@The Damned Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment. What you’re saying makes a lot of sense and the title is a bit deceiving. I suppose if I were to try to paint a picture with the remix, it would be more on the sunny and happy side instead of the gloomy sadness that the ghost house represented.
While creating the track, I didn’t really intend for it to be happy. Original plan was to capture the sadness of the scene. However, as it started taking shape, it somehow went into the opposite direction. A little on the deeper side, I began imagining what it would be like from the ghost’s perspective to become alive for just one more day on Koholint island. I tried to capture the essence of the day, from the morning, noon, afternoon, and the evening sunset; the sections were meant to be symbolic of this, but only in my mind. I didn’t really expect anyone to interpret it the same way, but hopefully hat makes sense.
Thank you very much for your kind words, I think I’ll give it a shot and submit it.