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Newbie (1/14)

  1. You're welcome. You guys did awesome tracks. Thank YOU! :)

  2. I freaking love you! :)

    thanks for the vote!

  3. You look a year older today!... Oh yeah!!... It's your birthday!!! Enjoy it!!!!!! !!!
  4. Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket! Merry Christmas!
  5. I just saw that your birthday is tomorrow. You're excused. HB!
  6. The airfare is only about $50 more and you're in DC in 2-3 hours instead of 10 hours.
  7. Awesome lyrics. Your daughter is a very lucky girl.

    I don't see any similarities between the two languages. They look and sound completely different. Interesting... Thanks for the posting.

  8. Can I put a request in for a Christmas song? Anybody? Santa Brandon? Ho ho ho Thanks anyway
  9. Ah! We did a school trip to Budapest for a week some ten years ago. I remember a waiter who spoke excellent Finnish. I also accidentally said "jó" a lot since "joo" means yes in Finnish. Anyway! I don't know if there are practical similarities. I'll try to get to that translation..


  10. The reason I asked for the lyrics and the translation, because I speak Hungarian and although our languages are in the same family I can't hear or see any similarities so far. I try to figure out what our languages have in common.

  11. I'm gonna take a wild guess. Your mysterious strange language is Finnish. (Location: Oulu, Finland) Mr. Obvious.
  12. Eino, is it possible to get the lyrics and the translation of your song? I'm curious. Thanks.
  13. You got my favorite song. I'm so looking forward to hear your remix. Please don't disappoint your fans.
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