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Everything posted by Deesio

  1. Hi, do you have a visual artist for the cover yet?
  2. Hi, do you have a visual artist for the cover yet?
  3. Yeah, cool. Just hit me up. Looking forward to hearing from you
  4. I'll adapt my style in whatever way you wish and however the project directs me, no problem there. I was thinking possibly of some cinematic battle/ pre-battle image, good guys & npc allies one side with bad guys & standard enemies the other side. sort of a balance between the light and dark to reflect the title.
  5. Howdy, do you have all visual/album art covered already? If not, I'm game. Here's my website for examples of my work: www.owencreativestudios.com I'll do whatever is required, I'd love to be a part of this, I'm an artist not a musicion but I'm a massive fan of classic RPGs (especially SoM and SD3) and VGM on the whole. Take a look at my portfolio and let me know if I'm in .
  6. Howdy, do you have all visual/album art covered already? If not, I'm game. Here's my website for examples of my work : www.owencreativestudios.com I'll do whatever is required .
  7. Howdy, do you still need anybody to do album/visual artwork? Here's my website for references if so: www.owencreativestudios.com cheers!
  8. Cool. Just message me here or PM me if you have anything for me
  9. Howdy. Do you already have a visual/album artist on board?
  10. I'll be happy to take on anything you throw at me, and happy to play second fiddle to the main artist. This ain't no contest! I can collaborate and contribute in any way you wish.
  11. ah ok cool, no problem. well here's my website, you'll find a range of work in my portfolio, from illustrative work to flyer designs for well known record labels and musicians. Obviously though, for a non-profit project such as this, I'm interested just for the passion of it D'oh almost forgot: here we are: www.owencreativestudios.com
  12. Hello, Sorry to interrupt. Just wondering whether you needed any album artwork or viual design of any sort? Or do you already have somebody on board for that?
  13. Hello, Before I start, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm a fresh newcomer to this forum, though I've been a long-time visitor to the website. I have no musical skill per-se but I'm an illustrator and graphic designer with experience of working with well known and established musicians and record labels. I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to get involved with this project as a visual artist? I'm a huge game (and VGM) fan, and would be really pleased with your consideration. If you want to see examples of my work, check my portfolio at www. owencreativestudios. com (remove spaces). I've done flyers for artists and labels such as LTJ Bukem & Hospital records amongst others, but actual illustration and art are my bigger passion. I'd ask for nothing in return, but a credit, obviously. Let me know what you think. I'd love to be involved!
  14. Hello, Before I start, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm a fresh newcomer to this forum, though I've been a long-time visitor to the website. I have no musical skill per-se but I'm an illustrator and graphic designer with experience of working with well known and established musicians and record labels. I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to get involved with this project as a visual artist? I'm a huge game (and VGM) fan, and would be really pleased with your consideration. If you want to see examples of my work, check my portfolio at www. owencreativestudios. com (remove spaces). I've done flyers for artists and labels such as LTJ Bukem & Hospital records amongst others, but actual illustration and art are my bigger passion. I'd ask for nothing in return, but a credit, obviously. Let me know what you think. I'd love to be involved!
  15. Hello, Before I start, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm a fresh newcomer to this forum, though I've been a long-time visitor to the website. I have no musical skill per-se but I'm an illustrator and graphic designer with experience of working with well known and established musicians and record labels. I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to get involved with this project as a visual artist? I'm a huge game (and VGM) fan, and would be really pleased with your consideration. If you want to see examples of my work, check my portfolio at www. owencreativestudios. com (remove spaces). I've done flyers for artists and labels such as LTJ Bukem & Hospital records amongst others, but actual illustration and art are my bigger passion. I'd ask for nothing in return, but a credit, obviously. Let me know what you think. I'd love to be involved!
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