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Everything posted by xamgis

  1. This is a pretty good song...I thought it was a little repeatitious, but overall a good piece.
  2. This is awesome! I'm not a particularly big fan of long intros but this one trully makes the piece. It didn't feel like an intro to me...and I was so into the music I didn't even reallize the rain had stopped until later... The rest of the song was great...and the ending was just right for it... Nice work!
  3. I had some difficulty figuring out just what song this was from the game...but I got it about half way through...I don't really like the audio clip from Monty Python...I just don't think it fit with the song...Good work on the rest of the song...
  4. I remember this being in the WIP forum ages ago...so now I have two...the WIP and the official ...Keep your excellent piano skills coming our way, kLuTz!
  5. This song was very cool. I don't really know what else to say about it.
  6. I thought this was really good...I don't know what kind of feel you were going for exactly, Gecko, but what I got from it was a kind of a training song just before the fight kind of thing...Nice work.
  7. That was awesome. To me this song had a feeling of "the sky is only the limit of your immagination of what can truly be a better day".
  8. This was cool...such a light-hearted work...a great summer song...
  9. Good stuff like this never gets old no matter what anyone else says...I'm looking forward to enjoying a lot more from you E-Bison...
  10. This is great song through and through...loved the beggining launch sequnce...it gave it a...I don't know...really cool feel to the whole song...keep up the great work!!!
  11. Although the general tune doesn't change much...it was really good nonetheless...the fade out around the middle was cool and it set you up for a nice change in the piece...slightly...nice work man...
  12. Wow man... this is one great tune... I thought the "Klaatu Barada Nikto" samples from The Day the Earth Stood Still were an especially nice touch... every direction that the song went in was done so well... and the ending is one of the most unique and coolest I think I've heard on OCReMix... Great job!
  13. I thought it was good. Although it sounded like it came straight from game itself. But that might have been what you were going for. Good job on integrating the different themes. My favorite part is the end when the title theme comes in. Nice work.
  14. Great job...you melded the two songs together excellently...
  15. this was cool...i think it had a melodic balance to it...Frog's Theme itself was integrated nicely...it wasn't an in your face thumpin' techno...more like a laid back and chill out kind of feel...gives you a sense of what the real "frog" was like...reserved...yet seen as a figure of importance...
  16. the Mertorid Prime...especially the core essence...the floor strike alone can take half an energy tank...and even more on hard mode...not easy but beatable...it may take a few tries though...just to get the pattern down...plus u definitly have to be quick on ure feet...
  17. As soon as I saw this topic I thought of Snake Rattle N' Roll, and I thought of how I never did beat it because it was so hard to follow that damned foot around in a square as it took no damage from you unless you hit it an ungodly amout of time in a row... then I saw someone already said that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember's the game. EDIT: Picture in the quote didn't work anyway, so its gone now. i remember that...i think i remember reading something that said you're supposed to jump on the foot instead of using the tounge...but i could never stay on long enough (stupid game that couldn't be finished)...at least the rest of the game wasn't a total bust
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