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Zanquino E.S.

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Everything posted by Zanquino E.S.

  1. Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing.
  2. According to the confirmation I received from Kickstarter the estimated delivery date is February 2013.
  3. Update: Added to Playlist #3 the recently posted remix Death, Rebirth, Life - 1986 / remixed by Anti-Syne. This is now Track 16. Announcement: Thanks to all the positive feedback I got from this playlist project soon I will be making public my second playlist project. It will be a legendary trip across the seas of time.
  4. Hi all, My pledge is in, Im #881!!! I just want to say that Final Fantasy VI (actually III because I played the SNES version) is a big part of my childhood. I meet one of my best friends thanks to it. It’s the Final Fantasy that introduced me to the series. I love the story, the music and the characters (Edgar fan here). I’ve been a fan of Overclocked Remix for some time now and I would like to thank the community for sharing their talent with the world. My absolute favorite track from this OSV master piece is “Searching For Friends”. I cant wait to see the trailer, if its anything like the trailer for "Mega Man X: Maverick Rising" (that trailer rocks!!!!!!!!!) it would be a dream come true. I hope you do a Teaser too!!!
  5. Greetings to all, Finally this is Playlist #3 with “song(s) arranged” included. Note: These are not 100% FFVII remixes which means some of the arranged songs are from other games. Mako Eyes (Life Stream) Light and Flakey (Buried in Snow) Neoteric Assembly (Reunion) Suffering Planet (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) Harmony of Destruction (Norfair Ancient Ruins Area), (Those Chosen by the Planet) Duel of the Blades (Liberi Fatali), (One-Winged Angel) Cid - Solace Simplicity (Cid's Theme) Full of Hope (Anxious Heart), (Main Theme) Crying Planet (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) Cid Sends a Dream to the Undersea Palace (Cid's Theme), (Ocean Palace) Beyond Midgar (Main Theme) The Planet Is Dead (From the Edge of Despair), (Listen to the Cries of the Planet), (Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII) Seven Degrees of Judgment (Judgment Day) Mother (J-E-N-O-V-A), (Listen to the Cries of the Planet), (Mako Reactor), (Those Chosen by the Planet) The Twelfth Commandment (Judgment Day) Death, Rebirth, Life - 1986 / remixed by Anti-Syne The Omen of Jenova (J-E-N-O-V-A), (Omen) Sephiroth's Deliverance (Birth of a God), (J-E-N-O-V-A), (Let the Battles Begin!), (One-Winged Angel), (The North Cave), (Those Chosen by the Planet) Sector7 Hath Wrought the Angel (One-Winged Angel) Prayer (Aeris's Theme) Philharmonic Suite: Finale (Weapon Raid) Fluss der Liebe (Life Stream)
  6. Greetings to all, This is Playlist #2 with “song(s) arranged” included. Note: These are not 100% FFVII remixes which means some of the arranged songs are from other games. A World of Piano (Main Theme) DJ Chubby C vs. GoGoBoco! (Chocobo Chocobo) Costa Del Sol DANCE (Costa del Sol) Aeris Summer Samba (Aeris's Theme) Fighting - 7/8 Jazz Spiritual (Let the Battles Begin!) String Machine - CorelPrisonMix (Desert Wasteland) Aire Tam Break (Anxious Heart), (Fight On!), (Let the Battles Begin!) RedXIIIRedux (Valley of the Fallen Star) Nanaki Searches For Truth (Its Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isnt It?) Galvanized Boss (Fight On!) Ascension to Cosmo Canyon (Cosmo Canyon) Of Transformants and Brevity (The Nightmares Beginning) The End (One-Winged Angel) Otanjoubi Cid (Cid's Theme) A Foray into the Eastern Horizons (Schalas Theme), (Wutai) Chocarena (Electric de Chocobo) Acoustic Fireworks (Words Drowned by Fireworks) Ancient Steps Retraced (The Forested Temple) Space Station of the Ancients (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) Where Destiny Meets (Reunion) An Answered Cry (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) JENOVAD Trance (J-E-N-O-V-A) Aeris Lives (Aeris's Theme), (The Prelude)
