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Everything posted by GoldnGamer97

  1. In the case of characters: 1) Professor Layton 2) Yun (Street Fighter) 3) Master Hand (Smash Bros.) And I'm gonna' cheat and... 4) Beck (Mighty No. 9)
  2. Hey there. I've had a great time chatting it up with remixers in all of my "request threads" and I appreciate the warm and kind responses I've received. So I was wondering if I could be of some use to anyone be it for some promotional art or just a guy to chat with. I'd love to make some friends here, as this is my first REAL forum that I'm on. Don't be shy, I love to meet new faces. I appreciate the admins here and I pray that I put this in the right section of the forum. >_< Overall though, let me know if you want to be my friend or chat it up. You can add me as a contact or simply note me. All there is to it. I put it in the wrong place. How do I delete threads? Not used to forums.
  3. Because I can So if anyone wants artwork of any VG characters, Anime, or even original characters, let me know. As long as I have a reference, I can do anything.
  4. I know my idea is probably really dumb but maybe we could perhaps create our own mascot. It'd save us from a lot of copyright infringement. Heck, if you want, I could share what I've developed so far (of course what I have thus far is a long-haired youth (similar to how SFIII's Yang has his hair) with a sleeveless hoodie, handwraps, and kanji (Japanese lettering) on the hoodie mentioned earlier. It was a design I had for my school's "Anime Society", but of course, even though I'm the art director, I got brushed off again. So I figured with some improvement, you guys could use him. The only thing missing is colors. If anyone's interested I'll post the sketch so you guys can help me choose colors.
  5. You're not kidding O_O (of course the song scared me half to death because I forgot to adjust the speaker levels XDD)
  6. That's awesome you should link it. I'd love to hear it.
  7. This is for the musical artist who wants a challenge or has a lot of time to kill. I know it's really tricky to remix a song that's already so perfect. But OCR's managed to do it with Dr. Wily's Castle (Stage 1) from Mega Man 2 at least 17 times or more. This is a great song and I don't care what kind of remix it gets, I just know that whatever the outcome is, it will likely be kickass. That is, assuming anyone's interested.
  8. Thanks for answering my questions O_O well for the characters I use most: Mega Man: -Shadow Blade (3) -Ice Slasher (2) -Tornado Hold (2) -Skull Barrier (2) Captain Falcon: -Mighty Falcon Punch (3) -Heavy Raptor Boost (2) -Falcon's Main Up+B (1) -Lightning Falcon Kick (3) Dr. Mario: -Gigavitamins (3) -Shocking Sheet (2) -Ol' One-Two (3) -Clothesline Tornado (3) Soooo yeah....other than that I play with Miis -Myself (Brawler) -(Shigeru) Miyamoto (Swordsman) -Brentalfloss (Gunner)
  9. Sounds exciting
  10. Yeah so I know there are a lot of Street Fighter gamers on this forum. But as far as remixes go, we've only really seen remixes of the main characters (and maybe a couple for Sakura and Dan Hibiki). Guy is one of my favorite, not to mention one of my best, secondary characters in the series. "39th Heir to the Bushinryu". Yeah I would do this myself but I don't know where to start (with downloading programs) and do I need to mention the fact that I'm still trying to re-download my audio drivers? ( Back on subject, I think at least one of the secondary characters of Street Fighter (specifically Guy) deserves a chance to get his song remixed.
  11. If we have any remixes of this track, I've yet to see them. But seriously, there aren't a lot of memorable Mega Man 5 tracks but this one manages to shine through so I say give Mega Man 5 another chance. I just love posting things in hopes of getting a response. It's a great way to share my favorite things with the community ^^
  12. I made this request a while back but the idea I had was terrible. This is truly an underrated song that deserves to see the light of day once more. I only say this because I've seen very few remixes of it in the past years (one of them was from Capcom itself). So what do you say OCR. The guy made Beat (who was so helpful in MM5)
  13. I think this song is quite frankly one of the best songs from the 2-D Sonic Games. It's like that lost track that was supposed to be in the Genesis era but it wasn't. My question is: If you were to remix this or even see a remix of it, what kind of style would you expect? In my opinion, a drum an bass style would be a new spin on things. Or maybe a Diggi Dis-style version. (After all these years of listening to Gerudo Valley remixes, Diggi's is still my favorite) So yeah, my request is basically a remix of "Death Egg Mk. II" from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2
  14. Hey so I basically make all of my custom fighters power-types (because I never guard, I only dodge). However, in the case of characters like Kirby or Falco, I'm having a hard time getting used to them (Kirby especially). Should I adjust the customs to a different playing style? I'm trying to get good treasures on Classic so I only play it on 6.0 or higher, (or in Kirby's case 5.5). Basically, what sets up would you reccommend for certain characters? If you want specifics, let's say Kirby, Samus, Falco, and Marth (he plays a little different than how he did in Brawl).
