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Posts posted by swansdown

  1. Ah. Whoa. :shock: I move that dodgeboobs be ocr's new logo! :)

    A Ultima Carimbada has some wonderful melodies. The melody from 1:18 to 2:21 feels like... poetry? to me. It's so pleasant and seems to open up something nice inside. And the outro from 2:50 is particulary powerful.

    I Lost My Balls in Moscow is officially the greatest name of any remix on site. :razz: Such a fun piece, too. Love that bite. >:3

    Doppelgaenger is rather pleasant, despite portraying a deadly fight of shadow rivals! Keen. ^_^ I like the sort of trilling effect that comes in at 1:10 and goes in and out throughout.

    Six Dodge Balls and a Lotus Flower. It could fit in a KOEI historical game. Very cool. Soothing, even. ^__^

    Birmingham Beatdown makes the English... appear cool? How did you do that? We're not cool. :P It's a playful track with great drive. :)

    Lightspeed. What a beat. :D Inspiring! And serious bizz-ness. ^-^ Also, the effect at 0:48 reminds me of 8 bit racing games. c: 2:24 to 2:51 is my favourite part.

    Almost Frozen. A slightly scary track, despite using a lot of chill effects. Tense! :D

    Friendly Fire kicks ass. :D

  2. Another big 1 for me was Anachronox. Friggin' loved the story in that game, but it's so riddled with bugs and glitches that not even a GOG.com port could fix 'em. I can't even fully describe how bad they were, it's just too painful =(

    Ah, Anachronox! There's a bug which sometimes freezes the game right when the final boss appears. :shock: My friend's favourite game and he could never pass it. Poor guy. :lol:

    Well at least we can watch the machinima. ^_^

  3. The ocean sounds don't bother me. I like them. :) But if it'll make you happier to remove them, go for it. It's your piece. ^_^

    Yes, it definitely sounds better without the vocals drowing out the other instruments. :D

    And you've improved it through other means I can't pin down.

    mm *nods* More variation couldn't hurt. Even though it's a chill piece, it still doesn't change a whole lot throughout. It is something I'd put in my Ecco remix list and listen to regularly. But I don't think there's enough variation in melody to pass the ocr judge's panel.

    And with that, I'll have to defer to someone else to offer a better critique! :) I've reached my meager limits of musical feedback. XD I'd do any further changes you can think of (eg. adding variation) then mark it as Finished for a while then change it to Mod Review.

  4. Ah, the bloop! That's hilarious XD I remember when people thought it might be an enormous (Cthulu) monster. :)

    I like your instruments and melodies, especially the one starting at 1:42.

    The melody in the foreground is good. But the backing melody (the 'aaaah') feels too repetitive or perhaps too prominent or for a background. It seems too loud that it clashes with the foreground melody?

    You could add more variation to the backing melody. If you wanted, more could be added to the foreground melody as well.

  5. See? More great mixes! ^_^

    Ah thanks, I suspected I was just missing a tag feature. I had searched for it on the remix pages, but hadn't thought to look on the review ones.

    No worries. :) It took me a few weeks to notice them. In a forum update they'll no doubt make the tags easier to spot.

    Also, if you're ever looking for lyrics, they're on the main remix page (where you download and preview) behind a tab on the top left.

  6. The tags are a bit out of the way if you don't know where to look. :) They're at the bottom of any (most any?) remix review thread. Here's the tag search for piano pieces.

    For specific pieces, I'd recommend The Trial in Concert, Dark Star Scherzo, A Rare Find, The Great Tentacle Pianist, Gau's Lament,

    , and

    . Those last 2 are on the FF VI album. ^_^

    Jungle Jazz, Dino Band Rehearsal, and Yoshi's Lullaby are also pretty cool, although they're not strictly piano. :D

  7. hmm now I don't think even the underlying pace of a piece (eg. waltz, march) combined with the membership of a group (ie. instruments and vocals) is enough to define a genre within Art Music.

    Masquerade Waltz

    Die Fledermaus Waltz

    Waltz of the Flowers

    Second Waltz

    All starkly different in mood despite having the same underlying pacing (or beat?) and musician membership. (I can't be arsed to check, but I'm pretty sure they're all orchestras.)

    If this were metal, I would try to put them in helpful little boxes: thrash, power, folk...

    Unfortunately, unless I want to create all those helpful little boxes by listening to thousands and thousands of pieces... it's not of much use to me for finding similar stuff. pah! :P

    There should just be an orchestral equivalent of the Encyclopaedia Metallum. *pout growl* :c

  8. ! I can't believe I hadn't posted in here.

