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Posts posted by MinnieMoog

  1. This is an awesome remix, thank you so much for posting this. Paper Mario 2 stands among my top five favorite games as a matter of fact. I'm really glad to see such a solid justice being done to its beautiful soundtrack. Great song choice too. I'm in agreement-- The final boss theme to this game is most certainly one of, if not the darkest Mario theme around. Lots of clever atmospheric tricks and spooky chord progressions haunt the original. This progressive metal/rock approach is a very clever take on the source, by extension.

  2. Oh, really? Cool! If you need any help on that, feel free to ask! Proud lover of FL right here. :)

    Sweet, so I'm not in the single's club it looks like. I'm using FL 9, myself.

    As for the track, I'm quite liking it. And I agree with timaeus222, the piano delay is totally fine. Though I could be bias here, since I'm a huge fan of delay... But er. There are definitely spots that need filling out, and I will also agree that the pad at the beginning could use something to help add variation to it, whether it be subtle filter work-- another lead, etc. Or maybe even a bit more ambience to accent it? The separation on the strings to the choir pad is nice. But when the kick comes in, it feels... A bit muddier than it should be, at least to me. Is there any side-chaining going on in there? It sounds like very little to me, if any. I think maybe some EQing on the lower frequencies of the other instruments aside from the kick, and perhaps a bit (more?) of side-chain strength on the kick signal to the pad could help raise that kick a bit and give it a bit more clarity in the midst of the pad. The transition to the piano and percussive section sounds awesome. I don't necessarily have an issue with it being emptier there, but perhaps if you came back to that phrase at a later point in the song you could add a more driving rhythm and a pad or arp sequence to back the section up? But of course, it's your piece. Maybe you had something else in mind? :)

    Also, I too would be more than happy to assist in FL help. But maybe I'm less experienced than some. I've been working with FL for only about... eh, maybe three years now? Either way, other veterans are going to teach me a thing or two as well. :)

  3. if they ever decide what to do with the second one, i hope they dont make it easier to run. they really nailed the control system. Its just difficult enough that you feel accomplished when you pull off something nice, but not so difficult that youre pulling out your hair to get through each obstacle.

    Quite agreed. I recall a friend of mine and I randomly saw the game in a Walmart bin one day, and we (even more randomly) decided to buy it. Our expectations were a bit blown by the excellent control scheme and super smooth engine. I wasn't particularly impressed by the story or gun fighting. But the quick platforming and fast paced sections were brilliant.

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