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Everything posted by Supercoolmike
can't wait to listen to everyones tracks, Now I'm all anxious for this release during december. lol
Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History
Supercoolmike replied to Drawn by Dai's topic in Projects
I know this is on hiatus, but it's also almost been a year since the last post. has there been any news that spurred up for this by any chance? -
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018
Supercoolmike replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
is it all right If I used this time to possibly finish my track from earlier? -
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018
Supercoolmike replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
all right, I submitted my wip since you guys still wanted it. It's not much but it was the only idea that went as far as it did. sorry for the letdown. -
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018
Supercoolmike replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
sorry for the disappointment, but I think i gotta forfeit on this one. Came into this hoping I would get out of my funk and I just never did, I restarted so many times and I just didn't like any of my attempts... I have just been creatively shocked for this year so far, even just attempting to make some original tracks never goes longer than a minute. Think I just lost all my motivation or something, honestly don't know what to do anymore to get fully back on the creative saddle.. -
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018
Supercoolmike replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
came up with some decent ideas but they're for there individual tracks, trying to combine them and not sound forced. I'm pretty sure this is common for everyone tho, the grind continues. -
Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018
Supercoolmike replied to DarkeSword's topic in Competitions
haven't done anything music related in a cool minute. seriously need to get back to it, maybe this will help get me out of my funk. 1 - Shademan (mm7) 2 - Astroman (mm8) 3 - Frostman (mm8) -
After reading it I came into a couple of realizations when I was reflecting on myself. I don't think It wast a "high" thing whenever I would go get a fix of doing a project, for me It was more about just being a part of something. I'm just so used to doing shit solo that I jump the gun whenever the opportunity rises to meet new people. Hell that would explain my sudden urge to join 6 different community albums here in one day when I first came across this site even before I gained way more confidence in making music. on the other points you made. I have noticed that working on a track in those batch bursts does make you realize what's missing or what's wrong with the track, so this definitely solidifies that I should be doing that more often. Also as far as feeling what that satisfaction of having something completed is, for me that would have to be Remixer of the year for PRC a few years back that bundeslang hosts. I don't have a remix posted yet but that's always the next goal, but I know it's definitely achievable because of how much I have grown in just the 2-3 years I have came across this site. Just got to keep up the grind and push myself. Thx for the advice. It will probably still be a cool minute for me to get out of this rust but at least I know more about it that I can start trying to fix certain things/situations one problem at a time, instead of the tradition of just relying on luck to get past or to get something done.
I probably have a dumb question, but How do you guys stay in track in a project regardless if it has deadlines or whether if you're even getting paid for it? I seem to always find myself totally motivated to always start a new project (especially if other people are involved) but than just start struggling to just get somewhere competently, let alone actually finishing it. Where do you guys find the motivation to keep the project going, to keep days,weeks,months, and possibly years of work from going under. Or having to come to the ultimate decision of just dropping the project all together due to very little progress or little to no more motivation to keep it alive. I ask all of this because I feel like this is just all I do now. No matter how motivated I am at the beginning, all I seem to do is just repeat this never ending cycle of just never completing a project. So now this has been happening for almost a decade for me and now I can't shake off this feeling if whether or not I'm even competent or capable enough to take on (or to be apart of) a real project where the responsibilities were to be pointing in my directions. I guess an easy example from me currently is that I always wanted to work on my own Solo song album but treat it like it's going to be made for an old school JRPG, So of course I was excited to jump on it. fast forward a year or 2 later and I have 23 tracks so far, but only 5-6 of them even come close to a substantial wip AND are longer than a minute... Along with starting another 2-3 separate projects... and this is just recent shit, and just audio projects.
Hopefully this means MMX9 will slowly become a reality if this is successful. I need to experience the cyber elves war so dam bad.
Some of the reviews on the steam page are pretty spot on. It's just shy of how a megaman game truly feels and would often remind you of how an old flash game from newgrounds would feel, but it still totally works out fine. making a megaman style game and mixing it with "rouge-like" gameplay is actually pretty amazing idea. Imagine the multiple sets of different armors from mmx5 that you can choose, but instead having the power to be able to mix and match between those sets. Boots from "this armor", hands from "that armor", etc... It encourages exploration to be able to find and combine certain abilities, making you practically an unkillable machine once you start to get things going. It's clear that the story was like the third or fourth priority in this game since there really isn't any, as most of the development was put into the gameplay. The music is pretty catchy on there own but I feel it doesn't separate itself too far from each other or to match the theme of the stage; like a typical fire stage would be fast and chaotic while a water/ice stage would be slow and calm, small stuff like that. I would go on, but I don't know if continuing would spoil anything for you so I'll stop here. if you want me to continue, then just say so.
just grabbed 20XX surpisingly. I need my megaman fix dam it. lol
pfft I wish my band director was strict. My band class was pretty terrible in high school. Bunch of students that just took the class and saw it as free time; totally distracting and disrupting band practices with constant immaturity and negligence for simple instrunctions. we would hardly practice anything cuz of the same few people that went out of there way to do the exact opposite of what our instructor said. There was plenty of times that I confronted them but that was all I could've done since the school was strict towards inter-district students, and me going "out of Line" would essentially result in expulsion. Only good days were whenever those students skipped class and we would actually be able to practice properly or learn other composers and there styles, definitely wish there were plenty more of those days.
