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Posts posted by WiFiSunset

  1. Hey All, Hope things are going well! 

    We have another Artist on board the Album :)!  Fungist is coming on with a Dragon Ball Z Remix and an awesome demo of it too :)!

    Welcome Aboard! 


    Updated the deadline to be on October 30th as well to check in on the progress everyone's making. Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    On 7/13/2016 at 4:14 PM, SkyRiderX said:

    Hey guys, I was working on my track when I had a sweet idea! Part of the Clash of Ninja Menu theme has people shouting "Hyeh", "Hyoh" of course "Hiyaa!" so wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got to join in? For now I'll keep it to people within the album but if you're interested please send me a message! I think this would a cool thing to do together not only as an album group but maybe even a community xD

    This would be an EPIC idea man! 8)

  2. Thanks DjPretzel! That's super exciting new everyone :) !!! Let's keep moving this album to the finish! As a reminder, the June 30th Deadline is approaching as well. Thanks for the hard work everyone!

    Edit: The Final WIP Date will be extended out by several months as well :)

  3. 4 hours ago, Kat said:

    The problem is that the Shakuhachi is set to channel A1 while the piano is set to A2, and the midi data in the piano roll only plays to A1 by default. You have to change that on your own. In the upper left corner of the piano roll there's a colored box, just below the dropdown menu. Click on it and this will happen:


    Those numbers correspond to the midi channel number. It's pretty straightforward. Notes written in color 1 will be played by instruments set to [A/B/C/Etc] 1. The color isn't really important. It's just there to differentiate the notes in the piano roll. Write out your notes in the appropriate "color"(or select existing notes, open the above menu and pick the appropriate channel to change them) and they'll be played by instruments on that track with the correct midi channel(or Omni). You can also configure your midi keyboard/devices (if you have any) to play to certain channels to make this easier to do. By default they'll generally send input to channel A1.

    That was the issue, thanks :)! After setting each kontakt to A1 in each individual channel, they played he instruments I set them too.


    Thanks as well Timaeus! I'm just starting to mess with Kontact and Reaktor as well lol.

  4. In Kontakt Player I'm trying to set track to shakuhachi, and track 2 to an EP Piano. But when I play the midi in track 2, it plays as a Shakuhachi instead. Forgive me if this is an obvious answer, but how do I fix this so that Shakuhachi only plays in Track 1?

    I'm adding a screenshot of the issue as well.Screenshot 2016-05-07 10.45.53.png

  5. Alright, front page has been updated.

    I've streamlined the album, and we're definitely pushing towards completion :) ! 

    The next Deadline date is June 30th. For this one I'm going to keep up with artists more, because at least a WIP status will be needed to stay on the album (this includes myself : p). I'll also be asking if artists want to stay on the album as well. I will be extending the Final Deadline, but it depends on how everything turns out by the next WIP Deadline.


    Let's get this thing done :) !!! Thanks for the hard work so far as well everyone!

  6. On 4/27/2016 at 2:01 AM, Brandon Strader said:

    Hey Cosmic Sounds or...........whoever you are... 8O 

    Sorry for the lack of movement on this project from me. I haven't done stuff on other ones too. It's been bad. Real bad. I don't want to drop though, and I dunno how lenient you can still be at this point. I understand if you want to cut me. But I really like my "Don't Cry" source and would really like to tackle it.

    Things are difficult because I took on more than I could handle, and then stuff came up on top of that. I don't even remember all of the stuff I said I would do, and if people don't tell me then I don't know. But I remember this one because the source (which I didn't know about before) is so good. And it feels like a massive dyock move to drop something after like 9 years. I'm not dropping of course, just pointing that out. 

    I'll try to get some stuff out of the way so I can hop on this, hopefully before July O_O

    Cosmic Prism now xD.

    And I do understand the busyness part for sure, took on a full time job and am dealing with finals at the moment. So things are hectic here too. 

    And I'm not going to drop you from the album.

    • More likely than not, I'm going to lessen the scope of the album to 5 songs per section (minus the Yu-Gi-Oh section, which has a decent amount of people on it). That way things'll be more streamlined and manageable towards completion.

    I'm also going to drop myself from one song to open up availability for it. So definitely pushing for this to be complete. I'll more likely than not extend the final deadline in order to allow time for more recruitment into the album. I'll keep everyone updated and give an official update when I can in the coming week.


    Thanks for till staying on board the album :) ! These games really do have some fantastic music!!

  7. On 4/27/2016 at 6:07 PM, Garpocalypse said:

    A good way to tackle that is to load your kick into 2 audio tracks and split the freqs out with a multiband in order to get more control between the lows and the highs.

    To do this load up a multiband on one of the 2 identical kick tracks and solo the subs and the bass and then mute the lower mids, mids, upper mids and highs. Then make an exact duplicate of the plugin on the second kick track and mute the subs and the bass so you only hear the lower mids, mids upper mids and highs.  Once you send both to the same aux you now have the kick you already had but with a fader for the lows, a fader for the highs and the bus fader letting you change the volume of the entire kick.  This trick also works EXTREMELY well on basses.  