    I'm listening to the wonderfully violent Treetop Intense and now everyone must listen to it. ^-^ It rocks. Go now. Seriously, it has a great sound and aggressive drive. The cries of the apes await us all! Really sets the mood.

    The album seems to be a mix of tough tracks with lovely calming pieces and some funk. Really, how did you do it? I know sometimes albums take years to complete... but this is enormous! Sheesh, well I'm not going to complain. XD You guys are awesome. :3

    Epic Bananas comes across just as powerful and in your face than Treetop Intense. They're both great takes on the source, although I don't have the knowledge to say how they're different but both still great. Both have have impressive outros. :D

    Bring the Noise is more menacing, like they're trying to avoid the fight at first. ^-^

    Thrill of the Chase also has that great edge. There are subtleties here that I'm unable to clearly identify. Great track. c:

    Afterburn is just so damn cool. I could almost see it in Perfect Dark alongside Crash-Confrontation.

    Arichnophobia is almost an F-Zero track. XD It's great. It combines the anger with a little bit of violence. ;)

    In Intoxica, the trickling at 0:45 and I love the melody most at 1:08, while 2:15 is also pleasant.

    Heart of Darkness has a mix of danger and inspiration. The squeeking noise does put me on edge. n.n

    Distant Dreams on Stormy Seas is simply beautiful. Sad but beautiful. The hum does add an ominous touch.

    Sea Breeze Concerto is more uplifting. The sound effects at 0:28 are my favourite. Great melody from 1:20. The animal calls make this good piece even better. :)

    Footloose Falls has so many wonderful sounds, the first being at 0:08 (a swirling echo?) followed by a star-like impression at 0:33. The beat coming in at 0:55 is great. At 2:16, another type of swirl sound comes in. It's fantastic when everything comes together at 2:40. Wonderful piece. :D How... just... I'd need to know more about music to express my appreciation.

    Beneath the Moonlight feels a bit sad. Reflection after the game is finally over. How is it so long and good, though? There's a lot going on that it's hard to believe it's 9 minutes. The ending alone lasts a minute! :D

    Purewater Pressure. So nice pleasant one! ^__^ More pleasant than chill. Until the xylophone at 2:00, it reminds me of a Ys-ish town theme.

    Jitterbug System. What a beat, man! :D Use the ratchet. ^__^

    Unfinished Business provides a similar feel at 0:59. :)

    Kingfisher's Stream. A pixel-like start... and that sound effect starting from 0:14-0:15 / 0:50 really adds another layer to the piece. I love hearing it in the background. Your melody at 2:00 is my favourite. :3

    Despite having the same source, Wonderfull is definitely set apart with it's chill theme.

    "Spanish Jitters", huh? Title sounds odd... and it's bit crap. :P

    Jking -- it's spectacular! ^__^ You go listen now. ^-^

  9. Wah! Yah! Yahoo! :D The Mario 64 album is here! ^__^

    I was most looking forward to the ghost levels and the music did not disappoint. :)

    Boo's Cues is suitably scarey (love the reference to SMW!) and Mari-O-Round's cheerfulness only adds to the fear. >:3 The splishing steps take you back to that level... that first time. -_-

    Devastation's Duel and So Long-eh, Bowser! Kick. Ass. >:3 Fantastic build-up. It feels like Castlevania at parts. Also props to the accent in your title. XD

    The Strange Green Pipe has a lot of menance, but it's also uplifting and inspiring. :)

    Through the Flames feels like Mario's had a bit of a sit down and is contemplating the worth of it all. Poor Mario. Don't be told how to view the world. It gets better! :c

    Roads to Everywhere, Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb-bomb, and Supersnowman, are so so happy! :D What beats! (Also woodwind <3)

    The Third Dimension and Wings to the Sky are almost too happy even for me... almost! >:3 Very pleasing chirpfulness. aww c:

    In Roads to Everywhere, I can almost hear coin heaven at 1:22. And 1:31 makes me think of Donkey Kong. Very cool. :) Fun sections in Supersnowman at 2:20 and 2:35, followed by a playful end.

    Really enjoy the Coin tracks. Two great takes on the source. :D

    If any track brings back most nostaligia, it's Sunken Secrets. So much time spent there, and it's so easy to listen to this piece on repeat. I do like the effects from 3:01. Powerful finish.

    Prog Mario is light! head banging fun. Good feeling drive especially at 1:20. Strong outro.

    See You Next Time is a nostalgic finish to the game. ^__^

    Do Pirahna Plants Dream of Electric Italians is a final wave goodbye. -_- It feels like a second ending credits except for the musicians.

    A lovely step back to almost twenty years ago. Thank you all for the music. c:

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