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Everything posted by lacifer

  1. I have the same headache... but my understanding is that it is designed to do what you say.. The note you draw will be the length of the last selected note... I have given up and have my scissors ready on right click... -l
  2. Have you ever been on the https://indabamusic.com site? They have different kinds of contests on there... both mixing, remixing and original compositions. I have only entered a couple of mix contests, but I have mixed a lot of them for practice. btw Neblix .. thanx for the Cambridgesite link!! ... can´t believe I haven`t stumbled upon that one.. -l
  3. I would go for the MPK! ..I like both.. but the MPK is the more expensive one (retail price) ..as Moseph said, the better deal. And it of course depends on how you are going to use it ... Studio controller or live performance... I`m not too fond of the keys on the Akai, so in a live setting I would go for the Roland. ..but I guess your fingers has to choose.. But in studio the Akai is more fun/creative ..(if it plays nice with your DAW) ..bigger pads, knobs and sliders... As for the CS2x ...cool if you need/want the sounds.
  4. Great thread! .. took some time before i discovered it... Heres my first pick piano sounds! ..(could`t see it in the list ,and I think everybody should know about it!) Modartt`s Pianoteq https://www.pianoteq.com/pianoteq5 It is not sample based! Only 40MB`s... and sounds amazing. I discovered it by chance a couple of years ago and I have been using it both live and in production since. -lacifer
  5. There is a bunch of different approaches to learning synthesis and sound design… Like you said, messing around is a great method, but try messing around with a goal ;-P When I am trying to make a specific sound I often just find something similar and tweak it the best I can … that way you learn a lot of basic parameters... and learn to sort out special timbres and sound qualities in what you hear... Do that a lot and after a while you will automatically analyze all the sounds you hear and break it down into waveforms or methods of synthesis... SoundOnSound had a great (looong) series on different synthesis that I found really helpful: Synth Secrets Pages like this one: http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/the-40-greatest-synth-sounds-of-all-time-ever-306114/1 ..might be helpful to learn «what synthesis» is good for making different sounds… (..I don’t always agree with the solutions in the last one, but still fun to read ..always learning something) ..happy geeking! -l
  6. Hi everybody!.. I`m here to introduce myself…..(crazy as I am, I already posted a thread in the community… bring torches and pitchforks!) I`m a musician, keyboards are my main instrument. I play keyboards in the norwegian metal band Circus Maximus and freelance with other bands. I play mostly rock/metal, but have been writing/ producing a lot of electronic oriented music. I have been lurking around here a lot, but I finally registered, and hopefully I can contribute to this community somehow… It looks like my kind of place! I started my gaming on the Intellivision in 1984, went through Vic20 to C64 in 85/ 86 ..and later on Amiga, where ProTracker brought my attention to computer music.. man was that cool!! A lot of my favorite game music is from the Amiga, and its not to many Amiga tracks on here so maybe I can push some.. Looking forward to get to know everyone! This is «Circus Maximus» This is «spare time fun» -Lasse
  7. Hey.. I`m new to this forum, but have been lurking around a lot… (ì`ll go to the introduction thread and make a proper introduction there…) I`ve been listening to remixes here for some time, and there are some really great moments here, both in ideas and performance. But I`ve been wondering… ..what are the differences between cover/remake and remixes? Where is the borderline?…. I think there are grey areas, and matter of opinion, so what are your thoughts? I remember in music school, when we had assignments to record famous songs, our teachers always encouraged us to think new and do completely new ideas on the songs. And found it almost impossible when it came to my favorite artists…. I knew every beat, note and all details, and felt nothing could be left out… I ended up trying to copy the original productions. I learned a lot from that also of course Same challenge here if I was remixing my favorite VG soundtracks I guess… I haven`t remixed/made/covered any VG tracks (yet), but would you consider these tracks (my 80 cartoon covers) cover/remake or remix? Hope to get to know people around her… seems like a really interesting bunch! -lacifer
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