Pretty much as the Title states. I got into Spotify like a few months ago and I noticed that there aren't that many soundtracks from video games on there list, OST's and remixes alike are pretty barren there. I know that there's a created playlist made by Tagifras in there but that's mostly because he's paying the subscription to upload his own tracks to make it available for everyone else to enjoy. So what I guess I'm trying to say is, will there be Official album releases for Spotify soon? The closest thing for multiple releases of remixed albums are from GameChops, but even then it doesn't feel like it's there entire library. A good example is going to the artists Page and finding out there page hasn't really been up to date or doesn't have there other albums they were apart of missing from there own page. is it a spotify problem? or do the artist's not have full control of what is available since these albums are a collaborative effort with multiple people?
it is true that it's entirely based on opinion on what is considered to be the victor, but that's what I like about MnP honestly. You're not supposed to worry about changing things up (that's what PRC is for), it's about who can portray the same emotion better whether it's within there own style or not. I can understand if people think its bland to just follow the original track and midi but that's what this compo is. Personally, I use MnP as the testing grounds to either create original sounds or combine multiple layers of sounds ( that I don't normally use) to form them as one. For example in the first 30 seconds of my piece, Only 2 instruments are playing in the midi but I'm actually using 4 instruments (not including effects). If I'm not doing this method mentioned earlier than I'm practicing to play this live on my midi piano or by simply training my ear to remake the song and try to only use the midi file as a fail safe. if I'm just getting a lot of notes wrong ( which is more often than not) then I'll just bite the bullet and use the midi. I feel like the whole point of this compo is to find better ways to improve yourself without the need of sweating things out or the need to be a try hard, At least that's how I see it. Like its not that big of a deal if you win or lose or even if you felt like you got robbed, I don't see things that way. I only see what needs or should've been improved on if such situations were to occur.
PRC339 - The Theme of Rose (Legend of Dragoon)
Supercoolmike replied to Bundeslang's topic in Competitions
uploaded with just 10 mins to spare, Totally wasn't paying attention to the deadline so that's on me. Went for another style but with my manegment skills, I was only able able to upload the instrumental version. Can't tell if this is a blessing or a curse cuz I was planning to sing in it... so ya, one hell of a way to get out of your comfort zone. lol. I'll just have to finish it later. The lyrics were about halfway done but I sound terrible, but I don't even know how terrible I am cuz I never sang before. so I'm debating if I should be serious about it or just be dumb and make up voices. lol -
PRC336 - Let's Ruin This Castle (Super Mario Land)
Supercoolmike replied to Bundeslang's topic in Competitions
back in Jan 17 2015, for prc season 11. I kind of did that but placed it all on one youtube vid instead of an album. I was attempting to do it again for season 12 but some stuff happened here and there and I basically dropped the ball pretty badly. I don't know If I'll even attempt to make a season 13 vid because I really don't like saying I'll get something done just for me to not finish it; whether the project is small or large. I mean I wouldn't mind helping out in the end, I just don't like the feeling of betraying someone that has giving me the opportunity to be apart of "said" project. - I've always felt PRC and MNP were brothers in arms since they're both being about 2 week long compos. It's probably still the best place for newcomers or beginners to show up. The monthly compos that does show up here usually last more than a month also while bringing plenty of people to its roster, but also has its fair issues of dropouts. Now the albums that gets formed here are basically the yearly compos but also with higher standards. So in short, I kind of view these time based compos as the difficulty meter: Biweekly = Easy <> Monthly = Medium <> Yearly(Albums) = Hard I'm NOT saying the people that go to these compos (and/or stay) are without or lacking experience in any way. This is just my view of the compos that are based on time and encourages everyone to enter no matter how experienced the person is. - I honestly like How the winners can't choose songs that are already in OCR, It helps bring new life to possible games and tracks that never got the love. I also liked it when it was a specific source because it was always super interesting on the many different possibilities and renditions people have made mixing in with there only style. Using some sources from the request forums is a pretty cool idea, could have the potential of bringing in more people. This is just my thoughts of the matter and hope all is well for the future of PRC. -
I know it doesn't make sense, that's why I asked it because I would sometimes see examples of people doing just that. Either out of spite or just through jealousy. I don't want to give out examples cuz I don't want to be rude to anyone so I apologize if this doesn't exactly help out. @Neblix Hit the nail on the head for me here. It dawned on me that I had completely forgotten the reason of why people would strive so hard to be masters at there own work and it kind of pisses me off that I had overlooked such an invaluable detail. just goes to show that I'm still a rookie in many ways I appreciate the comments I have thus far. I understand that I could've said things better and will definitely try to be less misleading next time and more into the matter I was trying to come across.
