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Posts posted by SystemsReady

  1. ...I could never stay awake during D&D...all those rolls, saving rolls and rolls to check to make sure that the roll is a correct roll so that it can be re-rolled. Then rolled again for good measure. Yawn.

    It wasn't even that for me, it was waiting for everyone else to do their thing. For me it was just a couple of rolls and telling the DM what happened, and then waiting for the two or three other people to do the same. My character had already cast Mirror Image and used a Magic Missile on an enemy in the same time that it took another player to figure out the logistics of their grapple mechanics!

    At least you were cool enough to be allowed to play D&D.

    Another fundamental difference between pen & paper and video game: No need to fill out a stupid application form most of the time. I looked at some of those sheets before and was like, am I creating a warrior or applying at Medieval Times?

    I dunno, the character customization in games like the Elder Scrolls titles are pretty infamous for being time-consuming and involved. :P

  2. I remember I got asked to play D&D once. It went like this one day on the bus after school:

    A friend of mine was like "Hey, you should come play D&D with us after." I was like, "That sounds really nerdy, but it's better than doing homework." He went back to his seat and talked to some other mutual friends of ours who would be playing too. A few minutes passed and he came back over and said, "We don't want you to play D&D with us."

    and that is the story of how I almost played D&D once.

    I played AD&D in college (the same version that my mom played when she was my age - and I even used her dice!)...until the DM literally threw a rulebook at me one day when I needed to get spells written down for my new bard.

  3. An RPG, I think, can be determined by looking at it and then looking at a game of Dungeons & Dragons and seeing how similar they are.

    Persona 3 - main character whose appearance is set but can change roles, party members who level up and gain new skills in the process, delve into dungeons and fight monsters, very story-based. Game's timeline is pretty linear but you have flexibility in equipment and spells. An RPG.

    Skyrim - Character whose skills and stats level up and fit into classical RPG classes (fighter, mage, rogue), delve into dungeons, fight monsters, has side-quests and "main quests" a la what a D&D GM would write the world for. Definitely an RPG.

    Zelda - Main character whose appearance and class is set, who delves into dungeons, fight monsters, only proceeds through getting set equipment and proceeding through things in a set order, very very puzzle-based, only ammo and health is regained in killing enemies. Feels like the framework of a D&D game without any of the meat that makes it D&D. Not an RPG.

    Final Fantasy I - Literally an automated AD&D campaign, complete with stealin--er, borrowing a ton of monsters from the D&D monster manual. Very RPG.

  4. true that They have a model,but they would still have to Rig the model. But in all honesty, since he has no limbs all the troubles of weighing down the skin would be ridiculously easy. So the only real trouble would be to get the"OK" from ubisoft for copyrights.

    Not just rig the model, animate it, bind sounds to it, etc.

  5. Yeah, I heard that they did that too, since I was checking out the changes between versions on a wiki yesterday. I think there are some changes they didn't mention, though. I started playing Prime on the Wii U a few days ago and noticed some things, like Samus' hit box seems a little smaller (so she won't get hung up on doorways with the drunken controls), and the space pirate AI is somehow dumber and more aggressive. Beam pirates will charge at you if they have any available route to reach you, even in situations when they used to stand and shoot at you. I'm about to get the X-ray visor and then move on to Omega Pirate, so the dumb AI might be interesting in that fight.

    Anyway I'm kind of interested in seeing how Prime 2's bosses are. It might be nice to be able to beat the Boost Guardian in one go without any frustration.

    They also added the Spring Ball, and IIRC they use the PAL version of the plot, too :/ Which renders Metroid Prime's entire first form and associated scans a gigantic plothole.

    Apparently the Boost Guardian was indeed nerfed. From a designer standpoint, a boss that not even the testers could beat without debug mode is dumb, but from a pride standpoint...dammit, I've literally beat that boss multiple times on Normal and Hard mode!

    I'd mind less the changes if they also put up the original games, untouched, glitches and controls intact. As is, it feels like we're getting an alternate interpretation of two really groundbreaking titles.

  6. I find the Wii download games kind of redundant in my case (I keep everything), but I can definitely see how it'd be useful for those late in the game (no pun intended).

    $10 for the Metroid Prime Trilogy is a steal though. Especially since physical copies of the game, as well as the original GCN versions, are damn impossible to find. For the sake of archival purposes, I'd hope that maybe they'd release the original versions of the games too...especially since apparently Prime 2's difficulty is nerfed in Trilogy.

