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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. And yeah you can use other victoly themes, why not

    BRANDON IS A black mage NOW

  2. Silly goose, it's FF2 Victory. :-P

    As for BK-- SOYTENLY!

  3. Dude I am gonna have to steal your ideas to actually finish that remix, unless you wanna collab, haha

  4. I don't know what you meant with that comment but it made me really sad. -_-

    Did you see the ff1 trailer yet?

  5. Yo dawg if you wanted to meet we're at Drury hotel in Dublin, park center circle something or other, but yeah. Let me know :o

    We're going to the lobby or wherever the drinks are at 5pm.

  6. Hey, if you need any help at all please let me know... I am here to hopefully make things easier for you as much as I can. Just say the word! I'm sorry for the pressure.

  7. Why is that pink squirrel trying to eat bacon!?


    Also why does it look like a ball?

  8. Are you from Game of Thrones? :-o

  9. Has it really been a couple months since I heard from ya? How are things, man? :-D

  10. It was a DP, just waiting to get posted!

  11. Your bitcrushed fart won you a fan for life.

  12. Oh man I got another Skyrim mix passed you should tell them to double post ours together

  13. No high res logo exists. I brought it up on their forum and the bosses loved the idea but the users just got trolly so nothing came of it. Something simple would be perfectly fine.

    Also did Larry or anyone happen to tell you a rough guesstimate for release? As far as I know it's ready, just need to promote it for a while with the trailer. :-D Thaaanks!!

  14. Hey! Any luck with the stuff you PMed me about on April 23rd? :D

  15. You are the cheesiest thing yo mama made, when she done had you! And you was covered with CHEEEEEESE!!! Chill out yo haha. Your song is epic and it's gonna be used for like, the ending of the trailer, from what I've heard :P

  16. Eh did I offend you about that spitty noise stuff? I dunno what's going on I thought you said you did them on purpose for a certain type of sound but what

  17. Hah! You can make anything you want, but prog might be more fitting. Though at the moment we have 1 orchestral metal, 2 more straight forward metal, one dubsteppy jazz saxophone tune, and an electronica one

  18. You call it a failure I call it a winure now buck up and be a manure

  19. Please do not hurt me I do not like to be hurted I am a very simple man with a very low tolerance for pain and I just can't take it.

    You making a new remix? I forget you said you were gonna make a new Victory? Or was it something else? Hehe

  20. I don't know what we're yelling about!!!

  21. he said you' pizzuhd me off, you son of a bizzuhd

  22. Was just wonderin, you got more likes than The Wettening!

    and I HAS NO MONAY

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