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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Nintendo may eventually go HD but they don't strike me as the kind of company that would really ever make photo-realistic games... I could be wrong but as far as I could predict now, I'd say they would be more focused on controller innovation than actually making the games look better... hey wait, when did this turn into a nintendo hate thread? Eff you guys.
  2. Pretty much anything that isn't intro is open xD

  3. Hey dude, welcome to OCR! Good to meet you. I just wanted to say if you're going to be remixing, the workshop forums is a great place to get feedback before you submit your song. It can be a long wait, so you want to make sure you've got your song solid before submitting. Cheers mang.
  4. Not to derail too hard but, both Kinect and Move are in the infant stages... I bought a wii because at this point in its life, it has like... New Super Mario Bros. Wii Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Punch Out!! Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers No More Heroes 2 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World Rabbids Go Home MySims Wii Music The Conduit Animal Crossing: City Folk Super Mario Galaxy 2 NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams de Blob Mario Kart Wii Red Steel 2 Metroid Prime Trilogy Arc Rise Fantasia Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Okami Dead Space Extraction Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon Muramasa: The Demon Blade Monster Hunter Tri Baroque House of the Dead: Overkill MadWorld Pikmin Resident Evil 4 A Boy and His Blob I pretty much copy-pasted my game queue in gamefly as of August 22nd (added a lot more since then) but you get the point. Some awesome RPGs in there, a lot of great games in general. I think when the Move gets some more stuff and Kinect as well, and both of them get ironed out to perfection, they'll be worth investing in.
  5. Oh. In that case, I take back every negative thing I said, and thank you!
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I loved Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, but they put no effort whatsoever into the port. None. They didn't make it widescreen, they didn't do anything. They didn't even fix the hit detection. Bgaaah *nerd fit* I'm still going to enter though. And they better not spam me. >_>
  7. I'm planning to do a medley of "Scott Pilgrim Anthem", "Another Winter", and "Just Like At The Movies". But yeah, there's a lot more to be done with this OST! It's really good. I don't usually listen to modern chiptune music but this is really fantastic.
  8. Thank you very much, my good man!

  9. I got a black wii back when the price went down and stuff. I think the new motion controls of Sony and Microsoft kinda inspired me to. Been playing Punch Out (with both controllers! I'm actually punching!) and it's a ton of fun. I'd probably want to try Kinect simply due to it being more interesting, and innovative... Will probably end up with a ps3 though due to the family's want of a blu-ray player. Might be without the move though.
  10. the deadline is in joe mama This project is 3 or 4 times larger than projects that take a few years to complete and you're really shooting for the one-year production time... That is, dare I say, outrageous. It's pretty cool that you were actually able to get so many finished tracks, but at what cost? Hook me up with the total package so I can see what the damage is.
  11. LOL. That's more than 4. Well, there's a bit of bread left. I bet the ribs just slipped right out of that bun like a greased up deaf guy.
  12. They get a +, or in lame man's terms, a voice on IRC for the duration of the day of the album's release. Also, they're totally listed on the album credits. Example, http://ocremix.org/album/15/humans-plus-gears-xenogears-remixed -- I got my name listed there even though I didn't get posted on it + a lot of people totally hated that song. Also my name updated to my current one. No clue, this upcoming MAG will be my first, but I do hope the rumors are true, and forthcoming.. perhaps we'll hear something about it at this MAGfest. Hahahahaha! xD Little things mean more to little people xD
  13. I said this to Jade already but, I'd like to pick up some of the unclaimed ones, even though they may be less desirable sources. I think some of you should do the same, even if you have 2, 3, 4, tracks already claimed. Lmfao. If I can do it, so can you. As for whether I'm allowed is up in the air cause I got too many and I was a bit slow to do the ones I have, but you guys are probably safe for grabbin' more.
  14. It's so horrible that it makes random people type the F word on a forum. It didn't seem to have killed Ibbiaz to eat 4 of them though, as far as I know. You still around, dood?
  15. Wat, the pdf says 980 and OA says 1040... some people got to watch their sodium intake... I wonder why there's 2 different versions
  16. Hi Jooojes! Been meaning to ask this for a while but never remembered. Was there some kind of forum update coming for the forum? I remember hearing about the tags possibly coming back, but I was particular interested in the forum "blogs". I don't remember if I heard about that being integrated here or if it was somewhere else. But yeah, I'm a firm supporter of the forum blog.
  17. Fast food isn't to blame for having a lot of salt or being bad for you. You know what you are ordering and why, and usually there's even a calorie listing on the wrapper or menu. I'm not at the place to ask but let's check the site... http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/nutritionexchange/nutritionfacts.pdf This is a ridiculously detailed list. I'm actually surprised, the McRib is only 500 calories. It totally tasted like more than that. It's far from the worst offender of Sodium as well even just on the sandwiches list. People complaining about how bad fast food is for you... come on... we're all adults here. Get your laws off my body... I got the riiiight to chooooooose
  18. There's worse stuff than the McRib in our water and air supply, nyroo
  19. I never buy fast food but this McRib situation seemed too good to pass up. And they were pretty nice. A bit slippery, but good.
  20. Please keep this thread on topic, of the discussion of the MC RIB and not other, less savory establishments. On the way to go pick some up myself.
  21. Whee. I like having the blue name and preventing double posts. Great work ya'll and is truly a pleasure to be involved with this thang.
  22. New favorite pic ever, for multiple reasons
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