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Kyle Nin

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Posts posted by Kyle Nin

  1. i don't intend to finish, actually

    After listening to what you've got, it's a shame that you decided to stop. Maybe you should think about allowing others to finish what you started. It's already about 25% done.

    Martist, Sappy, Cheddar Funk, ManicDrumMix, Flim Flam

    It would have been nice to hear those. (I don't want to seem ungrateful, though. I love what you did with Learn, Prophetic Title, Hallucid, and Phony.)

  2. Deadline

    18th August Midnight US East Coast

    The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month.

    Don't you mean the 18th of May, not August, for the deadline?

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