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Everything posted by Forrest

  1. The end will get more full once I have an actual cellist come to my home studio to record. I have a part written out for Will's Dream, but the virtual instruments I have just aren't doing the part justice, so I want to get a live musician in for it. Might be a bit until I can schedule him in, but I'll make it happen ASAP. https://soundcloud.com/forrestpowell/work-in-progress-4
  2. Third WIP is here! https://soundcloud.com/forrestpowell/wip3-earthen-whispers I got super frustrated last night and got nothing done, so I watched Netflix instead. Got some piano inspiration this morning. I think it came out well. SUCH a departure from the initial few minutes, but I think from 1:50 on you get a sense of that awe and wonder from Ominous Whispers / Signs of the Past that is present in the original. I may just use that as a transition into whatever the third and final part ends up being. Not sure. Hope you like it! Forrest
  3. Awesome. That is super helpful. I'm glad you like it! I think I'll try and go between a few of these; not sure which yet but I like all of them and contextually and could really work. Will's theme might be a starting point. Gonna build a bedside table, sand down some plaster walls in my house, and then wine and dine it up and work on this. I will probably get a WIP #3 up tonight and can link it soon. I am partial to ominous whispers. It is such a different track, you know? We'll see what happens! Cheers, Forrest
  4. At this point the work in progress is sort of up for discussion as to where it goes from here. OP, what do you think so far? I don't want to just replay what I have already done, but the original content just pretty much loops from where my second wip is at. The way I see it, there are two options that make sense to me: 1: enlist cellist and write a new arrangement for the second half, still using the same song structure (I have done this before to keep a song from getting boring). 2: you and anyone reading feel free to pick another song from this OST and I can link it into the existing work to do a sort of compilation of the two. Ideas and input are welcome! We can give it a shot and if it sounds like crap we can start back at the drawing board. Forrest
  5. One more upload before I go to yonder pub to get yonder beer. https://soundcloud.com/forrestpowell/wip-2-in-the-earthen-womb
  6. Here's the first WIP! https://soundcloud.com/forrestpowell/wip1-in-the-earthen-womb-cfp
  7. That would have been freakin' sweet! I'm in a rare moment that won't last, in which I have next to no unfinished works, so I'm gonna take full advantage. I've got a decent start I think. It's kinda meandering right now, but I should have a WIP to link up tonight.
  8. I am totally down for remixing this. I can do orchestral arrangement, or maybe a symphonic arrangement, or maybe an arrangement involving piano, strings and oboe, etc? But seriously, I am doing this.
  9. My pledge is in. I am thrilled. Excited to hear it all!
  10. My thoughts exactly. Folks get really flared up, but I'm willing to bet if any one of us had intellectual property we depended on to sustain our livelihood, we would protect it much the same.
  11. I'd call that an update! And it's even sort of good news. Cool!
  12. Wow, just look away for a few days and then...Bam! 30 pages of guesses. Crazy. I think the idea that 'patience is golden' stems from its rarity. One mouth, two ears.
  13. Hopefully I didn't come off as condescending. Not at all my intent. Pretty perplexing stuff, regardless. I've never dealt with kickstarter prior to this project, so I have no idea what their policies are other than the VERY nebulous jargon on the website. Even in the extraordinarily odd event that the money goes away, the music is happening, and I think that's great. Not to speak for zircon or djpretzel, but the production and kickstarter were sort of peripheral, like "hey, how cool would it be to print art and CDs for people?" Who knows if this is about litigious stuff or not? I guess I don't really care one way or the other.
  14. No point wasting energy in speculating what could be awry. I don't know much, but I would bet that getting worked up before any concrete info is given won't really help. ALSO... It seems to me that there is still going to be a lot of really great music put together and it's going to be FREE to anyone interested. That alone is still something to be excited about in my book. Right? Forrest
  15. I am truly thrilled that this project is happening and that the funding will be there to professionally master and reproduce some hard copies! FF6 has always been one of the soundtracks that served as impetus for me to learn about music, to go and see the philharmonic on occasion, and hell, even just to play games with decent soundtracks. So exciting. :-D:-D
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