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Everything posted by metasounds

  1. Oh, I've got a whole bunch of other albums (including four tracks from you! Two from Harmony of a Hunter, one from the Eevee EP, and a non-album one from Wind Waker)and have been following the site in general for just as long as this particular one, but this The Big One, for me.
  2. This project has been what's brought me to the site and to the subforum for the past 2.75-3.75 years. I just want to bask in the moment when it comes.
  3. I keep opening the home page and another tab at the same time and checking this one second, so by the time I do it has switched from "new single" to "Happy Birthday Final Fantasy IX" only to have a brief flutter of excitement followed by disappointment. Every. Single. Day.
  4. So, uh, if this album could be released before my 14 hour trip drive to Texas, that'd be greeeeaaat.
  5. Any news? Looks like back in August there were 3 songs nearly done and 3 still needing work.
  6. Don't worry, the full name is Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). So it's only the secondary name.
  7. So, seven songs left? Which of those seven are required for the album to be considered complete?
  8. According to the "last edited" thing at the bottom of it, it hasn't been updated since March.
  9. Alright, I'm gonna be that guy since it has been around 3 weeks since the last post (also mine) and I'm on the fourth disc of my umpteenth playthrough of FFIX and am super, super excited for this album to be done. Is there any news at all? I know that Fishy was gonna cut it once a certain four or so crucial songs got finished, so what's the word on those songs or some of the less crucial songs that are still being worked on?
  10. Any word on what is left to get wrapped up? The front page hasn't been updated in ages.
  11. Why not Christmas in March?
  12. Jegus duck, that was amazing. I love that song, I love Django, I loved everything about it. Some of the doubling sounded a bit off, but the work was overall amazing and I could definitely see myself dancing to that rhythm. Good gypsy jazz is great for swing.
  13. I've been trying to wait patiently for the present, but can we at least have a hint at what it is?
  14. Now ya just gotta get someone to motivate them all and get this thing done!
  15. Anything new with the project? It has been about 2.5 months since the last update to the first post. Oh, any chance of Christmas samples again this year?
  16. You don't think that Eternal Harvest, Esto Gaza, Terra, and Crossing Those Hills (I really hope I got the four right, had to do some digging to find them) are important songs to have on the album? Either way, it's not like they can just say "Oh hey, we're suddenly done, let's release the album RIGHT NOW." These things take time.
  17. Any word on how this album is coming along? The first post shows it being near completion, but the last update to it was around 5 months ago. This was the first game I picked out for myself and the reason I picked an N64 over a Playstation when my dad decided I was at the right age to get my first console. Lots of fond memories of this game.
  18. I am extremely okay with that. I'm a big fan of her other FFIX remix. Man, this album sounds better and better every day. I am so excited for it to come out!
  19. I can't even begin to process that tense change.
  20. So, is this remix still alive and in progress? Or has it been labeled "good enough?"
  21. Any word on how the project is coming along? I've noticed it's been about a month since the last update, at least to the front post. FFIX is easily my favorite Final Fantasy and probably my favorite game of all time. The Christmas samples sounded great; I'm so excited for this album!
  22. It's just so happy! I love this mix. I was skeptical at first, when reading the description and for the first few seconds of the song, but after getting into the song, I knew I had to download it. This will get many plays from me in the future, even if it makes my roommate think I've turned into a girl. I'd love to know what kind of setup was used on the guitar bit near the end, I really dug the sound.
  23. Any chance we can get a rough estimate of when the album might come out? Or at least some sort of promo?
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