  7. I get sad every December/January, mainly because Winter Break means going back home to my family and dealing with a loud & messy house, being yelled at for talking wrong, and just overall stress and gloom.

    But the high temps being in the single digits does not help.

  8. So out of curiosity, where do people here stand on Austrailia's Target and K-Mart removing GTA V off of shelves? I've seen a few journalists saying that the reasoning for doing it is sound and justified, but isn't that walking a slippery slope? It almost looks like they're in full support of censorship now, which given the way they've been acting, isn't surprising in the slightest. That store can do as it wants, but then where does this end? I know it's an extreme example, but will we see stores pull Mario games off the shelf because he advocates drug use by eating mushrooms? Or that he promotes animal cruelty for jumping on them? PETA tried that, and was laughed at, but as tin foil crazy as it sounds, I won't be surprised to see them attacking other games for that or far less.

    Look, I'm not even a fan of the GTA games, I appreciate the development time, the craftsmanship, and huge landscape to explore, but the content isn't something I care to play through. But the way the press is acting about this is really a bit concerning, even though I don't have much respect or pay attention to the gaming press these days anyhow.

    Unfortunately...it's Australia. :x I've heard all sorts of outlandish tales of games being banned or censored in that country over the years. It's kinda weird that people are acting like this is a NEW thing when I heard Yahtzee complaining about it back when I was in high school (so...six years ago).

  9. They've already convinced me they could do weather in A Realm Reborn. <3

    So yeah, more gameplay would be nice. If I recall correctly, XIII's development had similar progression where they were still working out the combat very late in the development cycle. Here's hoping this is a bit more settled, and the footage selection is simply misguided.

    That baffles the ever-loving hell out of me, to be honest. JRPGs are so combat-heavy that I find it inconceivable that the combat isn't even close to done until really late in the cycle. :o

  10. Aaaaand now Jack-freaking-Thompson of all people is trending all over Twitter because he showed up on the Sarkeesian Effect or something.

    So uh...yay Gamergate? Bringing an old, literal (DISBARRED) censor out of retirement and supporting him?

    Like, I grew up reading Electronic Gaming Monthly and I HATED this guy. And now he's BACK? And people are like "yes, we agree with this disbarred lawyer". What.

    The target is larger and the goal more explicitly fiscal, but in terms of curtailing speech, between scaring a company into not running ads and scaring an individual developer into not making the game he or she wants to make, which frightens you more?

    I take the impression that you're pro-GG. Let me tell you this:

    Gamergate has made me afraid of making games. I'm literally scared of writing in any kind of professional context about gaming, or literally making a game, even under this pseudonym, for fear of some mouthbreather deciding that "disagreement == dox" and ruining my life.

  11. The jokes are funny but this is a super unique idea for a game storyline and I'm excited for it. You really never see this, especially in mainstream type RPGs, a genre that ALWAYS has female fronting characters of some kind.

    ?????? Care to name any? FFX-2 is the only one that comes to mind. FFXIII maybe, but I haven't played it so I have no idea.

    Like...seven Shin Megami Tensei games came out since I bought FES in 2008, and the only one to have a female lead was P3P, which isn't even canon.

    FFIV revolves around Cecil and his redemption...

    FFX is about Yuna...AND Tidus, complete with all his daddy issues. He's very obviously THE player character. Our perspective character.

    The only JRPG series I've played that has consistently had female characters up-and-center was...Pokemon. Because you could actually choose your gender and the majority of the Champions in the last decade have been female.

  12. I've had to redo Great Bay Temple on three occasions after the game froze on the Gyorg intro. Would be nice to have a version that doesn't make me cringe in fear every time I get there.

    For me, my "terror spot" is blowing up the rock outside of Romani Ranch with a Powder Keg. I've had it freeze on me so many times during that cutscene :x

    But not only that, audio glitches galore, terrible framerate...I mean, I love the game, but that port has problems.

  13. There's practically no memorization in Calc... just sounds like you have a bad teacher (or you're not attempting to learn). Calculus is just algebra with limits. :/ It's not obfuscated or poorly defined just because you don't understand it (Mathematics is rigidly defined, and you'd know this if you bothered looking up proofs and derivations for the things you apparently "memorize"), and you'll learn that same principle will apply to DAW's as well. You have to have the ability to independently learn, or none of these DAW's are going to help you and you're not going to understand any of them. There's nothing that "just goes" without sacrificing control. Music production tools take time to learn. There's no "easy mode", and nothing is designed for easy interpretation by your specific brain. It takes effort and thinking just like any non-trivial discipline out there.