  15. Port Town from the SNES is one of my favorite tracks from the F-Zero series and I feel it is unappreciated. Maybe we can change that? If not, I remember a nice calm rendition of Big Blue posted here when the OCR organization first started. Since then, Captain Falcon has seemed un-noticed. You gotta' show this meme some love guys. After all, he is still one of my best Smash Bros. characters O_O
  16. Sounds great T3KYO (or should I say Captain Falcon?) that icon is amazing.
  17. Because I have no idea if it is at all possible to delete old threads, I just decided to post a new one. So anyways, I am always looking to do work for people (and would really like to make friends) so I figured hey, I'll promote myself here. I suppose as a demonstration, I can do a free piece of art for anyone interested. But after that commissions are in order. The good news: My commissions will rarely exceed $10.00 so cheap! The bad news: I don't think there is any XDD So anyways, my two portfolios can be found on deviantART (http://psychopathicfoxjr.deviantart.com) *Why do people like anthropomorphic stuff so much on these sites? >_<* and my newly created account on Tumblr (http://askgoldengamer.tumblr.com) If you have any questions you can e-mail me (willyates1125@gmail.com). However if you have Skype, this can also work since my e-mail is my Skype in simple terms. I hope to make some friends, some partners, and maybe get a few art (and music) tips too. Thanks for reading my thread. ~Setay
  18. http://askgoldengamer.tumblr.com/post/105630187272/got-bored-and-started-listening-to-zone-runners I'll admit. My equipment sucks. All I currently have is a semi-broken microphone, and audacity, not the kind of stuff you should have when showing what you can do. I understand my lyrics are probably a little iffy, and the rap parts might make some cringe but I did put lyrics so you know what the song should say...anyways...um...enjoy? ^^;
  19. I know there was like one remix for this song back in 2002 or something (similar to Dive Man), but unless there's something I overlooked on ThaSauce, there has been no remixes for this track. I know it may not be the most popular song in the game, but if "The Megas" were able to turn the song into some detective story (http://themegas.bandcamp.com/track/gemineye) Surely, you guys here at OCR can easily top it. You've beaten several of my Mega Faves. Tracks like "Wily's Inferno" (WillRock, Nutritious) and "Acid Flashbacks" (PsyNES,Elrinth) and "Coiled Copper Wire" (Level 99) were easy to get acquainted with for being so unique. So how about it? Give Gemini a chance, he's like one of the only Robot Masters who could make a doppleganger of himself. XD
  20. We've done Fear Factory, Frantic Factory was the same idea...in 3D O_e But yeah, one of my favorite levels from the game, and Rareware in general. Would love to see a new spin on this track.
  21. It sounds good but it felt like it ended abruptly there.
  22. Me and my Mega Man XDDDDDD But seriously this has always been my favorite track from MM4, right behind Cossack Stage 2. And I'm surprised that it got a remix...back in 2002. More than 10 years later, imagine what we could do with the song now? Smooth Jazz, an interesting techno track, as long as this place is OverClocked, the possibilities are endless.
  23. Well there's an interesting idea for the song. XD
  24. At this point, now I want to know how to join OCR's deviantART group. I looked for the join button but could not find it.* Give me a character, a reference, or a summary of the character, and I can finish it in an hour (two hours max). *I'd like to apologize if I come off as a pest to anyone/everyone because that is not my intention.
  25. Hey OCR. What's your favorite Robot Master track from Mega Man 3? Mine happens to be Spark Man (although Shadow Man's my fave Robot Master in general, his song is not near as spectacular to me). I think old Sparksie deserves to get his chance to have a remix. After all, he was one of the only Robot Masters to get his theme remixed in Smash Brothers. That must mean it's good...right?
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