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Posts posted by Supercoolmike

  1. as much of a megaman fan I am, I would have to agree that megaman universe looked pretty lackluster. However the other 3 cancelled megaman games had a lot of potential. Especially the megaman X MMO game. omg I wanted to play that one so bad (what is outside? lol).

  2. goodnewseveryone.png

    Shit has been fixed!

    Turns out it was several small things that combined into one big issue. some of the issues being technical while others were just my fault for forgetting or overlooking the little things.

    Either way, I'm hella juiced that things are back to normal and I just want to thank u guys again for ur support and feedback as its been a freakin roller coaster ride for me this past week.lol

  3. these arrangements of Erik Satie's music (downloads to the left) - they have a cool hybrid synth/mellotron instrumentation, and the same hybrid style is going here.

    ohh wow, thx for showing me this link. listened (and downloaded) a lot of his songs so far and i can totally see the resemblence ur talking about.

    Mike, I think the bell / gong pad type instrument is clipping. That is probably the culprit. Solo it to see and try EQing / gain adjustment. At say (0:15 to 0:17) and (0:23 to 0:25) the reverberations from it are easy to hear going over.

    The song you sent me is on the loudness level of say Garpocalypse's entry.

    I don't know what DAW you use but if its FL Studio 10 this may help out.

    . At least the concepts will definately apply to other DAWs.

    Some music players automatically detect clipping and lower the volume of the track to compensate for it.

    That actually makes me happy to hear that the song is clipping.lol. I actually gave u the amplified version anticipating that the emails would do the reduced volume. (secret tests FTW! 8-))

    Ohh and I don't know why I was trying to make it sound like a freakin secret to all u guys by constantly saying DAW, but ya I have Fl studios.lol.my bad.

    also, thx for sharing that link, I'm going to do another test and see if that solution would resolve all my troubles.

    (I mean of course I know clipping and going above the 0 DB on the master track is bad and never aim to be close that limit. but I I'll just set my DB's lower than my usual preference for this test and hopefully get a positive result.)

  4. Box and Dropbox are just file storage... they shouldn't be transforming your files in any way.

    When you're playing them back on your computer, are you playing them in the same software before as after downloading? Your DAW may be playing them louder than Media Player etc.

    I'm now currently testing to see if my internet connection has some kind of influence to it and testing multiple scenarios to narrow down a possible solution.

    quick breakdown of my tests thus far:

    -Playing song before export------------------Normal

    -Playing song after export and--------------Normal

    Using multiple media players

    -Bringing exported audio file------------------Normal

    back to DAW as a separate file

    -uploaded song to any website------------Reduced volume

    -Downloaded song from website and------Reduced volume

    Using multiple media players

    -bringing downloaded file to-------------------Reduced volume

    DAW as a separate file

    Currently testing to see if emails give me same issue since I'm technically uploading to the internet. I told shadow that if the volume is still reduced, to just let it be. I don't want (or didn't want) to have this compo be an,"all about me issue." So I'll just deal with what I have and move on from here.

  5. Oh, the issue might be with the SoundCloud site... I use Box.net, so if you upload the original track to there you might not have any problems in the first place.

    sadly, box and dropbox lowers the volume as much as soundcloud when I upload them to there... Also I know I said thasauce isn't giving me problems, but it turns out it is having the same issue and I once again didn't notice it until now.

    Really don't understand why this is happening, but its all good. this issue is on my shit list and is getting fixed one way or another.lol

  6. Does soundcloud do volume matching? I know that some services such as iTunes do this and it can reduce the perceived volume of a track. This will happen if your mix is highly compressed (there is a mastering engineer called ian Shepherd on YouTube who talks about this a lot)

    I'm not sure if soundcloud has volume matching, but I do know that I don't highly compress my songs

    In logic, when I bounce songs, sometimes the "normalize" option is checked. It used to reduce my volume terribly. You could also try using a limiter / multipressor combo on the master track. Take a good look at the frequencies and make sure there isn't any unheard clipping. For higher freq instruments cut the low freqs out with EQ and vice versa with the low freq ones. I'm sure something is causing it.