I don't really know how to form this question since its really broad, but what is your guys opinion on the matter of "perfection" in music? I understand why people can hate it since it takes away the human element, but what about musicians that practiced so hard for so long where they're damn near perfect in there performances? Do ( or should) people hate there music now? I Say this because it became quite clear and relevant to others how fast music has been accessible for Beginners and professionals alike, but both sides seems to have there own unique problems that contradicts each other in some form. I'm gonna assume here thinking the end game for this topic is that; one side wants to AVOID perfection (DAWS), while the other side wants to BE perfection (live recordings/performances). If one is ever superior than the other, would we then crave the inferior? I feel like this is already happening in the music industry but I'm really curious on what people have to say in the matter, Or at least send a link to where this topic has been discussed before. Thanks for taking the time to read
ohh wow, I Always wanted to go to magfest but that shit would be on the east coast. now there's gonna be future plans being held in the bay area? what luck. I don't know how big the convention is over on the east side but They're a shit ton of large buildings/conventions in that Santa Clara area, and whats funny is that if ppl ever got tired of it, there's literally an amusement park (CA Great America) like 5 mins away. lol
PRC329 - Tackle the Ice Demon (Croc: Legend of the Gobbo's)
Supercoolmike replied to Bundeslang's topic in Competitions
uploaded, but I feel like I need to re-look at my piece after this compo is done. I Wasn't at my normal setup and the one I was currently using for this piece lacked decent speakers. So I tried a lil bit harder to find the right balance to polish it up but idk if it worked out as well as I think it did. Other than that the track was really fun to do. -
a quick tip on those quests is that you should just focus on the ones where the reward is going to give you a skill or specialty ( the manual/book looking reward) since the other quests hardly give out anything great and may just be wasting your time, unless you were planning to complete them all anyway. The Maze of Tribulations ( name of post game dungeon) is definitely shorter then what SO3 had to offer but that doesn't mean its not going to kick your ass. Its shorter in retrospect because a lot of people complained about how big and tedious it was in previous titles. So MoT is shorter in comparison but that just means the difficulty spike is huge when progressing through it. Of course the real difficulty in the game is chaos mode but since you don't unlock it from the get go, the best thing you can do is complete complete some of the battle trophies since the roles unlocked that way can transfer over to a new save file AS LONG as you keep the files separate.
What game world would you most want to visit?
Supercoolmike replied to Thomas Neil's topic in General Discussion
ppft! Peace!? what's that? some arbitrary concept that can never exist IRL or even in the fictional world. just teleport my ass in the Megaman X universe and I'm golden. "But Mike! there is a ton of violence and power struggle that constantly involves the entire planet." Yep that's the whole point, An era that is constantly ever changing either by peace or by destruction. Both sides needing the power and influence to make a change that completely Derails what is logically best for the world. Shit, with all things considered I might even become a maverick in this world. I would be consumed and submerged into the world where I would either help protect or destroy it to what would be my own belief. The more I talk, the more I sound like a maverick already lol. Sigma for president! -
ya I love the game, Only nitpicks I have with the game is that the game is very short compared to its siblings. SO3 I feel has the longest story and this version really can be completed within 20 hrs as long as you'r not trying to complete every side mission. The other thing I hate about it is mostly on the review(s) side of the game, A lot of complaints go towards the game when it actually has a mechanic to battle against said issue but just weren't utilized so they had a bad experience. For example there will be a couple of sections where you have to protect Anne during a fight, the only catch here is that ALL of the enemies will only focus on her and if she dies that's an automatic game over. Yes it feels very cheap cuz even the boss of the area will do the same thing and she gets melted within a few seconds of combat, However the reserve rush mechanic will battle against this as it would wipe out the whole enemy team in one move if used correctly. Last nitpick of the game is that you NEVER get to be able to control Relia, so the majority of the time she is just doing her own thing wandering what the hell she is even casting ( i think its buffs for your characters). The game may not be next gen in graphics but it totally fits the next gen material in other aspects. Constant 60 FPS with a team of 7 characters on the field plus enemies. when near the end of the game skills and magic are everywhere on your screen and I never really experienced frame rate issues during all that chaos. The crafting system is huge, full of capabilities that will give you an edge against the enemy and sometimes in certain cases will flat out almost make you god like. The roles in this game is the most important mechanics in the game as they will make your characters more powerful and increase there AI Intelligence; so they will actually do attacks/skills instead of just standing there wondering what to do when they're in the middle of the battle ( yes, this happens if you further decrease there intelligence). Of course the best roles in the game have requirements and they mostly need other specified skills to be a certain level to unlock. Just recently completed the post game dungeon (That only unlocks until the main story is completed) with all my characters being above lvl 230 and at least 3 characters having there ultimate weapons. Currently doing another run but on Chaos Difficulty; The enemies have 2x - HP/MP and 1.5x - Atk/Def/Etc... Overall I enjoy this game and I plan to 100% it.
rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016
Supercoolmike replied to FenixDown's topic in Competitions
like most others, I was also a lil cramped in my schedule. Sent Fenix the wip so its better than to hear nothing at all and have the other particpant(s) win by default. Meaningless victories are worse than being completely shutdown in the votes imo since there's nothing to gain from a default win.