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Posts posted by Supercoolmike

  1. really dig the atmosphere u created. a sense of unease and paranoia in (what should be) a peaceful area.

    Only thing that puts up a flag is that beginning of sfx. shit was unexpectedly loud with those high frequency squeaks. You can even see that spike in the audio wave picture in the website.

    I'm not saying to throw those away, just ease me into that with that volume automation or something and we're solid.

  2. NOTE

    The winner was actually supercoolmike - I got caught in the confusion of the Admin/editing mess of this round I totally miss-tallied the round. Again, big apology guys :(

    Its all good hoboka. just goes to show that deadlines should be takin seriously to help avoid these problems...

    Also, I think finding these issues now while the turnout is small is a good thing. Would hate to see the chaos that would come if this were to happen on a huge turnout. :shock:

    I can only imagine everyone doing this:banghead:

  3. when I was reading the "Info" comment, I couldn't help but notice something and just wanted to clarify

    Participants will be randomly assigned to each bracket.

    Each bracket will remix two songs.

    so Even if the bracket can have 5 people in it, only 2 remixes can come out?

    or did you mean

    Each person within the bracket has to have two remixes to submit.

    (I say this because I remember shadow24 saying that he originally had planned for at least 50 people, so it caught my attention to see that only a couple of songs would actually be made)

  4. 1) If no one comments, that doesn't mean ur song sux or anything ( especially if u expect a comment within 20 mins of being posted.lol)

    I kinda like that u did an intro where it was like a nostalgia trip, but ya ppl might not like it if it was longer then that. Another thing i suggest you keep in mind is that everything before 0:54 was quiet but the lead comes in loud all of the sudden and immediately grabbed my attention. That's not always a good thing but I did enjoy the rest of the song. I can imagine mega man is in some kind of club layin down some dance moves. lol.

  5. ohh shit... I COMPLETELY forgot about this XD. I read all the comments and feedbacks so I'm not completely out of the loop.

    However is it possible that I do an entirely different remix to my remix? Its just how I tend to do things. I don't do small updates, only remixes that are different from what I did.


    If I took a picture and got feedback for that picture. I'm not going to go to photoshop and edit it, I'll go take another picture.

    If I can't do that then that's cool. just curious to see if it was possible.

  6. I'm stuck again... I making the song with my own interpretations but I feel like I'm keeping the same mood ( however that's in my opinion so i'm probably already biased to my own song.lol)

    I just don't want to do what I did last time on the water god mitula MnP and have that be a missed potential.any suggestions?

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