Last Airbender universe. (Create your own Avatar, go on adventures.) It being set in the Ranma 1/2 world would also be good too. Start in Jusenkyo, fall in random drowned pool, kept cursed throughout rest of game, avoid cold water.

  13. I think the themes to first 6 Tomb Raiders are just variations on the same melody.

    Here's a list of some Tomb Raider sources I love:

    Tomb Raider - Main theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_ekipC2ANs

    Tomb Raider 2 - Snowmobile theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BeGCMZ20xU

    Tomb Raider 2 - Venice Violins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpVOJVQpwKc

    Tomb Raider 4 - Puzzle theme:

    Tomb Raider Legend - Main theme:

    Tomb Raider Legend - Nepal 2:

    (I tried to remix this one a couple of times but it never sounded good xD)

    Those Tomb Raider Legend tracks are amazing. The main theme has an God of War-esque feeling to it while the Nepal one is soothing and clearly ethnic driven. It saddens me that I didn't really notice them during my play-through years ago. Now I have to check out the rest of that games soundtrack.

  14. -_-

    Started writing a post, and absent-mindedly closed Chrome not realizing that it would be lost.

    To summarize... I've spoken to a few artists who said they will be sending me the stems for their songs, which more or less would put the responsibility for finishing this album squarely on my shoulders. It is something I requested as an attempt to help get this moving a little faster; the artists in question are fully capable of doing it on their own, and it's not a big deal. I expressed interest in mixing and mastering songs, and they very kindly obliged and I am very appreciative. I am not taking any form of credit for this work, apart from mentioning that I intend to do it.

    I also need to write my own final song from scratch, the Chocobo theme, which I've had in-depth plans for for months now, in my head. And a couple other songs I already had MIDI data for from another couple artists.

    This album is STRONG right now with most of the remixes being from other artists and only 2 by me that have been done quite a while and passed the panel. I'd say roughly 50% of the album, or near that, has already passed the panel. It's really strong without me, and that's all thanks to the massive effort and talents of the people involved, whom you can see on the first post. Thanks!


    Thanks for the update Brandon! Color me intrigued by the people that joined this project. I get the feeling that this is going to be the underdog of remix projects when it gets released. No ones gonna know what hit them and they are going to be delirious for days after listening to it.

  15. There are a smattering of Tomb Raider remixes on YouTube, but aside from those (and the one on OCR,) the only music-related Tomb Raider things I can find are the pop albums featuring Rhona Mitra (the original Lara Croft model,) and of course the original soundtracks for the games.

    I barely even begun to listen to the ones on youtube and so far they have been pretty "eh". None of them really stand out so far. When I get the chance I will explore that website more. I'm quite intrigued.

    Well, I just re-checked and I guess I did include an MP3 export with the MIDI on my disc.

    If you PM me with an email address, I could email it to you on Sunday. Thing is, I don't think the remix was very good and it did fail the panel. Who knows though, someday, perhaps a better version will be made.

    If you feel that it isn't good, I wouldn't feel right for me to demand to hear it. From what I can gather from the *No* thread, you were on the right track with the mix, just needing fine tuning here and there. I would say to just work on it some more and post it in the WiP thread for a little more feedback. They obviously saw potential in it so you shouldn't feel too disheartened by the rejection. You just have to approach it a bit more differently when you look at it again.

  16. Oh man, I would have loved to have heard it.

    Forgot how good those Tomb Raider comics were. I think I still have that omnibus of them somewhere.

    After doing some mild research, there wasn't any remixes that I could find in the Dwelling of Duels website, nor was their a Tomb Raider tune picked in the PRC compo. Man, I'm just batting out in places I thought would at least have one. This does not bode well for me.

  17. I recently just beaten Tomb Raider: Anniversary on PS3 (got all the trophies) and couldn't help notice how good the soundtrack was, specifically the main theme. I decided to search this site to see if any remixes were made for this series only to find exactly one. So is there any remixes out there of this series? Perhaps a nice acoustic guitar rendition, heavy metal remake, or soothing piano piece?

    As beloved as this series is, the musical side is severely lacking, though I guess the lack of music played during the main game could be to blame.

  18. This is quite the remix. It is tad bit silly with the lyrics and the middle section with the guitar solo coupled with whistling just makes it even more hilarious. It has a spaghetti western feel that suites the song surprisingly well. Even though it's short, it's just the right length that it doesn't overstay it's welcome as it could lose it's humor if it dragged on too long. I look forward what else this artist has in store with other robot masters.

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