    If this is bad advice just smack me on the hand and say "bad host". I mean well but there are individuals more suited to dish out musical advice than me.

    That wasn't bad advice at all. Its just that the problems not coming from my DAW, its soundcloud. so in my end, I have to keep editing the audio (that is not broken) to hear how it changes the audio when its uploaded. Its confusing.

    You could use a program like Audacity to raise the volume post-export, then make slight production tweaks from said program to make sure clipping doesn't result from this. I do this sometimes to increase volume on my tracks. :nicework:

    done this and tweaked the audio with the amplify effect to keep it from clipping, but soundcloud reduces the volume so much that I have to add +20 DB just to keep it at the right volume and all the EQ tweaking I do doesn't save it ( At least with my experience with EQ-ing I can't)

    I also came to a realization that every website I use to upload songs has been giving me this issue and I never noticed it until now. The ONLY website that is not doing this to me is Thasauce. so now I'm just getting confused.lol.

    So Shadow, if u want want the download the song from a website, the volume is going to be reduced ( but not as dramatically as in my round one submission)


    Do u want me to just email u the audio file that's not going to have anything wrong with it ( unless freakin emails still somehow does this crap).

    Either way I appreciate ur guys feedback on the subject. :wink:

  7. Just found out that my soundcloud is the reason for the lowered volume of my song in Round one. Does anyone know how to fix this? because I'm exporting the exact same way I have for awhile now and the lowered volume is the end result. Even google doesn't really help.

    I tested more songs by uploading to soundcloud and they all have the same lowered volume effect. But what confuses me is that my previous songs from 2 weeks ago are in the right volume when I uploaded.

    I know I can just go to another website to submit but I'd rather have my soundcloud fixed for future submissions.

  8. Idk what it is, something always seems to go wrong for me in one form or in another. So I feel like I get these exceptions/second chances a lil too often, or at least I know someone probably thinks like that by now.

    They're always appreciated but if it ever gets too hectic then feel free to deny it. I don't want to to give off impressions that I get benefits or anything, cuz these issues are happening to me a lot more recently at the other competitions also.

    This time I actually have a good excuse lol. Went to get my oil changed...discovered that the oil pan had a crack so had 2 leave the car for the day at the garage. Annd I forgot to take my house key, didn't realize 'till I was right at the driveway. So obv had to go back. Fun times :P

    lol. that sux, hope u don't need the car too often.

  9. Supercoolmike: Harmonic soundscape is a little sparse--the original track has fuller chords in its favor. I could see it as being representative of more of a bleak scene rather than an epic final battle, though it does leave me wanting a little more depth.

    it sounded more bleak then an epic final battle, because that's what I was going for. Brevon has won, Lilac and the others are now powerless to do anything but to watch the destruction that Brevon is unleashing upon the world.

    I'm also going to have to agree with you about this song needing more depth, or the soundscape being too sparce. That's mostly my fault because I'm not really used to remake songs by ear completely yet. I Couldn't re-enact the sources chords or synths, or even the piano in the breaks. i did what i could get (which was the drums and the melody) and I tried to improvise so that those missing elements can at least be redeemed.

    Cosmic Sounds - really dig the ambience you have set up here. A reminder of how eerie a struggle can be for some one when going through hardships... My other thoughts on this are pretty mush the same with Hylian lemons comment on your piece, then you posted your music breakdown and processes of this piece and it helped me understand more of your intentions. Great piece here.

    Gario - Like how the song has synths to switch between complexity to the 8-bit style to coexist. Nice job here.

    Hylian Lemon - can't really give a good critique other then being cheesy and say that I like this song. lol

    A more specific way to elaborate on what I like about this piece is that the whole song sounds like its being played on a modern Game Boy that doesn't have the limitations.

  10. I'd better not. If I let you then I would have to give the other people in your bracket the same courtesy. I was mainly looking for major differences from the submission to my tagged version. Stuff like a chopped off ending or an anomaly introduction such as a static overlay etc.

    its all good man, i'll just pay more attention next time...Turns out when I was mixing, my speakers were loud but my desktop volume was at 10. Lol!

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