    One thing you'll want to be careful of is any make up gain that may be set by default.  2 of my multibands were set with a +2.5 db gain for each band out of the box so to speak. It's not going to ruin your mix if there is a slight boost there by any means but you can keep your volumes consistent by making sure there is no makeup gain set by default. 

    As far as EQ'ing of kicks go that is largely dependent on the style you are trying to do. 


    Thanks man! I'll definitely try it!


    On 4/27/2016 at 2:22 AM, Brandon Strader said:

    Why is it clicking, is it clipping? Are you boosting around 60Hz for a subby kick or 80Hz for a punchy kick? None of that should be adding clicks, that's more around the 3500Hz range for the high end click depending on your kick

    Yeah I'm trying to boost the lower range to give the kick more punch.


    On 4/27/2016 at 9:17 AM, timaeus222 said:

    Uh, could you provide an example? I've never gotten that before when EQing kicks.


    Here's a link to the example, odd thing is, I'm not even sure if that chirp is audible after rendering it :/.

    Chirpy Kick Example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgug8579s2byamr/Chirpy%20Kick%20Example.wav?dl=0


    (I'm going to post a screen recording of it happening in the DAW to help).

  8. On 4/25/2016 at 6:33 PM, Sagnewshreds said:

    This sounds like it'll be an awesome album. I noticed there's no love for Dark Duel Stories in the Yugioh section though.

    That game was my jam.

    Sounds like a cool source :). If you're up for remixing it then let me know!


    We still need to recruit members for this album, I'm finding that it's because a lot of the games are more obscure and haven't been played by a lot. But nonetheless it still has Amazing music :). So I definitely hope it gains more traction within the community too.

  9. I've seen A Loooot of anime xD.

    These are some that could be good for that age range.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toward_the_Terra (Strongly recommend this one)

    The story takes place in the distant future sometime after the 31st millennium where humanity exists under the rule of the political order controlled by supercomputers known as Superior Dominance and the carefully selected humans known as the Members Elite. Centuries before the story begins, the human race came to the conclusion that war and pollution rendered life on Earth unsustainable. Using warp travel the decision was made to leave a supercomputer Artificial Intelligence and caretaker humans behind and colonize distant stars.

    Under the rule of Superior Dominance all humans are born in vitro and given to carefully selected parents. At the age of 14, all children are put through brainwashing where their memories are wiped by Superior Dominance and overwritten to produce functional adults. A race of advanced humans with psionic abilities called Mu (pronounced myuu, μ) has evolved, and the supercomputers that control Superior Dominance make every effort to exterminate them. Led by Soldier Blue and then Soldier Shin, the Mu make every effort to locate and rescue as many Mu children as possible before they are discovered and eliminated. The Mu have only one wish, to return to what they see as their promised land, Terra. 

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Your_Lie_in_April (Haven't seen this yet, but it's synopsis seems decent for kids that age)

    Piano prodigy Kousei Arima dominated the competition and has become famous among child musicians. After his mother, who was also his instructor, died, he had a mental breakdown while performing at a piano recital at the age of eleven. As a result, he is no longer able to hear the sound of his piano even though his hearing is perfectly fine. Two years later, Kousei hasn't touched the piano and views the world in monochrome, without any flair or color. He has resigned himself to living out his life with his good friends, Tsubaki and Watari, until, one day, a girl changes everything. Kaori Miyazono, a fourteen-year old audacious, free-spirited violinist whose playing style reflects her manic personality, helps Kousei return to the music world and shows that it should be free and mold breaking unlike the structured and rigid style Kousei was used to.



    The series begins with the execution of Gol D. Roger, a man known as the King of the Pirates (海賊王 Kaizokuō?). Just before his death, Roger announces that his treasure, the One Piece (ひとつなぎの大秘宝 (ワンピース) Wan Pīsu?), will be available to anyone who finds it, beginning the Great Pirate Era (大海賊時代 Dai Kaizoku Jidai?). As a result, countless pirates set out to the Grand Line to look for the treasure.


    The fictional world of Earth-land (アースランド Āsu Rando?) is populated by wizards who coalesce into guilds to hone their magical abilities and apply them to paid job requests. Seventeen-year-old wizard Lucy Heartfiliaruns away from home to join Fairy Tail, a wizards' guild famous for its members' overly destructive antics. She is invited into the guild by Natsu Dragneel, a wizard with dragon-like abilities who travels the kingdom of Fiore(フィオーレ王国 Fiōre Ōkoku) in search of his missing foster father, the dragon Igneel. Lucy forms a team with Natsu and his cat-like companion Happy, later to be joined by ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and armored wizardErza Scarlet. The five embark on numerous guild missions, which include subjugating criminals, illegal dark guilds, and ancient Etherious (エーテリアス Ēteriasu) demons created by the dark wizard Zeref.


    Hope these suggestions help :)

  10. Hey All,

    To update everyone, I've negated the January 23rd Deadline. So the next one will be on March 23rd.

    Still actively recruiting for the album. We're making some progress, so let's take this thing to the finish!

    School's had me beyond busy, but now that I'm in the swing of things, I'll be focusing my attention back to the album more as I can :).

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