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Posts posted by JJT


    We do not mean for this to be an actual "battle" with cruel intentions. This is fun. I mean, look at the tracklist so far! zyko vs. The Bronx Rican! Mustin vs. McVaffe! Joshua Morse and posu yan vs. Zircon! I think Geneson said it best: "Holy shit is this really happening or am I dreaming?"

    So let's not take things too seriously. And don't freak out if you see the one mixer guesting on the other's track.

    Also, we're still hoping to hear from:


    Geoffrey Taucer

    A_Rival (maybe please?)


    Scott Peeples (we can dream?)



    Star Salzman

    Gecko Yamori


    The Wingless




    We heard from Darkesword. Try and keep up.

  2. My strategy in Starcraft, though varying slightly from scenario to scenario, generally takes the shape of:

    1) Build Terran base

    2) Quickly float burning, ruined base to the four corners of the globe

    3) Go find Mountain Dew

  3. Looks like it. If you got an awesome job where you got airplanes the country over using your tracks week after week, would you want a press release like that?

    Of course you would. :)

    Great job as always Tweek.

    Of course I would! I would encourage Brian to follow the format if this is indeed a press release:


    and if not, then just give us the news directly (ie not in 3rd person). I'm nit picky.

    Congrats Brian!

  4. I know a couple people who've bought their way out of their record contracts, for variety of reasons ranging from:

    * there wasn't enough money to go around

    * their label didn't care about them / their label did care about them until their biggest fan left the company and then there wasn't even anyone who would call them back

    * their label wouldn't give them the kind of tour support they needed

    * they had to wait 9 months to release a record after it had been completed

    * they couldn't think of a single reason to be legally bound to an entity that didn't have the will or the resources to help them in any meaningful way, beyond giving them a nice shiny logo to place in the bottom corner of their album cover

    The old system is done. Who knows what will take its place, if anything. The goal among the folks in my scene is to find small labels with a focus on digital distribution and/or management with good ties to music supervisors for film and tv (that's how music is getting heard these days).

    Don't waste your time trying to create music that's 'radio friendly'. Nobody listens to the radio anymore.

    Ultimately, my advice is to find ways to produce and distribute your music yourself and then to keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it.

  5. I've known this mix for quite long. but it is only now that I've played Xenogears that I've come to fully appreaciate its AWESOMENESS. Congratulations, this is one hell of a mix :)

    then again, that is to be expected from JJT.

    Great to hear from a remixer whose music I really respect. This one is so old that I'm a little embarrassed by it now, but all the same, thanks for the kind words.

  6. Final Fantasy II, II: Electric Boogaloo

    Final Fantasy Nights

    Final Fantasy Origins: Umaro

    edit: oh hell, while i'm at it here's a few more

    Final Fantasy IX: The VR Missions

    Finale Fantasy I (sheet music notation software)

    Final Fantasy: Crises Crises Part I: Crises on Crises Island

    Everybody Digs Final Fantasy (compilation)

    Everybody Digs Final Fantasy Volume II

    Final Fantasy VII: Barrett Gets a Colonoscopy

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