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Posts posted by JJT

  1. My momma, in 1967, pickin cotton ^_^

    While other blacks was gettin liberated, boycottin ^_^

    My old man was a player, ain't no hidin that ^_^

    He started tootin then he graduated to smokin crack ^_^

    I never saw him, never needed to see that muh'fucker ^_^

    He left me and my mother stuck down here in this fuckin gutter ^o^

    I tattoed it on my arm so I can't forget it ^_^

    It's in my mind and my heart so I'm forever with it ^_______^

    just what I expected

  2. I actually installed and ran Left4Dead on my Toshiba A200 FS6 (here's a hint about it's overall performance: it was $600). Using 640 x 480, with every setting turned down to the lowest level and using every little trick I could think of to get every single little boost in framerate... I got it running, at an average of 4.5 frames per second.

    It's kind of odd seeing run so slowly, but it's there.

    I promptly removed it and tried out Half Life 1. Runs decently until you need to use the flashlight.

    So yeah, laptop players aren't going to get any real performance out of this game unless they're running one of those fancy gaming laptops from Alienware or something.

    I play l4d on my macbook pro and it runs fine. No super high resolution or anything, but it gets the job done.

  3. God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

    Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations.

    Your response to a politely worded request is a personal attack? And you're worried about MY social life?


  4. Fargo. One of the most boring movies to ever grace the shit-movies category. Anyone willing to disagree with this statement is a pseudo-intellectual hoity toity namby pamby stuck-up-their-own-ass shit-eating bum-tickling mouth-breathing dumbass-humping douche-drinking retard. Tis a fact.


    oh look i can troll too

  5. I didn't notice the disclaimer in the first post until now. Too bad these people didn't help you out instead. I don't know if they joined Mustin's project because they were his friends or because Mustin's sort of a celebrity when it comes to these things, but it still sucks they turned you down and not him. For shame, as they say.


    NBNG wasn't created to usurp the OCR project. Also, I only join projects if I know the people running them. I know Mustin (so do the rest of the guys who did NBNG). I don't know Walan or Mae.

    That's not to say I don't like Walan or Mae, or I think Walan and Mae are lame, or I don't respect Walan or Mae. I just don't know them.

    Looking forward to hearing the finished product guys. You're super close.

  6. If any game company decided to drop the banhammer on this site, there wouldn't be a legal thing anyone could do about it. That, frankly, scares me.

    It is scary when you think about it. Death comes suddenly and there is no notion of good or bad. It leaves, not a dramatic feeling but great emptiness. When you lose someone you loved very much you feel this big empty space and think, 'If I had known this was coming I would have done things differently.'

  7. last night i got man vs tank on dead air (expert difficulty) after warmeatball (a regular on ocr's tf2 server), jjt, and bgc all got killed off. and then i got pwnt by a boomer/smoker combo because the adrenaline high was in full force and i couldn't think straight... i was just meleeing furiously. and then the server reset so we got kicked off and it was time to call it a night.

    and i helped

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