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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Being 10 minutes from the Gaylord itself is a much better idea because most folks already plan for transportation to/from the airport. The closer to the gaylord the easier it is for people to head there right after checkout time. If, like, 100 OCR folks come its much easier to run rides on a ten minute interval than a 20-40 minute interval.

    Well, rather than do that...and this may be a ridiculously stupid suggestion...could we possibly rent out a conference room or banquet hall at the Gaylord itself?

  2. Thanks - but like Rozo said, if you're just looking to pimp your music and say "here's my album!" then it's cool to post albums with the Album/Other tag, I think and see if anyone wants to talk about the music. But if you're looking for critical reviews with help in your mixing and arranging, then one song per thread will help you get there - just don't go overboard and post a ton of songs at once, since that's essentially the same thing.

    That's the critical difference that I neglected to post in my first response, I think.

  3. Dude, albums are fine here. Yeah, ppl might want to focus on a single track and give feedback on that, but this forum is fine for albums. Where else would you put them? Only posted remixers get to post their releases in Community. Album releases, finished tracks, all that stuff is fine. The one song per thread rule was mainly to get more focused feedback on works in progress.

    I get that; I was just offering some advice as I see lots of people throw down "Listen to all of my stuff!" posts and they never get anything back. But I see the difference between a released album and WIPs, now.

  4. seems like it would only work well in that scenario, but its really cool! clever secret santa!

    My Santa should have their goods right about now. hopefully it made it

    It did! I was away for the holidays and came home to it. Thanks, it was perfect. And amazingly it wasn't one of the games I bought in my Vita spree, but still looks awesome. Thanks!

  5. Unless he's Ravel, that's not gonna work. Mindful practice makes perfect.

    This is what I would recommend: don't just practice, but practice with goals in mind. I always used to tell my students "practice makes habits - perfect practice makes perfect." If you practice being bad at something, you'll be really awesome at being bad. I learned this the hard way with piano; my practice habits were bad, so I basically learned how to do things poorly and I am still spending time un-fornicating my technique.

  6. All: If you have not received a MOD REVIEW and your thread has been marked as such, please BUMP your thread in these forums and I will get to it ASAP. I'm trying to start clearing out the old ones and make sure they're returned to "finished" when the modreview is complete.

    If I don't see a bump in your modreview thread within the next week or so, I'm going to return all threads to "finished" states so that the queue is fresh. If, after that, you still haven't gotten a modreview, change it back to "modreview" and bump and we'll take care of it.

    Thanks for helping us clear the backlog.

    rozo edit: Shortcut for recent mod review marked tracks. Because it seemed like a new thing to some of you. No names. Link now updated for the new forum version.

  7. Hi there - couple of things. This forum is for remixes - there is another for originals (even if they are 'inspired'). Second, if you want critical feedback, try posting via soundcloud or some other site that hosts MP3s. You'll get a higher quality listen and therefore higher quality nitpicky feedback. Lastly, since source incorporation is a requirement if you're going to submit to judges, always include a link to the source (a YouTube link is fine there).

    Thanks and have fun! I've gone ahead and moved this for you to the correct forum.

  8. If you're willing to shell out a bit, try Multi-Platinum's mixing course. It's 5 hours of in-depth production with an award-winning mixing engineer, and well worth your time and the $50 you might pay for it. He USES pro-tools, but never once talks about the function of it. He focuses exclusively on using plugins to mix. While it focuses on contemporary rock/folk mix, the principles are universal.

    There are other courses there, but I can't vouch.

  9. XPRTNovice

    Real name: Joseph Zieja

    Location: Northern Virginia (changes almost yearly)

    Occupation: Government Contractor

    Preferred method of contact: OCR PM at the moment

    Also reachable by: Skype, mIRC sometimes, pigeon

    OSTs I recommend: Xenogears, Persona 3

    About Me:

    Relatively new to OCR (joined January 2012), but I've been a musician for over 20 years. My highlight seems to be the amount of instruments I play (at widely varying different skill levels of course), which include 4 saxophones, clarinet, guitar, mandolin, trumpet, french horn, flute, piano, and oud. I'm also a voiceover artist and fantasy/science fiction author on the side (hopefully some good news about my books coming in 2014).

    I'm glad to be a part of the OCR community and now I'm thrilled to be a part of the staff as well. I look forward to growing with you all.

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