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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Well yeah, I was well aware that they were mostly already fit. I need to lose some fat anyways, so for the time being it's okay. But after I reach that goal, I can't afford a gym membership.

    It's either healthy food, or a gym membership. :/.

    My equipment consists of a set of bodylastic resistance bands 146lb max. (I plan to pick up the 30lb band to extend the weight.) A set of 20lb DBs, and soon a 20lb kettleball.

    So what's a guy to do when he has no room for barbells or anything of the sort to build muscle with the said equipment?

    tough to build without weight, but check out bodyfit.com for body-manipulation workouts that are short, sweet, and asskicking

  2. That said, I've finally learned in recent years that for whatever reason there's a LOT of negativity on internet forums. It's not just OCR--it doesn't matter what the clique or theme is, there's just an abundance of hateful/judgemental/elitist people that infect virtually every internet forum I've ever read from, whether as a registered member, passing by, google searching, or otherwise.

    This bothers the piss out of me. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to give internet tough guys wedgies and tell them to go learn how to approach people with some tact and grace. The illusion of anonymity did bad things for humanity and poisons so many threads.

    Back to the core of the topic, I love OCR and I'm so happy I found this place last year. I kind of consider it home base, and I will probably always consider it home base even if I'm the next HinsonZimmer-ShoreElfmanVersa. It's (musically) a safe environment where you can experiment, and get some honest, generally polite opinions on stuff. And, make some great connections and meet cool people. And hear some fucking amazing music. So why would anyone ever move on?

  3. P90X is not geared much towards muscle-building, no, contrary to their claims. The people in the commercials were already muscular. Their 90 day transformation is nothing but a typical weight cut which all lifters undergo after a bulking cycle. They just shed the fat covering their muscles due in part to P90X's cardio.

    And you have to listen to that idiot talk all through your workouts...ugh.

  4. Thanks for the advice Joe; that's really helpful! I'm gonna be honest, I've not been eating healthy for a while. Way too much fast food. I still have to keep obvious track of my diet, because even eating significantly healthier could involve eating things such as what you mention that wouldn't necessarily get rid of the weight, but I get the feeling that by exercising and quitting McDonalds cold turkey, that would at least guarantee some weight loss. Even if I switched primarily to canned soups (which is not the plan; I'm learning how to cook in general as I go through this whole process), just not eating, well, shit would help a lot.

    If you want a ridiculously good book on how to reshape your diet from the ground up, you should check out "It Starts With Food." It has scientific explanations for a lot of its principles - think of it as Paleo Plus - and you can do a 30-day challenge called Whole 30. But it's not a DIET. It's not going to deprive your body of calories so that you lose weight; it changes what you're eating so that you're maximizing nutrition while minimizing sugar intake. Both my wife and I did it for 30 days, though we weren't trying to lose weight. You will feel shitty for about 5 days as your body goes through sugar withdrawal (yes, that's an actual thing) but then you WILL feel awesome and start dropping weight.

  5. Currently 40lbs. overweight for my body type. Bought an exercise bike on Monday, put it together in my room. I can't handle anything more than 15 minute biking runs at a time (less because of how tiring it is, more because of faint twitches in my left calf after I bike that long, so I'm taking it slow for now), but I'm happy to be actively exercising, something I've never really done with any level of commitment before. I'll create an account for that Fitocracy group when I get a spare moment at work today.

    It's awesome that you're striving for new goals!

    Be careful on depending on long stretches of aerobic exercise for weight loss (mix it with weights and burst exercises - I almost never do long cardio), and don't forget that 80% of your health comes from your diet, not from your activity level. If you're packing your stomach with sugar, bread, and grains, you're going to have a really hard time cutting fat and you'll lose the same 40 pounds over and over again.

    Best of luck and keep coming back to this thread for encouragement and advice.

  6. Does anyone here take creatine? Seems like it just provides you with some extra energy during a workout after you've ingested enough of it. Wondering if it's worth it, or are there side effects.

    Major dehydration is a side effect. When I wrestled in high school, the medical guy would always come in at the beginning of the season and tell everyone to get the hell off creatine because it was going to kill them if they were trying to cut weight at the same time, etc...

  7. You guys may not realize it but people like me, really, really rely on this to help us get through life. I couldn't really explain how much this has impacted my life. And how much I really rely on this. Thank you!!!

    Aaaand why music is important and why I like doing it: check.

    Thanks for the words.

  8. Hey. So my Dell just shit the bed, and it's time for me to replace. My budget is $600 or less and here's what I use the laptop for:

    - Writing, browsing, watching movies occassionally

    - Lighter gaming

    - Traveling (so good battery life is a plus)

    - I MAY eventually like to use it as a mobile DAW, but that's not 100% necessary.

    So, it's a lot of light work for the most part, but I'd like to have some higher end options if I need it.

    I was considering getting another Dell Inspiron, but Acer/Asus/Lenovo seem to be good for the price but I don't know a whole lot about their reliability. HP/Compaq have done nothing but let me down my entire life, so they're out.

    Newegg has a dell refurb that's a i5 w 1TB HDD and 6GB Ram for $450 that I'm looking at.

    Any suggestions?


    Dude, just crash in someone's room if you don't want to "kill the evenings". Mine will probably have like a billion people in it anyway, the more the merrier

    Eh I might, but unlike all you youngins, I got a wife and kid and maybe not a kitchen pass to go slumming with rando (albeit cool) people at a hotel :tomatoface:

  10. So, here's my secret: I'm lazy. I didn't spend ANY time proofing or editing this after I wrote it, trying to adjust the strings, etc. I almost purely played this on my keyboard and nodded and went to have a coffee. So, your suggestions are all awesome. Now I need to chain myself to my desk and force myself to get very detail oriented. I'm the same way with my writing...I hate editing. I wish I could just CREATE perfectly!

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