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Kyle Nin

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Posts posted by Kyle Nin

  1. SG1 Season 1 - 4 was best. Season 10 is a joke.

    Season 10 is better than Season 4.

    Bringing Star Trek back, though, is just not a good idea.

    I don't want any Star Trek series to come back. I want Star Trek: Enterprise to come back. A specific series.

    For me, Star Trek ceased being excellent after DS9 (so I'd agree with you there), but it became excellent again with Season 3 of Enterprise.

  2. If anyone actually does want to watch Enterprise, then I suggest watching Season 4 first. It's the best of the four seasons. It would be best to watch from the fourth episode of the season ("Borderland") to the second to last episode of the season ("Terra Prime"). That's 18 episodes.

    The first two episodes ("Storm Front" Part 1 and 2) of the season are just a conclusion to the Temporal Cold War storyline from Seasons 1 and 2. So, you'd probably have to watch the first two seasons to understand what's going on.

    And the third episode ("Home") is a conclusion to the Xindi storyline from Season 3. You'd have to watch all of Season 3 (which was very serialized) to understand the episode.

    The final episode of the season and the series ("These Are The Voyages ...") is a waste of time. Don't bother.

  3. Because nobody knew Firefly existed.

    I knew it existed. I just didn't watch.

    Until the movie was released, anyway. I watched the series on DVD. It was okay. (I'm not really into westerns, so maybe that's why I feel the way I do.) I thought the movie was great, though. Too bad all those people died.

  4. Were the writers just slacking off for three seasons or did they bring in new people?

    Well, for the first two seasons, there really wasn't any real direction for the show. But once Season 3 came along (that's the Xindi storyline), new writers were brought in. And then by Season 4, a lot of the Season 1 and 2 writers were already gone and some more new ones were brought in.

    So, yeah. They did eventually bring in new writers. The stories were much better, but it was kind of too late, because by then the viewership was considerably more diminished. (UPN didn't even try to advertise for it and the moved it to the "death slot" of Friday night.)

    What about a straight to DVD movie? I mean there really popular with cancelled TV shows like Stargate SG1, Family Guy and Futurama. Tie up all the lose ends and give the fans a little something for supporting the show for four long years.

    That's what SaveEnterprise is hoping for. It seems more likely to happen than the series coming back to TV. But they're trying for that too.

  5. And no, I didn't see the later episodes because I couldn't stand the first ones. And all of the Vulcan hate. And how many Andorians were there.

    Don't let the fact that you didn't like the first season stop you from watching the fourth season. Season 4 is way better than Season 1.

    There is a reason given in Season 4 for why the Vulcans act the way they do on the series. And it's a believable one. A three-episode arc covers that: "The Forge", "Awakening", and "Kir'Shara". After those three, the Vulcans act more like what you see (now and then) on the other Trek shows.

    What do you mean by how many Andorians were there? I suppose there's as many as there are any other aliens. There were only maybe two or three Andorian characters that made multiple appearances throughout the series (mainly Commander Shran, who made ten appearances).

  6. Only thing that screamed awesome to me about enterprise was the space battles and "In the Mirror Darkly" episodes. Shame they only made two...

    The plan was to have a continuation of the Mirror Universe storyline into Season 5 and on. But, obviously it was wishful thinking since the series was already announced to be cancelled before "In A Mirror, Darkly" even aired.

    The story was continued, however, in the book Star Trek Mirror Universe: Glass Empires. But it would have been better on TV.

  7. Where do I sign up for the "Erase Enterprise from Existence" campaign?

    I tried to watch it when it was actually airing, and I simply could not. Now that it's on SciFi every Monday I have spent the last few months suffering through every miserable episode hoping blood won't randomly spurt out of my orifices as the spirit of Rodenberry punishes me for even watching the show that having now seen almost all of it I can officially say is that bad.

    You must not be watching the same episodes as me, because Season 4 was some of the best sci-fi TV ever. It's like I was watching a movie every week.

    But maybe you gave up on the series too early and missed the last season?

  8. Let's bring back Firefly while we're at it.

    They already did that, in the form of the movie Serenity.

    You tend to remember the good ones. Most Trekkies can tell you the names of their favorite episodes. And who doesn't know about "The Trouble with Tribbles"? ;)

    Which, for me, is most of Season 3 and all of Season 4 (except for the finale, that stunk).

  9. I actually dunno where they would go with the show after that episode, even if it suddenly got renewed.

    They were going to keep moving forward with the whole alliance thing that came about at the end of "Terra Prime" and then show the growing hostilities of the Romulans. According to Star Trek "history", the war between Earth and the Romulans happens sometime after "Terra Prime" (2155), but about a year before when the Federation was created (2160). So, somewhere within that five-year time period is when the war happens. I don't think that the war would have started in Season 5, but there would have been signs that it was on the horizon.

    And then, of course, there would have been other stories that would only be subtly related to the overall arc of the season. Basically, you'd be getting more of what you saw in Season 4, which certainly isn't a bad thing.

    Oh, and Commander Shran (the Andorian) was supposed to become a main character and actually join the Enterprise crew, as an ambassador.

  10. Does anyone want to see Star Trek: Enterprise return? Then you'll want to be a part of the SaveEnterprise campaign going on right now.

    Click on any of the following links for details and news about the 2007 SaveEnterprise Campaign:




    The first link above takes you to the SaveEnterprise MySpace website. There you can see updates to the campaign as well as watch the trailers and videos created for the campaign.

    The second link above takes you to the website for TrekUnited, which some of you may remember was the organization that tried to get Enterprise renewed when the last few Season 4 episodes were being aired, two years ago.

    The third link above takes you to the SaveEnterprise forum in the TrekUnited forum site. Here you can browse through the four sub-forums: Active SaveEnterprise Projects, Project Ideas, Past TrekUnited & SaveEnterprise Events, and SaveEnterprise Archives. There are also several topic threads that don't fit into those four sub-forums.

    Although the campaign is moving to get Enterprise back on TV, whether on the Sci-Fi Channel or elsewhere, the main goal is to get Enterprise back through a series of direct-to-DVD episodes or movies, in about the same way that the sci-fi hit series Stargate SG-1 is going after its 10th season is over.

    So, if you're interested in getting Star Trek: Enterprise back, check out the SaveEnterprise campaign. It doesn't hurt just to take a look.

    BTW, the Sci-Fi Channel is currently airing Enterprise on Mondays, if you'd like to catch a glimpse of what you're missing, if you've never watched.

  11. Out of interest, whatever happened to that other Majora's Mask mix that was on the panel a while ago? I think it was called "Dawn of a New Day" and was in the To Be Posted queue then suddenly it disappeared.

    I remember that being on there too. It was on the list from about August until sometime in the winter, then it was removed from the list, along with another one that was on the list since August.

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