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Everything posted by TheNESimplicity

  1. Right now I'm a high school sophmore(but I want to major in Mechanical Engineering). I don't really have a day job or anything so besides reading books, I read music. I don't think I want to do music full time, I kinda like being a nobody. I support my hobby by playing with my brother(he plays guitar while I play bass). I have other friends that I normally talk to about music and what I can do to get better.
  2. I would like this... if I liked facebook.
  3. What's your favorite pokemon guys? Mines is Quagsire.
  4. That was the most exciting part of the trailer.
  5. What games are you guys waiting for in the year 2012? Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on Kingdom Hearts 3D, Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 2. And I will have my FC in my sig in a jiffy.
  6. It seems to be coming out in Autumn 2012 in both the US and EU. I've never seen such a fast announcement for all three regions, even though it was almost obvious that BW2 would be localized. http://serebii.net/index2.shtml
  7. I'm anticipating that these games will have more changes than the usual 3rd game. Maybe a different main character(this one is a long shot). Perhaps a few different gyms/elite four members. A new Elite Four champion and Ghetsis' return. If this truly a sequel, maybe we can expect a Pokemon Trainer Black/White battle(something similar to the Trainer Red battle in Gold/Silver/Crystal)
  8. I'm debating on getting the Japanese version when it releases.
  9. Nah, Ravish is a synonym for rape. However Red did ravage me in the process of ravishing me.
  10. I've never done a Nuzlocke run, but I have done 2 solo runs before. I've done it with an Elekid and Chimchar. With Elekid, I made a rule that allowed me to evolve him after I beat the Elite Four(My Elekid run was on Soul Silver) I actually made it up to Red but he ravished me in ways that I can't describe.
  11. Hey, I'm NES(Or Simple if you wanna call me that). I got a contact suggestion from Youtube about ocremix. You guys have inspired me to make my own remixes in the future. I'm a first year bassist though so I don't expect to remake anything in a couple of years. I'm taking Music Comprehension classes starting next year, so I feel like I'll get better as time moves on. I look forward to being on this site with all you guys. Edit: By the way, my favorite game series is Kingdom Hearts. I love Yoko's musical skills.
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