  7. Greetings to all, As promised this is Playlist #1 with “song(s) arranged” included. Note: These are not 100% FFVII remixes which means some of the arranged songs are from other games. 1. Final Ecstasy (The Prelude) 2. Philharmonic Suite: Part I (Opening - Bombing Mission) 3. Fight On (Fight On!) 4. Its Difficult to Stand When Youre on Acid (Its Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isnt It?) 5. Heart's Anxiety (Anxious Heart) 6. Rape Of A Planet (Mako Reactor) 7. The Shinra Shuffle (Fanfare), (Fight On!) 8. Opressed Swamp Dub (The Oppressed) 9. Sweeter Than Honey (Honeybee Manor) 10. Turks In Pursuit (Under the Rotting Pizza) 11. Climhazzard Rush (Fanfare) 12. REAKTR.1 (Opening - Bombing Mission) 13. Speed Limit (Crazy Motorcycle) 14. Yet Even More Fighting (Crazy Motorcycle), (Opening - Bombing Mission) 15. Truth In Forgiveness Await (Tifa's Theme) 16. Internal Affliction (Listen to the Cries of the Planet), (Those Chosen by the Planet) 17. On That Day... (On That Day, Five Years Ago...) 18. Heavy Mako (Mako Reactor) 19. Jenova for Classical Piano (J-E-N-O-V-A) 20. The Wingless Butoh (Forze del male), (Guardando nel buio), (Hang Castle), (Mystic Mansion), (One-Winged Angel), (Tension Rising)
  8. Greetings, Here it is; playlist three of the three part Final Fantasy VII OC ReMix: Remixes Playlist project. If this was a 3 disc remix album and I could give it a name I would call it “Final Fantasy VII: Truth and Forgiveness Await” inspired by “The Risen Dayspring” remix “Truth In Forgiveness Await”. Let this be a tribute to celebrate 12 years of FFVII remixes and the new ones to come. Enjoy, - Playlist #3 Mako Eyes / remixed by Fishy, Mattias Häggström Gerdt Light and Flakey / remixed by Heath Morris Neoteric Assembly / remixed by Tansunn Suffering Planet / remixed by Xaleph Harmony of Destruction / remixed by Ellywu2 Duel of the Blades / remixed by Kevin Penkin Cid (Solace Simplicity) / remixed by Children of the Monkey Machine Full of Hope / remixed by Nutritious Crying Planet / remixed by Akira Wing CidSendsaDreamtotheUnderseaPalace / remixed by Star Salzman Beyond Midgar / remixed by BogusRed The Planet Is Dead / remixed by Nekofrog Seven Degrees of Judgment / remixed by Rosencrantz & guildensterN Mother / remixed by Moomba The Twelfth Commandment / remixed by Midee, prozax The Omen of Jenova / remixed by Nekofrog Sephiroth's Deliverance / remixed by Skummel Maske Sector7 Hath Wrought the Angel / remixed by Trenthian Prayer / remixed by MENBAH! Philharmonic Suite: Finale / remixed by Jeremy Robson Fluss der Liebe / remixed by DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind, GrayLightning, Israfel
  9. Update: For those who like to have the name of the “song(s) arranged” included in the remix name for example: Truth In Forgiveness Await (Tifa's Theme) Aire Tam Break (Anxious Heart), (Fight On!), (Let the Battles Begin!) I already did it for Playlist #1. For the benefit of our “guest” I will be making the list public after the release of playlist #3 (so you can copy/paste them). Good day,
  10. Thank you for creating and sharing such an amazing remix. You did a great job on “The Wingless Butoh”. I selected it as the last remix of Playlist #1 because I got the feeling that it leaves the listener expecting and wanting more turning into a bridge connecting to Playlist #2. I look forward to your next remixes and I hope you enjoy the Playlist. Have a great week.
  11. You are absolutely right. At the beginning I only visited OCR and enjoyed remixes of my favorite games. Then I started to listen to the remix albums and I was amazed at how organized and professional the releases and content was. I agree with you, it is a great thing to give positive feedback and let the artist know (with words not just downloads) how much we enjoy their work and how thankful we are that the share it with the world! Regarding Secret of Mana I have not had the chance to play it **shame on me** lol. It is definitely on my to do list! See you around Fun, have a great week!
  12. Greetings “Fun”, Welcome to OC Remix. I see that like me you have known about the site for some time now. It’s great to see more and more people becoming members, commenting and letting the remixes’ know how much we enjoy their work. See you around!
  13. Update: Playlist #3, the last of this three part project is almost ready. If all goes well I will be making it public next week.
  14. Fixed, Brandons are very talented lol. Thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to your first FFVII remix. The playlist project is 12 years in the making and growing.
