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    VinnyMac reacted to YoshiBlade in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    After listening to a vinyl copy of SoR 2 while relaxing in a vintage rocking chair at SteveO's, I've developed a taste for Natural American Spirit cigarettes and Narragansett.....help me
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    VinnyMac got a reaction from zykO in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    Using GroupMe as usual with a few chatrooms sounds like the plan to go with to me.
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    VinnyMac reacted to DarkeSword in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    Hey everyone. Figured I'd get this discussion rolling now.
    So during Magfest I know that everyone likes to coordinate when we go out and get food, when we're gonna hit concerts, and other general hanging out. In the past we've used GroupMe, a mobile messaging app, to coordinate. Other options are Hangouts and Facebook Messenger. I personally would ask that nobody include me in group MMS and SMS texting (it costs me money on my phone if you're not an iPhone user).
    The "OverClocked ReMix" group still exists on GroupMe, but I'd like to propose we make a couple of chatrooms for coordinating. One for food meetups ("anyone getting lunch? where are you guys going? what time?"), one for concerts and panels, and one for general hangout/magchat stuff. What do you guys think?
    I've renamed the OCR group to OC ReMix @ MAGFest 2016
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    VinnyMac reacted to zykO in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    sounds like a great idea. i've never used groupme before but i'm sure it's simple to use. it appears to be an organized and direct way to get information out quickly and accurately amidst the MAG chaos
    ok i don't know how to use it lol i installed it and search for it but it doesn't show up. does it only show up when it's being used? so like not for another month? 
  5. Like
    VinnyMac reacted to YoshiBlade in Sweet Sixteen - Happy Birthday OCR!   
    ok...I feel very exposed posting this, it rambles a bit, but here goes...
    So a friend of mine, ran a VGM radio show out of WRUW Case-Westeren Reserve, back in 2009 and every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s house and stay till 3/4am and drink coffee and play video games, I was about to go to Basic Training and I wanted to spend as much time with my dad as possible. I loved every it of playing those game and I loved playing them with my dad even more. Well, One night I was heading back home and I usually left the radio off ( comm’on it’s 3am on a monday well the hell are you gonna find?)……**This next scene hold fast in my memory as clear as crystal**….I was really wired and went was flipping throughout the radio stations, and I heard..(Chip,Bit,Pop, Bleep) and I said that sounds like a Mario game, but it’s….different…My hand went to  change the dial, but it couldn’t move…it’s rare in life that we can consciously remember moments that will shift the courses of our lives in such huge magnitudes, but if I would have changed that Dial….I don’t know where I would be….I really don’t where. So the Radio host came on and confirmed my suspicions that this was a VGM,VGM remix, Bitpop, and Chiptune radio show. He would regularly play OCR music and the name never rally resonated with me…it was just good music. So it came to pass every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s play video games near all night and then drive home and listen to “Power Up” Hosted by Vince Torre. So I would listen each week and one week I decide to call in and request a song, SotC- A Power Revived, He played it and we got to talking and each week I would call in and talk for a good portion of the show while he spun all VGM related music. I’ve always loved VGM music and spent a good amount of time listing to them on YouTube (SupraDarky, silvagunner anyone?) So, my time as a civilian was running down and it was time for me to head out to Lakeland Air Force Base. I was subject to all the anxieties and fears one might feel, but I said I gotta do this. Well I spare the details, but my 3rd night at Basic, they woke me up and took me into and office and looked me in the eye and said "Theres no easy way I can say this so I’m just going to…your father is dead” I lost it. I just lost every semblance or control and I just lost it…they sent me home…I was over…I lost my chance to go to Japan, I lost my hope of being solider, I lost the chance to help my Dad and I lost my dad…I lost it
                So I was sent back home and I am a mess, I didn’t eat, I didn’t leave my room, I didn’t sleep( and when I did I’d have horrible dreams about seeing my dad and it all being a mistake), I looked for anything that was something I could stand on…nothing. I needed something to grab hold of or this was going to be the end of me…it was the lowest point thus far in my life…and it was a gif that saved me. I saw a GIF with someone named Brian Peppers, the person isn’t important, but that music that was played was “Burn! Bobonga!” I remembered how much I loved playing games with my dad, but he was gone…but I also remembered how much I really did love VGM and I started listening to Power-Up again and talking to Vince. Then that word Overclocked Remix came up again…I went to see what it was, people talk about love at first sight and I always felt that was a copout, but seeing a place where you were asked to stand and deliver excellence, where you could discuss something as esoteric as a game character's name, I was in love. It kept me busy, it enveloped me with all the music I heard from games I loved. It was about then I resolved to be a contributor, I had no idea how to remix or even what to do…I’d played guitar from around 14, but I hadn’t played in about 2-3 years, but I set out and started just trying anything and everything, just kept going, don’t stop to think about anything that seeks to pull you back downwards, forward only. So it was 2013 that I became a member and started using the workshop 2014 after I drove to MAGfest and met some of the remixers in person ( Thank you for the encouragement BliNd!) and that when I kicked it into high gear, culminated with a Post after 2 years of membership and 1 year of diligent remixing. Do I spend too much time on the OCR? Probably. Does it interfere with some of my obligations? Occasionally.For me OCR is more than a website, it's a place where I meet people from all walks of life…I strive to be what many remixers here are, true Superheroes with secret identities, by day students, programmers, office workers, cooks with names and different lives…by night they’re KingTiger, timaeus222, Jorito and many others. I worked hard to earn my place and even though it’s not a degree or trophy, to me it’s a place of refugee, a place where sanctuary was given from the forces that sought to end me. I’ve worked hard at to hone my skill and I hope I never cease to sharpen my skills, though they may never play the bills. On the OCR I am a part of something bigger than myself, a community that has survived and thrived for 16 years, because people were willing to offer up time, effort, energy, money you name it for something larger than themselves…and now I’ve contributed something as small as one track, but for me it feels like one drop of rain joining with a great flowing river with unyielding energy…and it feels good. Thank You OCR...
