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    teach da English take a pictures

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    French Horn

Nobinsor's Achievements

  1. This...so much this. Gaming can teach you this kind of dedication and conscientiousness in a risk free environment. As I get older I find myself drawn more and more to rogue-likes and retro gaming on consoles (save state free!). I feel like these games help me become more at peace with the idea that losing or failing is a result of my own my mistakes or the universe taking a dump on me. I think we spend too much time in this day and age worrying about what is going to "take us somewhere" but what we are really worrying about is how we can achieve some kind of celebrity status. But who cares if games may not contribute this? The idea that we can live life to live life well should be paramount to anything else. Keeping thoughtful gaming as a part of your time budget can totally be a part of making your life better.
  2. Dreamcast 2 HAS to be real! http://www.gametrailers.com/video/dreamcast-2-talking-classics/712554?type=flv
  3. I third the excellence of both this song and the album. Iced Earth - Vengeance is Mine (live)
  4. Seriously, thanks a lot for posting this! Much better than seeing a Rebecca Black link. Thank you. Currently listening to Guckkasten - Sinkhole
  5. Atari Teenage Riot - Not Your Business
  6. You know? Sometimes I really do feel like a plastic bag...This whole pop music thing is making so much more sense to me now. And please...let this video be a joke, stunt, or ironic statement...please.
  7. Wait....wait....I just did some cursory research...and it seems this is a real song...written by two people? And they had this girl perform it? And now it has over twelve million hits and is generating money and buzz? And it's not a joke song? Is that what this is? This is a real not a joke song??? IS IT!?
  8. Heisse Ware - B-Tight & Tony-D
  9. Am I the only one that has trouble with telling the difference between or is unable to tell the difference between Kim Kardashian and Eva Longoria? In addition...why are they famous? (lucsious posterior excluded) I realise I could do that research on my own, but that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down. Internet people, give me your expertise! Also, that song is bruuuuutal. If this gets on the regular rotation on the radio, all faith is lost.
  10. Rux - The Ruckus Army Anybody else out there have some international punk bands they'd like to share?
  11. Hey, are we still talking about boobs in here? Mam! Talk about a way to get more views!
  12. Sweeet...That tune reminded me of the song Berliner Schnauze by Bass Sultan Hengzt, which led me to looking it up and then finding this tune, Never heard this song before, nor any other rap tune that used Escape From New York... Thanks.
  13. Will this be a good enough hold over? http://www.everybodydancenow.net/deware/WeDareRemake.swf
  14. Seo Taiji - F.M Business Many times...every day...
  15. unibeam unibeam unibeam unibeam unibeam!
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