    Oh man, our math department is so notoriously bad for anyone in the aerospace school (CompSci like me, Meteorology, etc) that people will take classes on the AFB like...half an hour away. They're usually fully booked, too.

    I was just wondering. I know that my thought process/how I process things is different than most people, so I just wanted to put some feelers out.

  14. Thank you all for the advice. :) I'll stick with it more...such a steep learning curve for these things. I think it'll become a lot easier if I get a proper keyboard instead of trying to key melodies on...my laptop keyboard. Most frustrating thing ever >:[

    Mathematics is the least obfuscated field of study in STEM. Sheet music and conductor scores, on the other hand, are of the most obfuscated things in music history.

    That being said, FL's great. It's as obfuscated as you make it, and you can make it not at all.

    Calculus as it's taught here is pretty much "a function that looks like this is integrated this way just because, and by the way you better memorize this and a hundred different other ones before the test". It is SO obfuscated. Algebra? I LOVE algebra. Fitting the numerical pieces together (metaphorically) is SO satisfying. Binary math? Hex math? Base conversion? Love it. They all make perfect sense to me. Calculus? Can go die in a fire. A very vague, poorly-defined fire. Apparently it actually starts making sense at Calc 3, but given that you need to pass Calc 2 to get into Calc 3...

    At least with music, I've been doing that since I was a kid! ;3 It all makes perfect sense to me!


    You forgot Nuendo:


  15. Hi! You may recall that I have a cracked version of FL Studio...I'm working 35 hours a week total and might be able to squirrel away money over time to actually buy a program.

    The question is...how are they different from FL? FL is "pattern-based", right? But I prefer to see everything laid out like a digital version of a conductor's score (obfuscation destroys me - for instance, I still can't pass Calc II to save my life). I suppose there's a way to lay it out like that in FL and I just haven't gotten to that point in the tutorials yet? I'd prefer to see everything just...go.

    I'd also like recommendations for a keyboard. It doesn't need to be anything ~amazing~, but I'm finding that $300 for one on Amazon is a little steep for me (that is seriously like...a paycheck for one of the jobs I'm working). Right now I have a Yamaha PortaSound PCS-500, which is so old that Yamaha themselves don't even make cables for it anymore. As you can imagine...perfectly fine for my classes, impossible to produce with.

    I'd also like to take suggestions for plugins, particularly good bass guitar and alto/soprano sax ones at the moment, and would like to know whether having a "good" soundfont or synth really matters that much...some of my producer friends have told me it's all about tweaking the stuff you have 'til it sounds good, but I must have a bad ear because everything I make sounds terrible! I'm discouraged before I even start translating the score in my head to the computer!

    Finally...does ANY of this stuff get discounted, ever? November is coming up, would Cyber Monday or Black Friday be any good contenders for buying any of these? Does anyone offer student discounts to non-music majors attending a school that isn't known for its music (srsly, I'm in a school known for aviation and hockey. Please send help)?

    These are probably well-worn questions, but I've been wanting to gather information from various circles. I've dropped two of my classes and might have some more free time on my hands now.

  16. So how's the online matches been going for yall. Mines ranges from smooth to barely playable.

    I haven't been able to play online matches because my University's internet is notoriously evil with DSs and 3DSs. Also...still doing classic runs.

    Can you do Smash Run on your own? It sounds like a multiplayer thing, but I srsly have bad internet and NO ONE IRL who owns the game.

    (also, do yourself a favor and don't run a Bruiser or Speedy custom on Meta Knight or Kirby, you WILL die instantly)

  17. this game is so addicting it's crazy.

    how much has everyone unlocked so far? got all characters and stages, and about 3 blocks away from completing the second challenge panel. i only have 235 trophies so far, not sure how many of those there are. the whole trophy system never really interested me too much, though. they did make it more fun to collect them this time around.

    ill add you too, armadonRK


    I keep thinking "oh man, I've unlocked so much, surely..." BUT NO, there's always more help me

    I've seriously just been running Classic mode as every character while also doing ordinary CPU brawls to get a feel for how much my customizations suck. Though my Zero Suit Samus is AMAZING. She's amazing.

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