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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. One thing that no one should ever and I mean EVER do is say this:

    "References available upon request".

    Where I work, we get a shitload of resumes every day and any that have this on it (and there always are) go straight to the garbage. There are few things less professional that you can say on a resume than this.

    Erm, not to react, but this seems kind of unnecessarily harsh. If you're going to complain (not that you have, I am being hypothetical) that resumes are more than 1 page, but then also complain that a candidate doesn't want to waste space typing out names of people...I dunno. This seems like a really silly reason to throw out an application.

    EDIT: Further, you give no reason why this is the most unprofessional thing ever. I would think like, profanity in a resume might be better qualified :P . But really, what makes this so unprofessional?

  2. SAO is great. Well, more of the first season, personally.

    Really didn't like the second season. We went from a badass Asuna to a helpless fairy Asuna who's trapped in a parlor owned by a pervert that just wants to touch her boobs.

    This. I SO wish I had just turned off the series, because the first season was very powerful; the last episode was great. I was totally and utterly confused when I realized that there were more episodes afterwards, and utterly disappointed for the entirety of it. But I will recommend season 1 to anyone, anyday.

  3. Thanks guys. I don't have plans for the room yet because I haven't bought the house; what I was mostly worried about was the vaulted ceiling. It appears to peak at about 10 feet or so, judging by the size of the bicycles in the back, but I'll be seeing the house this week.

    (That's right I haven't seen the place yet; only my wife has and she came home gushing like a girl talking about her fairy castle, so I'm obligated to go see it)

  4. Hi Guys,

    We're thinking of moving into a house, and one of the deciding factors is whether or not I can put a studio in it. The room in this house seems awesome; it's a workshop above the garage that's on its way to being finished.

    The picture is here.

    I'm looking to draw on the acoustic mastery of the people here - will this room cause me problems from a mixing and production standpoint? This may literally swing us one way or another on this house. I have a vocal booth that is soundproof, so my voiceovers are not an issue. But for mixing and producing music on a pair of monitors, is this room treatable for good acoustics or does the slanted ceiling make for a very bad situation for me?


  5. I rank them 1.) Rockbarn, 2.) Wiberg 3.)Vayron 4.) Fulginiti.

    Vayron's site is nice...if I were a pop star. It's got the right feel for that, but not the right feel at all for a VO artist, I don't think.

    Wiberg's site is nice, if very Flashy with a capital F. Simple layout, though. But I like Rockbarn's site the best because it's all up front and the content is easy to browse.

    Fulginiti's site is way too busy, full of square shapes, and just...I don't like it.

    Thanks you guys for the opinions on the site design. I've only gotten maybe 3 people on OCR who are saying they'd be willing to do it for me, though, so if there are any other folks actually willing to DESIGN and BUILD the site, please hit me up. I do appreciate the critique and marketing advice, though.

  6. I just heard of this yesterday and thought back to this post:


    You can basically list yourself as an authoritative source on any subject, after which you may/may not be contacted by people looking to gather sources for an article. You can also find queries already posted where someone is looking for someone who knows a lot about gaming, and pitch a reply to them. Might be a little more work, but definitely a way to expand your platforming reach.

  7. I updated the example links with some better examples of good websites in the industry...the other guys were mostly people I knew to be successful.

    Yes, yes! I don't like the RenManStudio website for a number of reasons, which is why I want to ditch it. I appreciate you guys supporting me in telling me how bad it is though :):razz:

  8. On what? If you're there and can justify it, go ahead and justify it. I think that's the first I'd gotten an idea how far your voiceover career is actually going.

    I quit my day job :)

    Additionally, and not something I'm pleased to admit, if I went further, I'd technically have to start charging for further consultation (since that's essentially what I'm doing here and one part of what I do at the firm) unless I owe you a favor. Kind of a dick move I totally agree, but in the spirit of things here... you kinda understand I think.

    I do. I'm also not above becoming a paying client if you can show me some real power and how I can harness it like an Esper.

  9. You need to be looking at a website that resonates with established professionals when you yourself are currently resonating with established professionals.

    If you are, then I'd say you're justified to pay that, but what it sounds like is that you're using your website as the vehicle to get you several rungs up the ladder. This mostly does not work. You need a website that REFLECTS your position in the industry, not one that tries to put you there.

    I think I am there. I have some big names under my belt (Red Bull, GE, Lenovo, etc) so thought it was time to start acting like voiceover artist that pulls in the clients I'm pulling. I'm definitely doing as much work as the guys I posted (with the exception of maybe Blum, whose page is, yes, shit). So, yeah, that's why I'm taking a marketing turn and trying to put brand on that level to catch up with my career, if that makes any sense. I'm trying not to be a pretentious prig in saying that I'm doing well enough, but I think I'm doing well enough.

    Don't get me wrong, your insight is awesome and I totally appreciate the years of marketing/web experience you're taking the time to write and want to hear more if you have more advice to give. So I'm not just telling you to stop poo-pooing things and stroke my ego.

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