I have a blog that I've been posting on since mid-summer...one song every week around Tuesday evening. I have used a couple songs from OCremix, as I love the remixes posted on this site!
The point of the blog is to help improve the music library of those who enjoy music and give ideas of what else could possibly be out there. The idea came to fruition mostly due to reading djpretzel's awesome reviews that he writes for the songs that are posted. (Am I the only one who reads them? lol)
Anyway, I enjoy reading them and it was a big influence in bringing about the idea for this blog. I also posted a thread a couple years ago on here about thirteen instrumentals that i've come to love. As music is a passion of mine, I know that it surely is for all of you on these forums as well...thus I had the idea to post this here.
Just like the idea of those instrumentals, my goal is to help influence those who read it to expand their own music library and the appreciation that they have for music.
The blog can be found at http://www.thoughts.com/loning/blog
I would also be willing to read any music blogs that any readers on here might have. Post them in this thread! The music one enjoys is always based on the influences of those around them. And because i was referred to this site half a decade ago, my music library has drastically been altered ever since.