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  1. Barely any time blah blah unfinished by a wide margin blah blah uploading anyway because something's better than nothing.
  2. GrapplingHook - Faster than Light Bounce Too High (Vanishing Gungaroo in Palace Ground [X]) Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X]) Electric Moves & Cephalopod Grooves (Volt Kraken in Palace Ground [X])
  3. Well we all seem to be pretty indifferent to the name, so I'm just gonna go ahead and punch us in as "Faster than Light"
  4. No worries here, guys. If two more show, cool. If not, also cool.
  5. Well alrighty then. Nuts, I guess you and me and whoever walks into the topic next are gonna have a go.
  6. The X series is and always has been way up at the top, the unquestionable leader of the pack when it comes to "games what make me have the fun" and the music is no small part of that. But my flakiness with regards to compos around here is a problem. I just never find the time, and maybe that's an excuse because I'm bad at time management and if I REALLY cared I could. Or maybe I couldn't! Who knows?! I've tried entering a listy, brackety compo or two before. I never completed a track. I've taken a very low-key, very tentative, "y'know IF there's an open slot I guess I could join but I don't want to be a flakey, sucky bother..." and it turned out I was a flaky, sucky bother whose slot in the compo went to waste. On top of that, when I sent in whatever I DID have (nowhere near done, barely a WIP by a very generous definition) I didn't properly name the file! I'm bad at this! All that nonsense up there is trying to say is YES I WANT TO DO THIS, but... can I really be trusted to actually contribute? And to do it properly? The answer to the first question is maybe. The answer to the second is yes. If you'll have me, I'll go with this: Gravity Beetle (X3) Spark Mandrill (X1) Flame Mammoth (X1) Armored Armadillo (X1) Boomer Kuwanger (X1) If not, no hard feelings. If there's a situation where the roster is looking pretty full and cutting one out would make everything cleaner/smoother, don't feel bad about letting me go.
  7. No joke, the Mario and Luigi source is a favorite of mine that I have just been itching to do something to. I don't have any ideas right now, but maybe a compo will give me an excuse to think about it for a while and come up with something...
  8. Well, with singles running first, that gives the doubles teams some time to coordinate/plan how they're going to go, which is nice. Speaking of... I'm using Reaper. So... yeah. If we want, we can just pass WAV stems for the different tracks around, or maybe even MIDIs if we're not that concerned about automation, but if push comes to shove I'm sure I can get FL studio.
  9. I like Spectre Knight well enough to pick it. I DO love the Tinker Knight theme, but a lot of my draft was set up for minimal conflict and everybody wanted Spectre, so I skipped it. You can go ahead and put us down for pretty much anything, so long as it DOES include Tinker and DOES NOT include Treasure. I'll have limited availability this weekend, so I may not respond quick/at all until Tuesday, but go ahead and speak on our behalf until then.
  10. Awwww shiiiiiit, I would LOVE to do this, but the last time I entered a bracketed compo I wound up falling out with a half-done, improperly labelled track due to a lack of time. I'd hate to bump someone else out just to end up doing that again, so I'm reluctant to enter just yet... but if the deadline draws near and there's still room I'm totally game. Singles or doubles, I don't even care. I guess a slight preference for singles? Can I get entered at, like, a low priority or something? Put me on the list unless/until it's full, then bump me in favor of the next guy? If not, I'll just enter anyway and try to reserve some extra hours for this and hope nothing goes wrong. 1. TINKER KNIGHT 2. Mole Knight 3. Propeller Knight 4. King Knight
  11. Bah, I am OUT tomorrow and out of time in general. Throwing it in as-is.
  12. A submission I'm not happy with is better than no submission. Bleh.
  13. Great job, everybody! Glad to see a good turnout for a source near and dear to me, and happy to get some excellent results. Vote'd
  14. Seems like it's borked up somehow. I shrug in that general direction and point to an alternate I just threw over here http://tindeck.com/listen/bnxi I leave it up to HoboKa to decide what to do from here. (EDIT: the file uploaded there is identical to the one I submitted to ThaSauce)
  15. There ya go. I actually was going to go in on this round, but couldn't find the time. We'll see if I can't make it for the next.
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