  15. Happy birthday José the Bronx Rican. Big fan of your trailers. Keep it up!
  16. Thank you Brandon, nice to meet you. Big fan of your work. When I heard “The Last Story” I knew something was familiar and then it hit me; of course “Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings”. Great featuring on both remixes. I really enjoyed “Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings”, I’m a big DK fan. Yep, you appear a lot if you search Brandon Strader on my iPod lol. Regarding the FFVII playlist project I hope you enjoy it and if you get inspired and create another amazing remix I will definitely add it to the playlist.
  17. Greetings, It’s finished, this is the second of the three part Final Fantasy VII OC ReMix: Remixes Playlist. Enjoy, - Playlist #2 A World of Piano / remixed by kLuTz DJ Chubby C vs. GoGoBoco! / remixed by mp Costa Del Sol DANCE / remixed by posu yan AerisSummerSamba / remixed by Lau Fighting (7/8 jazz spiritual) / remixed by Lau StringMachine(CorelPrisonMix) / remixed by FFmusic Dj Aire Tam Break / remixed by Fishy RedXIIIRedux / remixed by AmIEviL Nanaki Searches For Truth / remixed by Dev GalvanizedBoss / remixed by Standby, WhoAmI? Ascension to Cosmo Canyon / remixed by Reuben Kee Of Transformants and Brevity / remixed by zyko The End / remixed by tefnek Otanjoubi Cid / remixed by FFmusic Dj A Foray into the Eastern Horizons / remixed by mv Chocarena / remixed by Draggor Acoustic Fireworks / remixed by EgM Ancient Steps Retraced / remixed by Tansunn SpaceStationoftheAncients / remixed by Mazedude Where Destiny Meets / remixed by Joshua Morse An Answered Cry / remixed by Deimos JENOVAD Trance / remixed by FFmusic Dj Aeris Lives / remixed by Kevin Lau
  18. Thank you Rockos, appreciated. Regarding Mario RPG, I also own an original cartridge but I have not had the chance to play it this year lol. Another game I love to play at least once a year is Megaman X. Megaman X is another one of my all-time favorites. My favorite tracks from Mario RPG are: Let's Do The Fooka-Fooka! You And Toadofski Create... Welcome To Bukki (Booster) Tower Fight Against Kajidoh (Smithy) And of course the greatest (imo) video game intro of all time Happy Adventure, Delightful Adventure!
  19. Thank you RiverSound, I hope you enjoy the playlist. You are absolutely right; I would like to share something like this using the Super Mario remixes. It’s a whole new and different way to enjoy them.
  20. Update: Playlist #2 is almost ready. If all goes well I will be making it public next week.
  21. Thanks Liontamer, I hope you enjoy the playlist. Chrono Trigger and Mega Man 2 remix playlists, that sounds great. There are a lot of games with 20+ remixes that could become great playlist. **Update: I removed “Every Story Begins with a Name” because the remix is featured on VotL. Now “Philharmonic Suite: Part I” is the new track 2. What can I say I was blinded by how great the remix is. Thank you for letting me know Liontamer.
  22. Greetings, I don’t know if this has been done before but here it goes. This is a three playlist project filled with Final Fantasy VII remixes submitted on OC ReMix not featured on a remix album with the goal of reliving the story from start to finish thru this amazing remixes. If this was a 3 disc remix album and I could give it a name I would call it “Final Fantasy VII: Truth and Forgiveness Await” inspired by “The Risen Dayspring” remix “Truth In Forgiveness Await”. Let this be a tribute to celebrate 12 years of FFVII remixes and the new ones to come. - Playlist #1 Final Ecstasy / remixed by Ailsean Philharmonic Suite: Part I / remixed by Jeremy Robson Fight On / remixed by CarboHydroM ItsDifficulttoStandWhenYoureonAcid / remixed by Beatdrop Hearts Anxiety / remixed by Ceracryst, cheez80 Rape Of A Planet / remixed by mp The Shinra Shuffle / remixed by The Runaway Five Opressed Swamp Dub / remixed by Isopropyl Sweeter Than Honey / remixed by Will Buck TurksInPursuit / remixed by DJ Orange Climhazzard Rush / remixed by aluminum REAKTR.1/ remixed by Tweek, sephfire Speed Limit / remixed by sephfire Yet Even More Fighting / remixed by Kidd Cabbage Truth In Forgiveness Await / remixed by The Risen Dayspring Internal Affliction / remixed by sephfire On That Day . . . / remixed by Russell Cox Heavy Mako / remixed by Knight of the Round Jenova for Classical Piano / remixed by Noir The Wingless Butoh / remixed by Mikeaudio - Playlist #2 A World of Piano / remixed by kLuTz DJ Chubby C vs. GoGoBoco! / remixed by mp Costa Del Sol DANCE / remixed by posu yan AerisSummerSamba / remixed by Lau Fighting (7/8 jazz spiritual) / remixed by Lau