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Everything posted by Spi.der.men

  1. I took the feedback I got from one of my other songs and tried to apply it here. The first time through is more or less a straight cover until the drums kick in and I start adding some of my own stuff. But I would also like to to hear what more I can work on! http://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/ellinia-dungeon New version (better mixing i think)
  2. Yeah good point man. I'm definitely going to work on that when I start hitting this one again!
  3. It sounds sick! A lot better with the low end on the bass back in there!
  4. Yeah that was really helpful! Exactly what I needed to hear! I've also listened to a ton of tracks on this site, especially the ones on Project Chaos and Serious Monkey Business. I feel like that kind of stuff is really out of my league at the moment and I'm trying to claw my way up there! I have a few ideas but I don't quite have the the resources to make it come alive. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I'm going to take a look at some of these guides before I crack down on this track again!
  5. Thanks man! Yeah a keyboard solo would sound really cool. As for the ending, I wanted to keep it with that one string and have it lead into hydrocity (thats the part of the game where sonic falls off of the bridge into the next zone and it could sound suspenseful) What do you mean by add some original arrangement? Should I start the song with what would be the chorus? Or do you mean add a different feel entirely?
  6. http://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/angel-island-act-2 I think I'm almost done with this one, but I feel like I'm missing some opportunities. I was wondering if I could get some tips on what I should add and how the mix is?
  7. Awesome arrangement! that was cool how you managed to sneak all of those songs in the solo!I agree with Darksim though. Maybe put another instrument or two to help with the solo or else it sounds like it's going on for too long. Other than that I loved it!
  8. I learned a lot of things with this song! I think I fixed my snare/hi hat problem I had with others too!
  9. That was sick man! I love how you kept the SNES-y feel. Especially in the beginning before the rest of the instruments came in. I feel like the drums are kind of low compared to the "orchestral drums" (or percussion), but I really liked it.
  10. Thanks man! I don't know how I did it haha. The only thing I can think of changing in the mix in hindsight would be to make the drums louder. I got lucky this time haha
  11. This was really hard to do because I kept getting swamped by nostalgia!
  12. How long did this take you? It sounds amazing! Orchestration is way out of my league so I can't really give a critique on this...
  13. Thanks, thats exactly what I'm going for! Ever since I was in middle school and found this site, I've always preferred the remixers that asked themselves "What would this song sound like if it were made today/with a better sound card?
  14. Really? Is the sound quality better? I've noticed lots of people using soundcloud.
  15. Fixed it. That was weird. The url was right, but it would link to the old one that I deleted.
  16. Yes! I'm trying really hard to get a good mix between the drums and the bass. It's hardest part for me. I played with arranging different parts of the song so they would flow more like an actual "song", but in the end I preferred it as a direct midi. Haha.
  17. Oops! I fixed some stuff and now the updated version is in the OP
  18. New Version: I feel that the beginning and end could be much less sloppy sounding, I can't figure out exactly what I need to fix. Nevertheless, this is what I have!
  19. Holy....that was amazing! I love the book ends on the the song. I can't wait to hear what the final product is if this is just the WIP.
  20. I feel like I'm learning FL a little more than before. One thing I think I need to work on is not make it sound so messy. You can tell when all the parts play together in certain areas it feels really jumbled. I'm still learning how to mix haha.
  21. I thought it was really good. 1:04 gave me chills! I always loved that part in the original. I also liked how you did your own thing with the song and built the original around that.
  22. I guess this song wouldn't be well known since its from a fan game that hasn't been released yet, but this is my take on the level up theme. There's a bass but I have trouble balancing it. It sounds better with headphones!
  23. This part is probably my problem. I looked at my mix and a lot of my tracks are at 3'oclock minimum, and some are even at 5. (5 is max on mine) Also thank you I just subbed to that channel!
  24. Thanks! I think my problem is I get really excited and start piling on new tracks, and just turn them all up from there. Ha ha I'll keep that in mind from now on
  25. Cool can you tell me how to fix that? or some tips? this is my first remix.
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