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Everything posted by NovaReaper

  1. I can wait that long, don't know about anyone else.
  2. So, what do you guys say about a listening party at around 8 PM Eastern?
  3. Sorry about that DarkeSword, I just got a bit too impatient.
  4. Metaphist really did a great job on that song, and the rest of the album as well. Also, I wanna give a shoutout to Xarnax42 for getting his first mix posted as part of Balance and Ruin!
  5. I thought you were going to do something like this, just not this round! Can we use the GB versions of these songs?
  6. DarkeSword, how many songs do you have?
  7. I'm really interested, you know where I can get Metaphist's album?
  8. 10 minutes until listening party!
  9. How to use IRC (This guide is mainly for Esper IRC, but the same rules apply for other clients) First, click this link to head to the main IRC website. In the top-right corner, there should be a button that says Chat Now. Click it. You should be taken to a screen that looks like this: Enter your OCRemix username in the Nickname bar, and wcrg in the Channel bar. Press connect and you're done! (Hope this helps!)
  10. Anybody know where Shrack is?
  11. Pretty much same with my team; we share WIP's at the beginning of every week and give feedback on them.
  12. I may or may not able to make it, but I'm definitely interested. Will someone keep a log of what was said?
  13. I think that's a fine idea.
  14. And subbed! I'm personally not that happy with it, though.
  15. Butt rock with vocals, or 20 minute prog.
  16. I have about 50 seconds of Dive Man all ready, still have to add Moliarty's Tower. Haven't had much time to work on it this week, but I'll get something good done by Sunday.
  17. Just in case, here's where the song plays in the game:
  18. What KingTiger and Mr. L said :)

  19. Hey, if you need help, MIDI is right here:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36661985/Sheet%20Music/NES/Darkwing%20Duck/Darkwing%20Duck%20-%20Moliarty%20Stage.mid
  20. Seconding SuperiorX's request, because I'm going for my team.
  21. Agreeing with everybody saying that this is kinda unexpected and they would rather remix Wily Castle themes and so on and so forth. But really I just hope that there won't be as low as a turnout as last time there was a mix of two franchises. Also here's a midi that I hope is right: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/MKPIRATE.mid
  22. Um... Did anyone expect that? More importantly, how are you supposed to tag your file?
  23. Naw, Dark Man stage fits better (hasn't been done before).
  24. Oh man, I am SO HYPED for this.
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