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Posts posted by ZackParrish

  1. I transcribe everything by ear, which is the oldschool approach to it.

    Some DAWs have built in audio to MIDI converters, and some pitch correction VSTs like Melodyne also have the ability. Those usually aren't perfect and really only work if you can isolate the parts you need transcribed. 

    Then of course finding a transcription that someone already did(like all the tracks on vgmusic) is a possibility if that particular theme you want exists there.

    Only other thing you can do is hire someone to do it for you(or hope you find someone willing to just do it for free). 

    If you can hear a note and then play it on your preferred instrument, or just know what the pitch is without a comparison tool, you have all you need to transcribe it yourself. That's largely what the process is... repeatedly listening to the audio and picking the parts out you want and putting the notes down into a DAW or notation editor.

    I recommend just trying it yourself, it is pretty fun once you get going. Kind of like putting a puzzle together...

  2. I use Hollywood Strings, Hollywood Brass, and Berlin Woodwinds for orchestral stuff. The solo trumpet is Sample Modeling's 'The Trumpet'. For orchestral percussion I am using Project SAM True Strike 1(it's a bit dated though...)

    I felt like the guitars could have been beefed up a bit more myself as well but had such a short deadline to complete the track because I took it up as a last minute submission for Harmony of Heroes: Final Smash. Might revisit it one day but knowing me it's not likely I'll ever open the project again. :) Thanks for the feedback though, will spend more time on balancing the drums / guitars better in the future.

  3. Sweet remix there. If u want, The prc 287 (over at the competition tabs) is currently doing that bowser theme and another theme (since there was 2 winners at Prc 285). U don't have to remix both entries to one song, but u could submit this one you made. It shouldn't be a problem since ur original post for this song is at 12/26. :<

    Was going to submit it as you suggested but thasauce.net hates me apparently and wouldn't let me register. Might try again later... :P

  4. This is nice. I do think it is a bit tinny sounding, could benefit from some more low end. What VSTs are you using in this? They sound good :)

    LA Scoring Strings 2 and Sonic Implants Symphonic Woodwinds Solo Oboe... which the Oboe is from a purchase I made several years ago and I had to reconfigure half the features of the stupid thing in Kontakt in order for it to function properly. :P

  5. Official soundtrack for Valdis Story: Abyssal City now open for preorders! Album includes 9 bonus tracks not heard in the game.

    6 tracks available to stream(or download with purchase of preorder)


    Hear more select tracks at:


    More information about the game can be found at:




    Thanks for listening!



  6. http://soundcloud.com/zack-parrish/experimental

    Just finished this track using a boatload of instruments, will list those below the credits/lyrics. The bulk of the parts were written by me, and Stephan Fischer contributed the Solo Cello, Solo Horn, additional piano parts, Boys Choir, and Sitar.


    Composed and Produced by Zack Parrish

    Additional parts composed by Stephan Fischer

    Vocals & Lyrics written and performed by Melissa Freeman

    Vocals recorded by Kyle Tesalona


    Turn your eyes to the east,

    The shadows are starting to fade.

    Come down from the trees,

    Drink the sun before it rains.

    And all around,

    Everything is starting to wake,

    It all just: shimmers, shimmer, shimmers back to life,

    Shimmers, shimmers, shimmers back to life,

    Shimmers,shimmers, shimmers back to life.

    And though the storm may come tonight,

    The stars will shine their light.

    Through the wind and rain keep your eyes to the skies,

    Light will come again.

    Though the ocean rages, dawn will bring Golden Light, Golden Light...

    Turn your eyes to the east,

    The shadows are starting to fade,

    Come down from the trees,

    Drink the sun before it rains.

    Instruments used:

    Violins, Violas, Celli, Solo Cello, Contrabass, Trumpet, Horns, Solo Horn, Trombones, Tuba, Two Grand Pianos, Penny Whistle, Oboe, Accordion, Dulcimer, Banjo, Mandolin, Jazz Kit, Rock Kit, Synthetic Kit, Square Wave, Synth Pad(custom), Pipe Organ, Steel String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass, Electric Guitar(Rhythm & Lead), Clavichord, Sitar, Devil Chaser, Didgeridoo, Ticki-Ticki, Djembe, Boys Choir, Beer Bottles(Blown), Glockenspiel played using pingpong balls, and Solo Vocalist.

    Thanks for listening!

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