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Posts posted by JJT

  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that was Victor Borge level genius. The deadpan delivery and lengthy build up leaves you completely unsuspecting. I'm kind of jealous I never thought of anything like this myself.

    I don't think it's a joke.

    If it is, he is an incredible actor with an extremely developed sense of humor. Find some footage of him doing standup, sketch comedy or anything else besides this video series and I will agree with you, but I'm pretty convinced he's just some poor kid who's way out of his depth.

    If he was that talented he wouldn't be wasting himself on legitimate howto websites.

  2. just got back. thought it was about as good an adaptation as one could hope for, all things considered.

    the look of the movie is perfect. startlingly true to the source (having the original artist on board helps, i suppose)

    i don't think synder is particularly good at getting performances out of his actors (silk spectre and night owl were pretty wooden), but the comedian was perfect. spot on.

  3. 1. Wrestle with lack of self esteem

    2. Identify current projects as antidote to self-loathing

    3. Post current projects to internet message board as cry for attention

    4. Marinate in existential dread

    5. Send demos to Shael Riley

    6. Call Shael at 2am PST, angrily inquire about lack of response

    7. Drink

    8. Email poems written in college to last known address of ex-girlfriend

    9. Puke in roommates' bathroom

    10. Continue to drink

    11. Wake up in own sick

    12. Pick up application from Applebee's

  4. This is an excellent example of what a thorough grasp of music theory can do for a composer (especially when they're capable of writing something worth listening to).

    You use a wide variety of harmonic colors, a meticulous, nuanced arrangement, and a very intelligently written rhythm section (I can't emphasize this enough) to create one of the stronger arrangements I've seen on display in this community.

    Even as your production skills continue to catch up with the rest of your chops, know that I still liked this when it sounded like crap.

    Less saws next time, plz.

  5. Here's one I just started working on.


    Hair is still pretty bad and I have to work on those headphones a little more. Changed it up a little to add some more color. A little different, sexier to be sure. Not sure whether to keep the gloves and those pointy cuffs on the wrists and shoulders or not.

    uncanny valley much?

  6. I'm not one for music festivals, but if I'd go to anything it would be Ultra. Prodigy, Pendulum, Hybrid, Deadmau5, Tiesto, Roni Size, Infected Mushroom... pretty much every big electronic artist on Earth right now.

    this is about bannaroo/coachella. stay on topic, please.

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