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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's still under inspection as far as I know, I haven't heard anything new... djp said they were working on it a couple weeks ago. As far as I know, it's the one that would be released next depending on the review.
  2. Hahah! I was like "where is he going with this?" until I read the last sentence.. of course it'd be official, it's a Rozovian production! Hah I'm just teasing you. @prophetik: I wasn't stepping on any toes, I was just making a point! I once asked permission if I could update a song heading for the panel that had been enroute for several months and was about a panel's week away from being judged. I asked a judge if it had hit the panel yet, he said no and gave me the green light to update the track before it hits, since I host all my remixes on my own web server and can update the files. I'm not saying people SHOULD submit an unfinished song and then finish it within a few months... just saying it's possible... and you should ask permission to do so, of course. It's not something I would do because I usually call a song done and I maybe spend 5 hours per song, but then I learn something new and want to go back and improve their production. I think a remix album would only truly be a good idea if: - You have like 30 remixes to post, too much trouble to do it individually, go for the album and wait it out - You're working on it on the side and submit a song every few weeks... not sure if releasing the album would be faster if all the tracks pass, in fact I should ask, I bet they'd deny it and be all like "Wry? Songs already on the site, why make album, lol ur silly" or something
  3. I found a chest full of diamonds actually, all those spots filled with 64 without enough time to have found a thousand diamonds yet
  4. Technically you could submit something and then work on it for like 6 months depending on the speed of the panel. :3
  5. Dear Jooj's, Are you really strict about the 3 week rule between submissions. If I submitted say, every 2 weeks, or maybe whenever I feel a song is done (which could be every few days lol j/k) would you guys really punish me for that by cancelling the ones submitted at the wrong time?
  6. I didn't know you had a new house, I meant the one from the past server. Well congrats on having a house already, haha...
  7. lol prophet's house got blowed up cause the server got re-rolled i am sorry for your loss my dear man i shall give you all the support i can offer to rebuild
  8. When I saw the title, I was worried something remotely important might have been cancelled. Sorry to hear about your pirate game.
  9. The things I really want nobody could give me, like world peace, or a lifetime supply of eggnog, so I'm not completely sure what to ask for yet. But I will figure out something later.
  10. I am quite saddened by Emunator's recent lack of over-the-top hyperactivity for this project that he has had since December. He has been very distant and quiet since finishing Dexter season 4
  11. I like the new dashboard look.. It's a little too simplified, which kinda pisses me off in the way that Youtube and IMDB et all piss me off, but it's cleaner so meh. Wish it could have loaded faster as a result but wah.
  12. I knew you guys had started duping again as soon as I saw the first tower. That really ruins the game for everybody. x_x After a re-roll I would have thought that kind of behavior would be done with. Also the /spawn and /list type commands would be nice to have back. :3
  13. Uhh, thanks dude! blackguitar grabbed up Gurgu Volcano, and with a 2:30 WIP already. I'm still hoping for Josh Whelchel to do Town, he said he'd do it in October though and now it is November 1st. Most of the songs are near completion with a couple problem chidruns with early WIPs yet. Hopefully they'll come around and finish stuff up soon. If you wanted to claim something from the GBA OST, that's open territory except for Church which is being done by chthonic.
  14. I honestly don't know WHY they cancelled 1 vs. 100 but it's been a while since they did. They only ever had Sprint as a sponsor and they were giving away a lot of free stuff. Maybe they decided it wasn't financially worth it anymore.
  15. I said console, not platform. I didn't say anything about "real gamers" either. Since when is being a real or fake gamer some kind of achievement? It's not out yet
  16. Well all the I do too too too's and nonsense instead of actually talking about the Dash update or Kinect, it's not really on topic. But on the topic of gaming wirelessly, how many of you actually play FPS regularly? That's the kind of game that would need a wired connection. :3 And since we're on the topic of Xbox360 I think that's a valid statement, since it's really the main FPS console.
  17. I think you guys aren't realizing this is Community, not off topic.
  18. We get what, one major dashboard update per year. I thought this was spongeworthy. The update is for Kinect, but since most of us won't have that / won't be getting it until we find out it's legit, I'll just focus on the other stuff for now. (But please, feel free to post once you've got Kinect or about your plans -- no flaming, keep it adult in here. ) Here's some of the stuff we're looking towards: - Netflix search update - ESPN - Zune Music - Avatar update - Friggin pages aren't 3D no more now they're 2D flat tabs lol - (above) Kinect Support - Improved voice quality / codec - Revamped on-screen keyboard yay - Easier Marketplace browsing apparently - You can sign out other controllers now with your main one, I think There's a few other things but they seemed less interesting to mention, like that it is easier to get on a wireless network... who games wirelessly? I got a line going through the basement to hook up my stuff via ethernet. So when this thang drops tomorrow, we can discuss it further. I think Kinect drops on November 4th, so we've a few days yet until we can really discuss that if anyone is planning on getting it.
  19. I checked it out, a bit of "In His Hands". Pretty sweet. Good drum sound, would you actually be able to record drums of this quality? Can you perform and expand on a pre-written programmed drums? And vocals were nice. If you'd be up for that Space Quest remix, that might be really awesome. You could even do vocals!
  20. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31839 Have any samples of your work?
  21. Rock Band is solid on HDTVs but it does have lag during free-fill sections... Guitar Hero series on the other hand is unplayable on HDTVs. That's why I gave all of mine to my sister. She plays on medium. I played on Expert+ drums. Yeah...
  22. You could spend hundreds of dollars on that rock band 3 bundle or you could, you know, get a kickass real guitar... You could spend $80 on the fake keyboard or get a much better, computer-functional midi keyboard... you see where I'm going with this? Anyway I'm sure the game is great fun, but it's not something I'll be able to afford any time soon. When your game peripherals start to rival the prices of their real-life counter-parts.... I dunno man....
  23. Oh.....? Welp I can send you both artworks to your email or whatnot. I actually just made the other two pages for the Rainwound one specifically for the hopes of printing some up here. Your thermal thing sounds better though. Sure, you could print your own pages and disc.
  24. Well it's not really sad, it's a fact.. I can never replicate what I was going through when I wrote these albums, in 2006 I think. They're some of the greatest songs I've ever made and I probably couldn't top them if I tried. So it's happy in a way that I've turned my life around but yeah, sad... can't make music like that anymore. About printing them up.. I was considering having some printed through CreateSpace after I set them up in that system. Then it costs $5 per professionally printed album for ME to buy them. Or I could print them myself with stuff I've got here, like paper, a printer, and lightscribe discs. Not nearly as glossy. What do you think?
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