  6. Like
    VinnyMac reacted to YoshiBlade in OCR03272 - Super Mario World & Castlevania (N64) "Very... Very Wrong Castle"   
    "YoshiBlade" a new comer to the OCR brings us a his rendition of SMW Castle Theme mixed with Castlevania. I suppose he thinks himself pretty clever with his write up? Using words not doubt gleaned from his Webster's word of the day calendar, throw about with the same grace as a dog who's gotten hold of a dictionary tearing it to shreds! But on to the music, if it can even be called that. We start with a simple expansive pad, almost certainly purchased from a reputable musician, ( I find it rather dubious this young man is capable of that kind of synth design), before we're introduced to a obnoxiously repetitive bass and a small sample of The Castle Center Theme from Castlevania...I bet he seems to think he can hide his hobbled musicianship by playing a small snippet of actual music, rather than utilizing MIDI flies to hide his naked failure as even the most amateur pianist. The voices are actually sampled quite well...were it 1994. As to his use of lead instrument, I'm curious if here is even aware of the difference between a square wave or a sine wave? Or to the proper use of either one?! Then he introduces some more glitchy aspects, though I am having a hard time determining if this is intentional or a product of his total lack of understanding of even the most basic production techniques...Upon hearing these I was granted a small amount of relief, as I thought I received a corrupted copy and thus would have a reason to NOT review this utter swill, however it seems these glitchy aspects are intentional. Or I'm sure he likes to think. I may seem like I'm droning on, but not nearly as droning as his choice of loop, an obvious loop as even the most basic beat structure is as foreign to his ears, this track is to decent taste ...I wonder Mr. YoshiBlade, how much did you spend to on loops to prop up your obvious failings as a musician and human being, hmm? and then we approach a vocal sample Oh-Ho, Yes indeed Mr.YoshiBlade you know how to sample a voice, bravo, Im sure you sat smugly at your computer when you made this, no doubt stroking your overblown ego, with your own brand of praise. Pray Tell, was it difficult to press record than play? Or perhaps you kept forgetting which in which order to do so,hmm? I shan't even waste my time with his piddling ending, no doubt a portent of his career on the OCR short, lackluster and lazy! Let us hope this is the last we hear of this Mr. YoshiBlade. I return to my warm Bree and Burgundian Chablis, disgusted with the depth at which Video Game Remixes have stooped to!

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    VinnyMac reacted to YoshiBlade in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...VinnyMac, you're a credit to the VGM community. I had to find and then put on a hat....so I could take it off to you.
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    VinnyMac got a reaction from Arrow in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    If you missed the first episode of Season 13 of the new podcast (which aired right before MAGClassic) converted from my similarly styled FM radio show, as part of my continued support of Video Game Music and OverClocked ReMix I will be sending Beatdrop to ‪MAGFest 2016‬!!
  9. Like
    VinnyMac got a reaction from YoshiBlade in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    If you missed the first episode of Season 13 of the new podcast (which aired right before MAGClassic) converted from my similarly styled FM radio show, as part of my continued support of Video Game Music and OverClocked ReMix I will be sending Beatdrop to ‪MAGFest 2016‬!!
  10. Like
    VinnyMac got a reaction from Flexstyle in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    If you missed the first episode of Season 13 of the new podcast (which aired right before MAGClassic) converted from my similarly styled FM radio show, as part of my continued support of Video Game Music and OverClocked ReMix I will be sending Beatdrop to ‪MAGFest 2016‬!!
  11. Like
    VinnyMac got a reaction from DetectiveTuesday in OC ReMix @ MAGClassic 2015!   
    I'll definitelty be there so all you fine OCR people better be there as well!
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