StringMachine(CorelPrisonMix) / remixed by FFmusic Dj Aire Tam Break / remixed by Fishy RedXIIIRedux / remixed by AmIEviL Nanaki Searches For Truth / remixed by Dev GalvanizedBoss / remixed by Standby, WhoAmI? Ascension to Cosmo Canyon / remixed by Reuben Kee Of Transformants and Brevity / remixed by zyko The End / remixed by tefnek Otanjoubi Cid / remixed by FFmusic Dj A Foray into the Eastern Horizons / remixed by mv Chocarena / remixed by Draggor Acoustic Fireworks / remixed by EgM Ancient Steps Retraced / remixed by Tansunn SpaceStationoftheAncients / remixed by Mazedude Where Destiny Meets / remixed by Joshua Morse An Answered Cry / remixed by Deimos JENOVAD Trance / remixed by FFmusic Dj Aeris Lives / remixed by Kevin Lau - Playlist #3 Mako Eyes / remixed by Fishy, Mattias Häggström Gerdt Light and Flakey / remixed by Heath Morris Neoteric Assembly / remixed by Tansunn Suffering Planet / remixed by Xaleph Harmony of Destruction / remixed by Ellywu2 Duel of the Blades / remixed by Kevin Penkin Cid (Solace Simplicity) / remixed by Children of the Monkey Machine Full of Hope / remixed by Nutritious Crying Planet / remixed by Akira Wing CidSendsaDreamtotheUnderseaPalace / remixed by Star Salzman Beyond Midgar / remixed by BogusRed The Planet Is Dead / remixed by Nekofrog Seven Degrees of Judgment / remixed by Rosencrantz & guildensterN Mother / remixed by Moomba The Twelfth Commandment / remixed by Midee, prozax Death, Rebirth, Life - 1986 / remixed by Anti-Syne The Omen of Jenova / remixed by Nekofrog Sephiroth's Deliverance / remixed by Skummel Maske Sector7 Hath Wrought the Angel / remixed by Trenthian Prayer / remixed by MENBAH! Philharmonic Suite: Finale / remixed by Jeremy Robson Fluss der Liebe / remixed by DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind, GrayLightning, Israfel Note: All credit goes to the artist that created such amazing remixes. I did some copy / paste on the list so if anyone notices an error, typo and/or missing artist name please let me know; I will fix it immediately. - How to Create the Playlist To create the playlist you need to download one by one all the remixes by searching “Final Fantasy VII” under “games” (link) or search the remix name under “mixes”. If you are a FFVII fan like me you probably have most or all of the tracks somewhere in your computer . Create a new playlist >> drag and drop >> arrange the tracks >> press Play >> enjoy. - The Project’s Story I started this “project” because I had all of these amazing FFVII remixes that I could only enjoy by using “shuffle”. My hobby being organizing stuff I decided to arrange the remixes in a way that could help me enjoy the tracks more. Like a puzzle the remixes started to fall into place turning to three playlist trying to follow the same sequence as the FFVII OST. In other words reliving the story from start to finish. - Why share it with the world??? This idea started as a project for my personal enjoyment then I thought maybe others like me have the same situation and maybe even have an idea of doing something like this and maybe even started. Plus I’ve enjoyed a lot of the work shared by others on OC ReMix. This is for everyone so I decided to share it with the world. - Final Thoughts I think all that is left to say is give the playlist a chance. At the end even if you don’t like the way I arranged the remixes you will still enjoy such amazing work. If you want to know a bit more about me go to my post at the The Newbie Introduction Thread: Come on in and say hello!. Feedback and comments are welcome! -Zanquino E.S.
  23. Greetings to all, For the moment I will introduce myself as Zanquino. Nice to meet you all. I’ve visited and enjoyed the OCR remixes since around the time “Summoning of Spirits” album project was released so that would be late 2008 early 2009. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone involved in one way or another. The site is amazing, very organized and clean. I am amazed at the quality of the work and it makes me really happy to see a group of individuals come together help each other create this amazing remixes and share it with the world. I have zero experience remixing or playing any kind of instrument so what is my skill? I would have to say organizing stuff (I’m not a control freak lol). I love to take disorder and find ways to organize them in the most effective way. How can this be used to contribute to such an amazing community. Only time will tell. Favorite game of all time - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars I think all that is left to say is see you around. -Zanquino
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